Debt System

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Debt System

By: Night_Shadow OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 87

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Playing a game with a level system is a common thing. But what happens if you play a game with an elimination system with your life on the line? This is exactly what Terry felt. Due to his wife's huge debt, he was forced to join a survival game called Debt System. During the survival game, Terry realized that there were many mysteries hidden behind this game. He also learns that the organizers of the game have very bad intentions towards him, especially X! Can Terry be the winner in this game? Can he survive after knowing the big secret behind this game?

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  • Taehyunie05


    so good. i like this story

    2024-08-21 18:24:49
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10 chapters
Chapter 001: Alice's Debt
Chapter 001: Alice's Debt"Terry, get out!"Two burly men were shouting at a fast food restaurant in the capital. They were wearing all black clothes with a snake-shaped tattoo on their right hand.This, of course, invited a sense of discomfort in the customers who were there. They sat in place, reluctant to reprimand for fear. Moreover, the two men were carrying pistols."Excuse me, sir. Who are you looking for?" Asked a man with dark gray hair who came out of his room. His name was Xavier. On his name tag, it was written that he worked as a manager at the restaurant."Can you stop yelling? You're scaring the customers of this restaurant."The two burly men flashed their sardonic smiles. One of them walked behind Xavier's body, trapping him so he could not escape."Wow, look at this little guy," one of the men said in a dismissive tone. "How dare you stop us? Don't you know who we are?"Xavier sighed. He was trying to be brave despite being scared to death."I don't know you two beca
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Chapter 02: Multiple Problems
Chapter 02: Multiple ProblemsSURVIVAL GAME: DEBT SYSTEM3 MILLION DOLLARS PRIZE FOR THE WINNERFREE REGISTRATION, IF YOU INTERESTED CONTACT0xxxxxxxTerry smiled amusedly reading the pamphlet he got from the foreign girl. The narrative that was written there was very good to lead the opinion. An stupid person would immediately believe what was written in this booklet."Sir?" The girl called Terry back in her cute tone. Terry turned his head, giving a look of confusion."Yes?""Are you interested in the survival game?"Terry was pensive. He thought for a moment. To be honest, he had no interest in the game on this pamphlet. Because he knew that it was a scam. A lot of shows were airing this on television."Um..." Terry muttered under his breath, as if making a difficult decision. His brown eyes turned to the strange girl in front of him. For some reason, those round eyes made him melt a little. At first Terry wanted to refuse. But his mouth said otherwise."I'll think about it later,"
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Chapter 003: Not Have Choice
Chapter 003: Not Have ChoiceNow, Terry was at the house of William, the person from whom his wife had borrowed money. He sat on the sofa in the living room, with Kieran standing next to him. The sofa he was sitting on was very soft and cushiony, as was the carpet under his feet.His eyes wandered over the furniture in the living room. It looked so expensive and aesthetic. Terry could estimate that the price of one urn there was equal to his salary for one year at the restaurant where he worked.Terry couldn't estimate how much money William had spent on the decorations in the living room he occupied."Where is Mr. William?" Terry asked Kieran impatiently. "Didn't you say he was at his house?"Kieran, who was playing with his cell phone, rolled his eyes. He put the electronic device into his pocket, looking at Terry with a flat stare."Mr William is on the second floor. Just wait a little longer," he said casually."I can't wait any longer. I'm worried about my daughter. What if he do
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Chapter 004: The deal
Chapter 004: The dealTerry walked fast enough to reach the park where he was meeting with the girl. His mind kept wishing that he could solve this problem as soon as possible. He was willing to do anything so that his daughter could be free from William's clutches.At 5.49pm, he arrived at the park. His brown eyes circulated to look for the girl. He looked at every corner of the park without exception."Where is she?" He said with a rough sigh at not finding Marissa's whereabouts."Sir?"Someone tapped him on the back from behind. Terry gasped in surprise. He turned his body around. His eyes found Marissa, who was gazing softly at him. This time the girl was wearing a short t-shirt and thigh-high sweatpants. It looked like she was exercising."Ah, you startled me, miss...""Marissa. You can call me Marissa, Mr. Terry."Terry cleared his throat briefly before speaking again. "Okay. But don't call me sir. I feel like I look old with that nickname," he joked with a small laugh to break
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Chapter 005: Debt System: Enter
Chapter 005: Debt System: EnterMarissa smiled slightly in response to Terry's question. The girl stood up, then opened the lollipop she took from her pants pocket and popped it into her mouth."You'll find out later, Terry," she uttered the same sentence in response to the question. After that, Marissa walked away from Terry, leaving a million questions in the brown-eyed man's mind."Wait!"Terry shouted quite loudly, but Marissa ignored him. She kept walking until she disappeared in the crowd of passersby.Terry ruffled his hair in frustration. He couldn't shake off the curiosity that ensnared him. Moreover, Marissa gave a warning that his life would not be the same as before.What did she mean? Would making a deal with that girl put him and his family in danger?Terry shook his head, pushing the negative thoughts away. He chose to go back to his apartment.Terry had to rest his body as well as prepare himself. Honestly, Terry didn't have any idea about the survival game.As he was
