Chapter 004: The deal

Chapter 004: The deal

Terry walked fast enough to reach the park where he was meeting with the girl. His mind kept wishing that he could solve this problem as soon as possible. He was willing to do anything so that his daughter could be free from William's clutches.

At 5.49pm, he arrived at the park. His brown eyes circulated to look for the girl. He looked at every corner of the park without exception.

"Where is she?" He said with a rough sigh at not finding Marissa's whereabouts.


Someone tapped him on the back from behind. Terry gasped in surprise. He turned his body around. His eyes found Marissa, who was gazing softly at him. This time the girl was wearing a short t-shirt and thigh-high sweatpants. It looked like she was exercising.

"Ah, you startled me, miss..."

"Marissa. You can call me Marissa, Mr. Terry."

Terry cleared his throat briefly before speaking again. "Okay. But don't call me sir. I feel like I look old with that nickname," he joked with a small laugh to break the ice.

Marissa smiled slightly. She nodded her head. "Alright, if that's what you want, Terry. Sorry to startle you."

"It's okay. But what are you doing here besides meeting me?"

"Jogging. I love exercising in this park," Marissa said in her soft voice.

"I understand," Terry replied. "I won't mince words. How do I become a Debt System player?"

Terry immediately conveyed his intentions to Marissa. The girl turned her head left and right, taking in the surroundings.

Terry, who saw her, naturally felt confused. "What’s wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," she replied with a sweet smile. "How about we change places? I don't think this is a good place to have a transaction between the two of us."


The two of them moved from that place to the other side of the park, where not many people walked. The two of them sat on one of the lawn chairs in the corner of the park, with the purple night sky in the background.

"So... how did I get in as one of the participants in the debt system?"

Marissa, who was sipping her drink, almost choked on Terry's to the point words. The girl lowered the water bottle she was holding.

"Wow, you're so eager to be one of the participants, eh?" She teased with raised eyebrows. A lopsided smile was printed on her pretty face.

"What is your purpose for entering the survival game?"

Terry sighed. He closed his eyes briefly, a little hesitant to tell the reason why he wanted to be part of the Debt System.

Marissa saw that. She reached out her hand and took Terry's hand, grasping it tightly like a lover who strengthens his partner in times of adversity. Terry opened his eyes, surprised by Marissa's spontaneous gesture.

"You can tell me your story so that I know whether or not you are worthy of being a participant in the Debt System."

"I have a pretty big debt to one of the people in my neighborhood," Terry started his straight-to-the point story session. "The debt is huge. About 2 million dollars. And what's even crazier, I have to pay it off tomorrow."

Marissa had nothing to say. She kept her mouth shut tightly. Her thumb stroked the back of Terry's hand in a circular motion, which gave a relaxing sensation.

"Therefore, I will try my luck to enter the Debt System. It's possible that I could be the winner there and earn some money, right?"

"But...even if you enter and become in the Debt System, you won't be able to receive the money right away. You have to fight first and finish the game," Marissa warned in her soft voice.

Terry bit his lip. "I know. But I've run out of ways to pay off that debt. I can't think of any more."

Marissa seemed to sympathize with Terry's predicament. She raised her other hand and stroked the man's back.

"I understand. It must be very difficult to think clearly in the midst of your problems."

"That's right. I've given up hope. I have no hope other than this Debt System."

Marissa flashed a faint grin. "You're really desperate now?"


Marissa grasped Terry's hand that was on her lap, then looked at the man with a gentle gaze.

"I can help you with your problem, Terry."

Terry raised his head at Marissa's words. His body felt splashed by cold water. He felt like he had hope.


"Yes, of course. You need 2 million dollars to pay your debt, right?" Marissa asked.

"Are you sure you can help me?" Terry looked doubtful. Especially since the amount of debt was very large.

"Of course. I can help you if the amount is only 2 million dollars. Are you underestimating me?"

Terry shook his head quickly. "Of course not."

"The point is, you don't have to worry. I'll give you a loan of 2 million dollars. But there's a condition."

"What's that?"

"You can't leave the Debt System no matter what." Marissa's voice turned serious. The gentle gaze also changed.

Terry was silent for a while. honestly, he was hesitant to go further. Especially with Marissa emphasizing that he could not leave the survival game.

Seeing Terry's indecision, Marissa spoke again. "I know you must be objecting to what I'm asking. But think about the effects of that debt if you don't pay it."

Marissa's words had a point. He could lose his daughter if he did not pay off the debt immediately. With all the courage he had, Terry agreed.

"Okay. I accept your offer."

Marissa smiled sweetly. She took out a piece of paper from her pants pocket and gave it to Terry.

"Okay. If you agree. You have to sign this paper."

Terry accepted the paper. His eyes widened in surprise as Marissa gave him a blank paper. He wanted to ask questions, but on the other hand he was afraid of offending Marissa. So Terry chose to keep quiet.

"This is the questioner. You sign here," Marissa pointed at one corner of the paper on the right side.

Terry did as the girl asked. He signed the paper and handed it back to Marissa.


Marissa put the paper back into her pocket, then took out her cell phone, which was in her shirt pocket.

"Here, you type in the person's account number so I can transfer the money to pay off your debt."

Terry typed in a series of William's account numbers that he had memorized by heart. Once finished, he handed it back to Marissa.

"Here, I have transferred the money." Miu showed the transaction proof that she had transferred the money to William.

"And to become a participant in the debt system. Tomorrow morning you will be picked up by one of my staff."

"Then, what is the Debt System? You haven't explained it to me yet."

Marissa smiled faintly. "Sorry, it's beyond my capacity to tell you about the Debt System. You'll find out tomorrow morning. So, prepare yourself."

Miu shifted her body towards Terry, cutting the distance between them. Once close enough, she whispered right in Terry's ear.

"Because after you become a participant in the Debt System, your life will no longer be the same as it is now."

"What do you mean?"

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