Chapter 008: First Mission

Chapter 008: First Mission

[Mission 1: Create an interesting show in front of all Debt System participants. Judgment will be given by the organizers and the audience's reaction.]

"They're seriously going to make this our first mission?" Kai muttered softly with a small hiss coming out of his mouth.

"They're a lot crazier than I thought," Daniel continued.

"Hah, the first mission was this crazy, let alone the next mission," Ben complained.

"Well, show, huh?" Terry said quietly, which made Daniel turn to him.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"I don't know if it'll be good or not, but I think it could get us through the elimination round."

Ben who had been listening came closer to Terry. His face showed such enthusiasm that his eyes lit up, like a child who got a new toy.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

Terry let out a deep breath. A reddish blush just appeared on his cheeks. It even spread to her ears. This naturally raised a big question mark in the minds of the three.


Terry gasped in shock. His mouth was too stiff to speak. It was as if something was holding his throat. His eyes rolled in the other direction, reluctant to make eye contact with whoever was there.

"Oh my, Terry!" Daniel said in frustration. He shook Terry's body quite vigorously. "Speak up. I don't know what you're thinking when you lock your mouth."

"Okay, I'll talk. But please remove your hands from my body," Terry pleaded firmly. Daniel grunted roughly and removed his hands.

Terry closed his eyes briefly, then started to say."The performance that can get us away is... by dancing the hula hula dance."

The reactions of the three men in front of him were calculated. Ben was stunned. Kai opened his mouth so wide that flies could get in there. Meanwhile, Daniel himself frowned.

"What?!" The three of them shouted in unison.

Terry covered his ears. Feeling disturbed by the shouts of his roommates that disturbed his hearing. "Why are you shouting like that? You're ruining my ears!"

"You're on your own!" Ben said he was annoyed as he hit Terry's head quite hard.

"You want us to perform that dance in front of everyone? You want to embarrass us all?"

Terry stroked his freshly hit head. He grimaced a little but didn't say much. "I'm just proposing. After all, isn't that dance quite popular nowadays?"

"Oh my, but there's no need for that!" Kai said irritably. He kicked Terry's shin hard enough that the man fell to his knees from the pain that radiated through his leg.

"That dance did go viral. But the effect is that we will continue to be teased by other participants. No, I don't agree!" Daniel refused.

"Then, do you have a better idea?" Terry stood up with difficulty. His mouth continued to emit subtle moans of pain.

The three of them fell silent. None of them made a sound. Terry could see that Kai and Daniel turned their faces the other way, while Ben bowed his head.

Terry sighed. He embraced Ben, who was next to him spontaneously. "I know this is embarrassing for the four of us. But think about it. If we can't impress the officials, then our lives are at stake."

"I know. But is there really no other way we can go?" Ben was still denying the idea. Apparently, the man with heterochromia eyes didn't want his pride hurt.

"Like I said. We could have used another way to make the show. But do you guys have a better idea than me?"

Daniel and Kai shook their heads. His brain felt stiff, struggling to think. Ben was doing the same.

"See? You guys are protesting without coming up with a solution," Terry said in a mocking tone. His face looked so flat, which made Daniel want to punch him.

"Okay, I agree with your idea," Kai said in a forced voice. "Life is more important than pride."

"I agree too," Daniel chimed in. Terry smiled slightly at that. "Ben?"

"Okay, I agree too!" Ben cupped his face roughly. His face looked red up to his ears.

"Okay. Since you've agreed, let's practice first so that our movements are synchronized."

The three of them nodded. In front of the bed that was not large enough, they practiced seriously. Occasionally, Daniel would correct Kai's or Terry's movements that were out of sync.

"Terry, are you serious that our team will escape elimination if we bring this crazy dance?" Asked Ben, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He was breathing heavily because they practiced for two hours non-stop.

"If that's the case..."

"You four, let's go to the field. The first round of the game is about to start," said one of the guards, knocking on their cells.

The four of them turned their heads towards the source of the voice, then nodded their heads. They got up from their seats and walked after the guards wearing eagle masks from behind.

Once on the field, Terry was surprised that everyone who participated in this game was already present. Zayne, Marissa, and the man in the black hood were even present on the other side of the stage with notes and pens in their hands.

"Oh, I'm so nervous," Ben hid his body behind Kai.

"I feel the same way," Kai held his chest that was beating very fast, as if it were about to pop out of place.

"Do you feel the same way?" Daniel asked, nudging Terry, who was silent, giving no meaningful expression.

"Hm," he said briefly. The four of them began to take the stage.

"So, what's your first mission?" Zayne asked in a flat voice.

"Put on a show that entertains you all," replied Terry.

"What are you going to perform?" Marissa asked in a cheerful tone.

"The hula hula dance," Ben said nervously. The man's face was as red as a tomato now.

The three people there were stunned. Marissa laughed out loud, while the other two looked away.

"Are you serious about performing that feminine dance?"

"Yes," the four answered in unison.

"Okay, hopefully your performance will keep us entertained." Marissa smiled freely, then looked back as she shouted. "Mission one is on. Music!"

All four sighed. Terry came forward and began to dance the dance that was specialized for women.

Her hips swayed, and her walk became more feminine, similar to ballet. They continued to dance to the coquettish yet cheerful music, in stark contrast to their masculine appearance.

The reaction from the audience was quite good. They laughed out loud. On top of that, they were cheering with mockery. Terry, Ben, Kai, and Daniel were naturally embarrassed. But they put on a wall face and kept dancing until the end.

As soon as the music finished, everyone cheered and clapped occasionally. Ben hid his face with his hands, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Wow, what a performance," Marissa said as she came forward. "You're willing to destroy your pride for this mission. That's very good!"

The insult under the guise of a compliment made Daniel's blood boil. But Daniel couldn't do anything about the status between the two.

"So how did they perform? Did they qualify for the next round?" Marissa asked.

"They failed. Just put them in the punishment round," said the man with the black hood who was currently busy writing something in the notebook in his hand.


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