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Chapter 006: The Rules
Bab 006: The Rules"Don't you know what I mean?" Ben asked. He bit the tips of his nails, looking both scared and worried.Terry shook his head quickly in response. A rough sigh escaped his mouth. His eyebrows rose until they almost merged with his deeply furrowed brow. His expression looked confused."No." He said it briefly. "What's wrong with zone N109?"Ben brought his body closer to Terry's. He stepped slightly out of line to whisper to his new friend.Actually, he should not do this. But fortunately they were at the back of the line, so no one noticed them."This zone is a forbidden zone," Ben whispered as quietly as possible. Afraid that someone might overhear the sensitive conversation between the two."Forbidden zone?""Yes!" Ben whispered softly, emphasizing the question Terry had asked. "This zone is a zone that shouldn't be visited by people like us.""How can you say that?" Terry folded his arms in front of his chest. His gaze looked intensely at Ben, who was frozen in pl
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Chapter 007: Roommate
Chapter 007: RoommateTerry was surprised by the rules in the Debt System. This is crazy. This game was crazy. The prize offered was very high, but the risk was also very high. The stakes were life. Honestly, this was the first time he had heard of a game like this.Terry stayed in place, unable to move his body at all. It was as if he was fixated on what he heard. His mind suddenly went nowhere.Terry didn't even notice that there was an officer in an eagle mask who put a special watch on his wrist."For now, you can rest in one of the "rooms" we have provided. One "room" consists of 4 people. And we have already determined the groups. I request that you do not make any noise. Have a good rest everyone."Marissa came down from the stage, along with Zayne and the other black-hooded man who had been silent during the opening ceremony.Seeing Terry, who was silent like a body that had lost its soul, Ben patted Terry's back. Terry gasped in surprise and turned his head to the left."Ben?
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Chapter 008: First Mission
Chapter 008: First Mission[Mission 1: Create an interesting show in front of all Debt System participants. Judgment will be given by the organizers and the audience's reaction.]"They're seriously going to make this our first mission?" Kai muttered softly with a small hiss coming out of his mouth."They're a lot crazier than I thought," Daniel continued."Hah, the first mission was this crazy, let alone the next mission," Ben complained."Well, show, huh?" Terry said quietly, which made Daniel turn to him."Do you have any good ideas?""I don't know if it'll be good or not, but I think it could get us through the elimination round."Ben who had been listening came closer to Terry. His face showed such enthusiasm that his eyes lit up, like a child who got a new toy."Oh yeah? What is it?"Terry let out a deep breath. A reddish blush just appeared on his cheeks. It even spread to her ears. This naturally raised a big question mark in the minds of the three."Terry?"Terry gasped in sho
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Chapter 009: Assumption
Chapter 009: AssumptionTerry, Daniel, Ben, and Kai rounded their eyes at the words that came out from the man with the black hood.Their bodies stiffened, as if they had been stung by electricity. The previously boisterous atmosphere turned into silence in just a few seconds."Huh? Failed?" Marissa, who was beside them, asked, half shouting. She took over the conversation as well as representing what was in the heads of the four of them. "How so?""Their dance was terrible. I wasn't entertained at all."The man in the black hood replied in a low voice. A small growl escaped his mouth. He even tore up Terry's team scoring paper and threw it on the floor."But the audience reaction was great, X," Zayne spoke up after seeing Marissa, who was about to restate her argument. "What are you judging by?"X was silent. He bowed his head even deeper, reluctant to meet Zayne or Marissa's gaze. The man squeezed the pen in his hand so hard that it broke in half."I don't know what your problem is,
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Chapter 010: The Hallway
Chapter 010: The Hallway["Dad, we'll talk later."]X hung up the phone when he felt someone behind the door. He peeked through the keyhole and found Terry's figure being held down by someone.Out of curiosity, X opened the door, which surprised the two people in front of him."X?"X glanced at Terry, whose face looked pale, while Marissa smiled a little while blinking her eyes."What are you two doing?" X asked in a cold tone. His expression looked unfriendly."Oh, I-""He’s lost," Marissa cut off Terry's unfinished speech with a calm tone. "He's looking for his friends.""Where did they go to get separated from him?" X asked again. His forehead was deeply furrowed, with his eyebrows visibly dipping down."That's none of our business, X," Marissa replied in a calm voice. X let out a rough sigh, then closed the door. After that, he pulled Marissa's hand away from the place."Whatever. Come on, let's go back to the stage to finish our work as organizers.""Aw, X. Don't pull me roughly,
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