Chapter 3

The muscular body guard looked down at Antonio, recognizing his face immediately. "Antonio?" The bodyguard said to him, causing Antonio to look back at him with a hint of relief. "Yes! You recognize me from before right?" Antonio questioned to the bodyguard. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses that hid the expression in his eyes, yet he could see his brow furl just a little.

The head bodyguards body was chiseled from years of conflict. Antonio had heard rumors this man had served as former special forces for the nation they were in. The stern look on his face, and his unwavering demeanor spelled it out to him.

"You can't be here. I know you keep coming here. But I made it clear nothing will change last time. Mr West wants me to kill you if you so much as attempt to come into this building." The bodyguards tone was firm and unyielding, but with a hint of concern. Antonio remembered the savage beating inflicted upon him by the West Family's bodyguards the last time he attempted such a stunt. Taylor West had personally overseen the entire beating, as all of them kicked and stomped directly on Antonio for attempting to even ask him for money.

It was a dark time for him. That day Antonio lost nearly all of his savings paying the hospital to treat him for his wounds. A few of his bones had been broken. He remembered the cocky and arrogant threat Taylor West shouted to him as he limped away.

"And don't you dare come back here you little trash! You and Camilla are dead to me! Dead to me!!!" Taylor West bellowed at the top of his lungs. His face looked exasperated and red at the last words he screamed at Antonio. The head body guard took Taylor by the shoulder."Come on sir. It's best you don't use your energy on trash like him. "

Antonio had to limp for a mile almost to get to the hospital. He couldn't even afford the ambulance fees! The sight of him on the street like this looked pathetic. And nobody offered the entire time to take him or aid him.

"Please...She's on her deathbed! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't that serious man!" Antonio pleaded to the Head Bodyguard, he attempted to look him right in the eye. "I can't. I can't leave without trying one last time. Can a Father like him watch as his daughter rots and he doesn't lift a finger!" Antonio's gaze turned firm and critical at The BodyGuard.

He didn't want to sound antagonistic. But he needed to stand firm in his ground for Camilla.

The Bodyguard folded his muscular arms, as if he were thinking. "Is she truly going to die soon?" The bodyguard said with a hint of softness in his voice. "Yes! If she doesn't get that treatment, then she is doomed to die in the next few weeks!" Antonio almost yelled that sentence to the bodyguard, but restrained himself.

If the man was willing to hear him out, just this one time. He needed to keep it as cordial as he could. The Bodyguard stroked his chin. "I took care of Camilla since she was a young girl. When the family disowned her, I urged Master West to give her a chance to come back to the family. But he would not stand for it. If she did not divorce with you, no matter what he would not allow her back!" The Head Bodyguard grappled inside of himself, before making his choice.

"I can't turn him away so easily. Master West should know his daughter is dying. Even if the outcome is cruel.. He may give them a way out of this!" The Head Bodyguard breathed in.

"Go on. Go in." The Head Bodyguard said to Antonio gesturing with his hand. "You were lucky enough to get past me just as my attention was turned away on someone else! " The Head Bodyguard declared to Antonio, who's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. "Thank you..You won't regret this!" Antonio immediately made his way inside, as the Head Bodyguard turned to a belliregent person in the line to seem convincing.

"I've already regretted a few things. I can't let myself add this on top." The Bodyguard thought, as he watched Antonio enter the party venue. A small part of him hoped that Taylor would see reason and pay for his daughter's medical treatment. But the rest of him knew the cruel reality behind that man.

" If you truly love her Antonio. You'll let her go to save her life!" The Head Bodyguard thought hopefully as he went back to dealing with the outside ruffians.

One of the bodyguards went over to the Head Bodyguard, having seen what he had just done. "Boss! Why did you do that!? Master West explicitly told us to not allow him inside of all people." The bodyguard had faithfully worked under him for several years. But he could not understand the action. Why would his boss go out of his way to help someone who was a trash?

"Antonio is a Trash! Master West is going to be furious!" The Head Bodyguard raised his hand at his fellow bodyguard to indicate for him to listen.

He took off his sunglasses, revealing his firm hazel eyes looking right into his subordinate. "I've served Master West for atleast 16 years now. I've seen him through his worst and his best. As a man. If I don't give him a chance to save his daughter on his deathbed, I fear a large hole may come into his heart later. He can say everything he wants. But I know he would not want this. "

"But sir. Last time Master West had us beat the life out of Antonio. What makes you think he will listen now!" The bodyguard said abruptly. "I don't know if he will. But you have to hand it to Antonio. He has been here like a persistent dog every day that he can to attempt to get the West Family to fund her treatment. Is a man like that really trash?"

The bodyguard looked away for a moment. Not sure of how to answer the question. He had never given Antonio's situation much thought." A man who takes so much pain for someone he loves. That isn't a trash at.. At all. " He said finally resolving in his answer.

The head bodyguard smiled. "Yes. When he asks why Antonio got in, say I was busy handling the riff raff." The head turned back from their conversation to toss out another hooligan. His subordinate saluted him immediately. "Yes sir!"

Antonio Smith walked into the party venue as if he were lost and alone. Everything was so regal and well decorated. Expensive antiques lined up the entire venue, paintings from almost 100s of years ago scattered across the walls. Already a few looks were being cast his way, people were criticizing his outfit or his hair. The particularly petty were talking about both of those.

"I don't have any time for these people. I have to find where the West's are!" Antonio looked around carefully for somebody that would be able to point out Taylor West to him. His eyes came upon one of the servants that was currently providing entrees to the guests.

He came up to the servant, quickly proposing his question. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where Mr West is? I have an extravagant gift to give him!" It was a hasty lie Antonio came up with on the spot. But had he said anything else, he feared he'd have been kicked out of the party immediately.

The servant looked down at Antonio with a haughty look on his face. His eyes were critically scanning Antonio's entire outfit. The look of disdain on the man's face said everything to Antonio. "Master West is currently in his study with a few of his family members. But I advise you do not interrupt him. No matter how lavish this gift may be. He does not want to be interrupted until he comes out of his study." The servant said in a curt but disdainful voice.

Antonio thanked the servant and began to make his way towards Taylor's Study upstairs. The servant rolled his eyes as Antonio's immediate disregard for his words. "Another one that will get thrown out today. That'll make it the fifth" The servant muttered under his breath, going back to attending the far more important guests."

Antonio made his way up in a partial hurry to Taylor West's study. The doors to it were very extravagant and made of a rather fancy wood. Two classical Renaissance styled paintings of his family were right next to the doorway. Antonio gulped and adjusted his tie. "This is it. I have to atleast try. Even if he says he will kill me"

With his resolve worked up. Antonio immediately opened the door.

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