Chapter 006: The Rules

Bab 006: The Rules

"Don't you know what I mean?" Ben asked. He bit the tips of his nails, looking both scared and worried.

Terry shook his head quickly in response. A rough sigh escaped his mouth. His eyebrows rose until they almost merged with his deeply furrowed brow. His expression looked confused.

"No." He said it briefly. "What's wrong with zone N109?"

Ben brought his body closer to Terry's. He stepped slightly out of line to whisper to his new friend.

Actually, he should not do this. But fortunately they were at the back of the line, so no one noticed them.

"This zone is a forbidden zone," Ben whispered as quietly as possible. Afraid that someone might overhear the sensitive conversation between the two.

"Forbidden zone?"

"Yes!" Ben whispered softly, emphasizing the question Terry had asked. "This zone is a zone that shouldn't be visited by people like us."

"How can you say that?" Terry folded his arms in front of his chest. His gaze looked intensely at Ben, who was frozen in place.

Ben rolled his eyes lazily. He snorted rudely before resumed his speech.

"I saw one of the news stories on television. This place was used as a slaughterhouse and body dump five years ago." Ben paused for a moment to catch his breath. "Haven't you heard anything about the N109 area before?"

Terry's eyes rounded quite wide, showing his usual surprise. His mouth even opened slightly. But he neutralized his expression as before, as if he had never heard those words.

"I've never heard of it. Are you serious about what you're saying?"

"Of course I'm serious. Do you think I can joke around in this situation?" Ben said irritably.


"So, this place is definitely haunted. I sense a lot of curious spirits around every corner." Ben said.

"You watch too many horror videos," Terry replied as he glanced back, afraid that someone might catch them. "There is no such thing as ghosts. It's just your imagination."

"I'm serious! On top of that, I also feel a dark air enveloping this place. Don't you feel it?" She said.

Terry shook his head. "No, I don't. I feel this place is normal. Nothing strange."

Ben's expression changed in a few seconds. His lips wore a lopsided smile with a dismissive look. "Well, your ability to empathize with your surroundings is lower than I thought."

Terry frowned. Feeling offended by Ben's presumptuous remark. "Pardon?"

"You didn't hear wrong, Terry," Ben said back as he entered the line again. He straightened his position when he saw the guards who started to arrive from the back.

"You can't sense the negative vibes that are so darkly enveloping this place. You only rely on your head and logic. Anti-sympathy man." said Ben in a cold voice.

Terry felt offended. Really, Ben's words felt like poison that stung his solar plexus. Unconsciously, his hands clenched quite strongly. How presumptuous of that man. Even though Terry had only known him for less than a day.

"You, how presumptuous of you to say that to me."

"Eh? Why do you look angry?" Ben blinked his eyes when he saw he casting a hostile look at him. The expression on his face changed to what it was before.

"How presumptuous of you to say that," Terry again said the same thing, with a pressing tone in every sentence that came out of his lips.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember?" Terry leaned closer to Ben with emotion peaking at the top of his head.

"You called me a human with anti sympathy for the arrounds. I honestly feel offended by your words.”

Ben gasped in shock at that. He blinks his eyes briefly, then rubs his face roughly.

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry," the voice sounded apologetic. "Was there anything else I said before?"

This time, it was Terry's turn to show confusion. What was wrong with this man?

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I am the-"

"The participants in the back. Please stop your conversation and listen to my explanation. I don't like repeating myself twice," said a man named Zayne, the one speaking at the front.

Feeling their names being called, Ben and Terry rubbed their heads, looking embarrassed. The participants who were there turned to them with curious looks. However, both Terry and Ben looked indifferent so as not to be questioned.

Zayne sighed, then brought the mic back to his mouth. "That's all the words of encouragement I can give you. As for the rules of this game, they will be explained by my sister, Marissa."

A petite girl on stage took the mic from Zayne. "Alright. Since I was asked to explain the rules of the Debt System, I will explain them to you. Please remember the rules I said."

Marissa took out a roll of paper from the jacket she was wearing. She opened the hard scroll and began to read it out.

"Before explaining the rules, I will explain the game briefly. Debt System is a survival game, where the one who can survive until the end will be the winner."

Marissa looked one by one at all the participants in front of her. Unintentionally, her eyes met Terry's. A wide smile was etched on her lips.

"This game can be run if you get some kind of quest that we give you. Those who can survive until the end of the game will be rewarded with 3 million dollars with the addition of the best apartment in the city center. So, are you interested?"

"Yes!!!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"Well, these are the rules that you must obey during the game. If violated, players will be sentenced, according to the offense committed. Is that understood?"


"Okay, I like your enthusiasm," Marrisa said happily as all the participants seemed enthusiastic about the survival game. She couldn't wait to see it.

"Rule number one: since this game will last for three months, it's forbidden to leave the game, even in case of urgency."

Terry rounded his eyes at the mention of the rule. This game will last for three months? Seriously!

"Number two, no electronic devices, unless you get a mission to use them."

Marissa paused her words to see the reactions of the Debt System participants. As expected, they were all stunned.

"Number three, you will get a mission according to the watches we will distribute later. Number four, you must not cooperate with members of other groups. And lastly, be as resilient as possible because the mission will be very difficult. Any questions?"

Ben immediately raised his arms as high as he could. "What about the elimination system that will apply if a player fails the mission?"

Marissa smiled sweetly. Then answered with her cheerful voice. "They will be executed immediately."

"Will they be returned to their homes?"

Marissa shook her head. The sweet smile turned into a scary-looking grin. "No."

"Then?" This time, Terry spoke up. He was quite confused by Marissa's explanation, which was spinning in place.

"They will be shot right in front of you all."


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