Son in Law Miraculous Comeback
Son in Law Miraculous Comeback
Author: Smiles
Chapter 1

Lavish lights shined down in the ballroom entrance. Within Sky City, one of the most memorable parties of the year was transpiring. Many eager would be attendees stood outside of the building, each one parading invitations both real and forged in an attempt to get in. All were wearing the finest outfits they could in the entire city to try to get in. Every regal and designer clothing store within the entire city had gone out of stock for the month because of this gathering!

For such an esteemed gathering, only the finest of bodyguards would be tolerated. Atleast Five High Class Body Guards stood outside of the venue, surveying the premesis and carefully analyzing each would be entree. All of them would not be easily bribed or coerced into allowing a hooligan to enter. They had each served the Family within for atleast a dozen years.

"Let me in. Let me in please! I have a business Idea Mr West is going to love. This is a once in a lifetime opprotunity. You gotta let me speak to him!' A shoddy businessman was currently pleading with the bodyguards to the party. His outfit was in tatters and his tie was not even placed right upon himself. Two of the body guards shot each other a look, as one took the man firmly by the shoulder.

"This is a special occassion. Behave yourself and leave properly." One of the bodyguards said with a fierce and intimidating voice, like a tiger was speaking to the businessman. He meekly yelped, shivering in his shoes and clutching his brief case. The killing intention of just one body guard was too great for the man. Just what career path did this bodyguard go through to have such intense killing intent on him?

The businessman opened his lips foolishly, saying more words that would warrant a slap across the face instantly in the face of the Bodyguard's mercy."I have to get in there! Mr West is the only one that can make this come true, Please I!" The businessman was immediately interrupted by a slap across the face. Two of the body guards immediately moved to take the man away from the premesis. While the others remained watching the party entrance.

"Get this trash off the premesis" The Head BodyGuard said to the others, turning his attention back to the rest of the guests. "We can't have any disruptions to tonight's party. The West Family stocks have soared to an all time high. Now every rat in the city wants to come sniffing in to their party. But none of them will get a lick of the cheese!"

A very expensive party was being hosted in dedication to the West Family. They had been the patriarchs of the local city, funding most of the city projects and real estate development across it. Many of the upper class of the whole Nation State had strived to attend the gathering. All of them seeking eagerly to get in good graces with the Wests. To be partnered with the Wests guaranteed good fortune in almost any business venture!

This party in particular had been meant to celebrate Taylor West's business victory. Several of his opponents within the city had been bought out and lost all of their holdings. Allowing the West family to triumph and have a legal monopoly over almost every holding in the city! There were many guests who had lined up to attempt to get into the party today. But the bodyguards that protected the West Family were incredibly vigilant, and had been trained for any situation. Several of them even had military or past special forces experience in their career paths.

Elsewhere, miles away a man was hurrying to The West's Party. His clothes were hastily prepared. They were not very fancy or well known, a very basic brand that everybody had heard of. The outfit's quality rivaled something as paltry as Hall-Mart. The man hurried into his car, hastily taking out the keys and dropping them immediately by mistake.

"No!" He bent over to reach for the keys, almost bumping his head into the front of his car door. "I have to make it to that party at all costs. Camilla needs me to succeed!" The man fumbled for his car keys, almost dropping them as he clicked the car door open and got into the driver's seat. He looked into the mirror to see how his hair looked.

No matter how much gel he used, he could not shake off the look of stress, fear and fatigue that he wore all over his face. It was like a outfit he didn't take off for years, all over his expression in ways anyone could see. His eyes looked dim and frightened, "I can't make myself look any better. but I have to hope the Wests are graceful today!" The man patted his shirt lightly, trying to take off any smidgen of dust. He knew the rich would criticize every second of his outfit, down to the most minute detail.

Right as he prepared to start the car, his phone began to ring. The caller ID came up as an old friend of his. The man took the phone as he begun to start the car. "Hello Jeffrey, what's up?" He said, a hint of panic in his tone.

"Heyyyy Antonio. Wanna get together with me and some of the guys? We're gonna be out on the town today and I figured you could come along. I know it's been hard for you and Camilla lately, and you could use something to take your mind off things." Jeffrey's voice was calm, collected and had a hint of laxness in it. But Antonio attributed that to the frequent weed he caught Jeffrey smoking.

Antonio put the car in ignition, starting to drive. "No man. You know I have to go to the West's Party today. It's important for Camilla. I have to take my chances." Antonio drove quickly through traffic, but not too fast. He couldn't help Camilla if he got into an accident tonight. Jeffrey rolled his eyes over the phone at Antonio.

"Man...You know their never gonna say yes to you Antonio. You gotta take out a loan or something. Begging the West's to give you money is like asking a Tiger for a penny!" Jeffrey sighed at the foolishness of his friend. Antonio kept driving, silent for a moment. "You don't understand Jeffrey. I have to do this! If I don't, how can I look her in the eye? I love her man! What kind of person would I be if I left her to suffer and didn't try one more time!" Antonio's hands firmly gripped the wheel of the car, tightening with each word that came out of his mouth.

Jeffrey paused before speaking. "Antonio...Look I can't stop you man, but please rethink this through. It's just gonna end like all the times it did before. Them laughing at you or spitting on you before having someone kick you out. " Antonio sighed.

"I know. But I have to try for her. Even if I have to kneel a thousand times!" Antonio shouted with convinction.

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