Chapter 2

Antonio Smith drove through Sky city, desperate to make it on time to The Wests big party tonight. He had narrowly avoided two traffic accidents already, and opted to drive a little slower. "You wouldn't...You wouldn't understand the lengths I'd go to for Camilla Jeffrey." Antonio solemnly said, his eyes fixated on the road forward.

Jeffrey spoke in a more serious tone, "Antonio. Her disease has her like a goner man. You know that operation would break the bank for you. Ten million dollars. The freakin banks won't let you take a loan even with the worst rates in the world here! The Wests hate your guts and hers." Antonio shivered at Jeffrey's reminder of their situation.

"A man has to help his daughter in her time of need! Taylor West can't just let her die because she loves me!!!! Ever since she had this disease, all of her siblings have turned their back on us. A rare cancer that they hadn't discovered before. And yet despite all of these record breaking profits, they won't even so much as gaze in her direction! Tonight may really be my last chance to try something." Antonio Smith no matter what was not a charismatic businessman nor owned any special holdings. He was a mere pauper in the eyes of the West Family.

"You were born to nothing. They were born to everything. Of course their not gonna help you Antonio. You're like a speck of dirt for them. A stain that they don't like looking at. They want Camilla marrying some rich snob, not you." Jeffrey took a deep breath over the phone.

"Look man. I'm gonna leave you to this, but don't say I did not warn you." Jeffrey after that immediately hung up the phone. Antonio exhaled loudly as he continued to drive his way onto the Wests party.

"You'd understand. I can't just let this lie down..." Antonio muttered to himself. His mind trailed off to thoughts of Camilla in her weakened state. He remembered when he visited her this morning.

The Hospital room was gray and bleak for it's painted colors. No matter how much light the window allowed in, it still managed to look dreary even in bright day light. Camilla was laid back in her hospital bed, tied to multiple medical machines to support her body.

"Antonio Please...My family. You don't have to let them abuse you to try to get money. It's okay!" Camilla in the hospital room pleaded with Antonio. Her voice was hoarse and pale. The cancer had drained all the life from her expression. Her usual voice of cheer reduced to a withering flower. Her hand weakly grasped Antonios.

"It..It doesn't matter how bad the cancer is. I won't let them treat you like that Antonio...The doctor told me there's a new experimental treatment thats much cheaper. I might be eligible for it but they have to run some tests!" Camilla looked at Antonio with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "We can't...We can't count on that Camilla. We don't know what the side effects might be, or if it will even work." Antonio posed to Camilla, who looked down at the bed she laid in.

"The surgery is too expensive Antonio...We have no other option. I'm in so much pain. I can barely feel my fingers.. The medication's starting to not work anymore and..." Antonio interrupted Camilla. He gently held her head against his chest. "I'm going to try again. Just one more time. Please." Antonio's voice became weak at his last word.

His lips quivered seeing Camilla in her weak condition. Her radiant brown hair so dim, the glow in her eyes reduced to darkness. Her once glowing skin was now pale and crackly. The beauty he had fallen for was now stuck as a wilting sun flower, in a room abandoned by all she knew. His hand touched her face very softly, his eyes meeting hers. "You still look as lovely as the day I met you Camilla."

Camilla's eyes gazed back into his. "You've gotten really good at lying Antonio...I look horrible."  A tear went down her face, "No matter what the cancer does to your body. You will never change in my eyes. And I will convince that scoundrel your father to pay for the treatment!" Antonio kissed Camilla on the head, as she began to cry. "Antonio...Please..." She wept into her hands as he turned around and walked away. "I will be back honey. Please...Believe in me!" Antonio looked forward with a confident and stern expression on his face as he walked out.

He didn't have the heart to turn around and see Camilla's crying face. Every step outside of the hospital felt like lifting bricks to move each of his feet. The sound of Camilla's faint sobbing faded in the distance as he walked to the elevator.

Antonio brought himself back to reality. He was now very close to the venue where the party for the Taylor's was being hosted. He saw multiple body guards standing outside of the venue, kicking out various people and holding back the desperate animals from getting inside. "Security looks pretty tight. But if it's him at the door...Maybe he will let me in."

Antonio recognized the distinct neck tattoo of the Head Bodyguard, one who had served the family for so long. Antonio parked the car nearby to the venue and walked his way to the front entrance. He had no time to wait in line, and immediately began to skip across it and ignore it.

"Hey what gives Pal. You don't look like a freakin VIP!"

"Maybe he is a homeless looking for a few dollars from the security!"

The ongoers in the line jeered at him as Antonio made his way to the front. But he ignored all of their sour cries. The abuse over the years from the West family made him able to ignore such harsh words on command. When he looked back at the line, all he saw were the greedy beady little eyes of all the desperate people back there. All of them were willing to do anything at a shot at getting in the good graces of the Wests.

Before Antonio Smith could turn his head back to address the bodyguards. A firm hand pressed against his chest and stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is a private party." A familiar and intense killing intent was immediately focused on Antonio. Antonio immediately looked forward to see the Head Bodyguard himself staring down right at Antonio.

Right when Antonio opened his mouth to speak, the bodyguard suddenly cut him off. "Antonio?" He said with a questioning voice.

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