Chapter 003: Not Have Choice

Chapter 003: Not Have Choice

Now, Terry was at the house of William, the person from whom his wife had borrowed money. He sat on the sofa in the living room, with Kieran standing next to him. The sofa he was sitting on was very soft and cushiony, as was the carpet under his feet.

His eyes wandered over the furniture in the living room. It looked so expensive and aesthetic. Terry could estimate that the price of one urn there was equal to his salary for one year at the restaurant where he worked.

Terry couldn't estimate how much money William had spent on the decorations in the living room he occupied.

"Where is Mr. William?" Terry asked Kieran impatiently. "Didn't you say he was at his house?"

Kieran, who was playing with his cell phone, rolled his eyes. He put the electronic device into his pocket, looking at Terry with a flat stare.

"Mr William is on the second floor. Just wait a little longer," he said casually.

"I can't wait any longer. I'm worried about my daughter. What if he does something bad to Daisy?"

"Mr. William wouldn't do that," Derrick replied as he drank the canned soda he had brought from the kitchen.

"You say that because he's your boss," Terry retorted in a fierce tone.

"It's not like that, Terry," Kieran shook his head. "Mr. William is cruel and rude. But he's not one to break his word. So, just wait and don't ask too many questions."

Again, Terry let out a harsh sigh. Kieran and Derrick's answers did not satisfy him. He clenched his hands in his lap. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Daisy.

Soon, a middle-aged man came down the stairs. He was wearing ordinary clothes, with a long t-shirt and training pants that covered his legs.

Although he was more than half a century old, William's appearance was not much different from someone who was only 35 years old.

Once downstairs, William sat down on the sofa directly opposite Terry. He crossed his legs and put his hands on his lap. His blue eyes stared at Terry intently, as if he were a criminal.

"So, what's the purpose of your coming, Terry?"

Terry took a quick breath before starting to speak. "Is it true you brought Daisy from her apartment?"

William nodded his head. "It's true."

"Why did you do that?"

Terry kept his tone of voice from sounding snappy. He clenched his hands tighter and tighter until his knuckles turned white.

"Didn't you say the deadline was until Sunday? It's only Thursday!"

William chuckled at Terry's protest. He was amused by the man's angry expression. William leaned his head, making a dominant gesture.

"Yes, the agreement does say that," William paused his words to see Terry's reaction. And as he expected, the man showed an expression of pent-up anger.

"But there are some things that change constantly."

"What do you mean?"

William picked up a glass of orange juice on the table and took a small sip. "Alice told me to bring Daisy."

Terry was surprised. So, his wife told William to bring his daughter? But for what purpose? Why would Alice do that? The question kept spinning in his head.

As if he could read Terry's mind, William again said in a calm tone. "Alice said she didn't want you to pay back her debt. So instead, she gave Daisy to me."

Terry's anger boiled over. His breathing was labored, and his heart was beating hard. The anger inside him had risen to the surface. "Alice has no right to that. Daisy is my daughter!

"I know it. But why are you mad?" Asked William in a low tone.

"Watch your mouth! Alice only conceived and gave birth to her without taking any care of her. She's such a bad mother that Daisy asked to live in a separate place from me." Terry said irritably. "Let go of my daughter!"

William smiled once again. He shook the juice glass in his hand gently, making the juice swirl with his movement.

"I can't do that. She's collateral for your wife's debt, Alice. So...."

"Damn it!" Terry said to himself. He already realized where this conversation was going.

"So, what do I have to do to bring Daisy back?"

"Pay your wife's debt." William put the glass on the table and stood up. He walked over to Terry and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Since I still have a heart, I'll give you a deadline until tomorrow. If you can't pay it off, then your wife's debt will be double the original. And Daisy becomes mine."

William walked out, followed by Kieran and Derrick from behind, leaving Terry alone.

Terry cupped his face with his hands. This was crazy. Where did he get 2 million dollars in one night? Where should he look for it? Oh, this was making him so dizzy. Terry's head was throbbing, as if it would burst.

While his mind was in turmoil, he remembered the pamphlet he kept in his pocket. Terry took it out and read it carefully.

Wanting to try his luck, Terry took out his slightly cracked cell phone from his pocket and pressed the numbers as written on the pamphlet. After that, he pressed the call button.

On the first ring, his call went unanswered, as did the second ring. Terry was frustrated, as this was the only hope for Daisy's release.

"Gosh, why isn't she picking up the phone?" He muttered worriedly.

"Please, please pick up my call." Not wanting to give up, he tried dialing the number for the third time.


Terry breathed a sigh of relief when the person picked up his call.

"Hello. It's me, Terry. Are you the girl who gave me the pamphlet earlier?"

"Yes. It's me." Terry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice of the girl from the park. At least, there was some hope for him.

"So, what did you call me for?"

"Well. I guess I'm interested in becoming a player in the Debt System, as written in the pamphlet you gave me." Terry said in a stifled voice.

"What should I do next?" He said.

"We should meet. Because there is some information you need to fill out."

"Okay. Where will we meet?"

"In the park where we both met earlier. I happen to have business there too," Marissa glanced at her watch. "At 5.50pm."

Terry looked at the clock hanging in William's house. It was already 5.40pm. He had to hurry if he didn't want to be late for their meeting today.

"I'll be there now. See you at the meeting place."

Terry hung up the phone. He rushed out of William's house to the park where the two were meeting.

On the other hand, Marissa smiled happily. She pasted Terry's printed picture on the whiteboard, then wrote something underneath the picture. "The main victim.".

"I didn't expect you to come sooner than I did," she muttered with a lopsided smile. She took a black marker and made an x on the photo.

"I won't let you off a second time, Terry! Just wait for my revenge!"

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