Chapter 4

Antonio Smith pressed his hands gently against the dark wooden doorway. With a small creak the door had opened forth. Immediately the smell of alcohol and overly priced cigars leaked out to Antonio's senses. Before him a familiar sight was sitting down.

Taylor West sat himself like a king. He was on a fancy antique chair that Antonio swore he paid quite a large sum of money for. The chair, like many things in Taylor West's life was overpriced. His wife stood by his side, haughtily waving around a glass of expensive alcohol and chortling like a harpy at another poor joke. Antonio couldn't see any chemistry between the two of them. He only saw two vile insidious people that had nobody who would tolerate them but each other.

Taylor West had smooth white hair. His face was not chiseled and his hands unlike those who served him did not look rough. In fact, it was as if he never lifted a hand in years. His outfit consisted of a very deep navy blue tuxedo. It had every possible little detail down to perfection, even a pin of a eagle on the front of the Jacket. Which was the symbol of the West's family legacy.

Amongst the two of them were multiple of Camilla's former siblings. Each of them was fawning over their father. Antonio found himself disgusted by how they acted around each other. It was less like a family and more like a cabal of some sort. A group of schemers that only tolerated each other. He didn't bother to remember their names. And now most of all was not a time he would waste recalling them. All that mattered was convincing Taylor West to pay for Camilla's Surgery.

No matter the price!

Each of them was snickering amongst each other when Antonio walked into the room. They had yet to pay him any mind. "Oh Father. All of your business rivals in Sky City are falling apart! Soon we may even be able to expand outside of Sky City."

Taylor was paying no mind to the words of his children despite how they fawned over him. A look of almost slight disgust crossed his face for a moment. His eyes turned to face Antonio. Immediately they went wide with emotion.

"Antonio! You trash! You have the nerve to sneak your way into this party somehow just to beg me one more time!" Taylor West's normal composure had instantly disappeared. At the sight of Antonio he had begun to nearly foam at the mouth. Spit came out with each of his words. His eyes glared at Antonio with a hatred as hot as magma itself. His face had twisted into an immediate scowl.

His family members upon seeing Taylor's disdain were quick to join him in attacking Antonio. "My my. It was bad enough you had to take our daughter from us. Now you have the audacity to step forth and beg again for money!"

Upon seeing Taylor West's displeasure at the man in front of him. His family was quick to join in the hostilities, anything to look good for their daddy. His wife immediately spoke up, looking at Antonio as if he were the lowest of the low.

"First you seduce our daughter and lead her away from us into marrying some dumb commoner. And now you have the audacity to beg one more time for money for her sake!" Marilyn West had never been a large fan of Antonio's presence in the family. To her he had been a cancer, a thorn that lingered and kept growing and trying to remain no matter what.

Antonio held his ground however. He would not be swayed by a few words. "Please. You have to listen to me. Camilla is on her death bed. You can hate me all you want. But what kind of a man would let his daughter rot to death day and night!" Antonio shouted, pointing his finger accusingly at Taylor West.

"You can have people beat me up. Or kill me or whatever. That isn't going to change the fact that you Taylor West. The so called richest man in Sky City. Are so cheap that you'd watch your daughter die to spite me! I'll do anything. I would leave her even if it means you saving her!"

Antonio hesitated inside at his last words. He couldn't leave Camilla. He loved her. He loved everything about her from the day the two had met. But his mind flashed back to how weak she was this morning. How wilted the rose of his life had been from her illness.

He would pay any price, even if it meant surrendering the love he has for her. If you loved something. You would let it go when you needed too.

Taylor West's family looked at Taylor excitedly. This was a chance to get rid of the trash and get their daughter properly with a real rich man! His wife schemingly looked At Taylor, caressing his neck.

"Oh honey. You have to pay for Camilla's treatment now. We can finally be rid of Antonio the trash and have our daughter back!" Marilyn West shouted with glee. They were going to have their daughter back. However, Taylor West sternly gazed right at his own wife.

" No. " was the only response that came out of Taylor West's mouth. He grew silent after stating that. His family gasped at Taylor's response. But none of them dared to protest strongly his verdict. Miss West looked at Taylor aghast at his reaction. If her jaw could, it would drop right onto the floor in front of everybody! "But Darling what do you mean! The useless son in law is going to divorce her right now. He'll be out of your hair forever, and we'll get Camilla back!" Marilyn West suggested to her husband, who pushed gently her hand off of him.

He stood up from his chair, holding a empty glass as he went to a nearby bottle of expensive alcohol. "Antonio." He said with a feeble hatred. "Do you know why I won't take Camilla back, even if you were to divorce her this very second? Taylor's hand clasped the glass just a little tightly. His fingers firmly curled around it. Antonio stood there, speechless at the attitude of Camilla's father. Even when his family told him to save her, he would still decline!"

Taylor West took the bottle of the alcohol in his hand. It was a exquisite kind with a caramel brown liquid inside of it. He undid the cap, almost spilling it recklessly in an instant. His free hand clutched it with a minor shake and began to pour the alcohol into the cup. "Because she loved you. A commoner. She dared to love you and not once ever turn back! And now, when she is on her death bed a divorce with you means nothing! I don't want a single family member who would love someone useless like you! You can't earn a fraction of the dollars I have earned in one day across your entire useless life!" Each word was almost spit out in a flurry by Taylor West.

In front of him, Antonio did not see the man who had attempted to get rid of him instead. Taylor looked weaker, feeble and less in control. His eyes, despite how fiercely they attempted to look at Antonio did not carry any strength to them. "Is this really about money? Huh! All the money in the world, and your still some powerless old man who can't even hold that bottle properly. Don't think I can't see you trembling! I guess the Tabloid will talk all about Taylor West, the man who watched his own daughter die and did nothing!" Antonio angrily glared at Taylor West, who hesitated on seeing the look of determination in Antonio's eyes. Taylor had not lifted a finger unlike Antonio.

All of the dollars in his bank account would not replace a proper character. Marilyn West looked between Antonio and Taylor in confusion. Her mind was unsure of what to say, but her eyes said it all. She just wanted Camilla back. The siblings had remained quiet, each of them making their own little expressions Antonio cared nothing about. "All of them hate me, just like they hate Camilla. I can't stop here. There has to be a way to convince him to give me the money!"

Taylor put down the bottle on the table after having poured himself a drink properly. He raised his finger, shaking it and foaming at the mouth more. But something looked strange to Antonio. The world began to blur and almost instantly it slowed down! Taylor West was moving so slowly, before he froze completely in place.

"What the. What's going on?" Antonio Smith looked at the rest of the family and saw that their expressions were frozen in place too. Marilyn West had raised her hands in a frightened expression, holding them to cover her mouth. The rest of the siblings had awkward and meek looks on their faces. None of them clearly knew what they would say in this conversation.

Antonio turned his head left and right to look around the room. The whole room was beginning to turn Greyscale in how it looked. Nothing was moving, and Antonio felt as if he too could not move!

"Where am I. Im still in the West Family Manor. But I can't move! Nothings moving at all here!" For a moment Antonio felt afraid. He had no explanation for what was going on outside of the supernatural. He clutched his head in partial fear, until a sound filled his ears

He heard a sound that reminded him of computers. It is as a whooshing sound of data as a big blue screen materialized in front of Antonio Smith. It was a bright screen that reminded him of the kind you see in video games or on the internet.

Immediately, the screen filled with a Loading bar that said Loading right above it and quickly began to fill up. Antonio was not able to move, so he only watched. "What is this? Don't tell me I've died and fallen into a video game or something!" Antonio would slap himself if he were able to move.

In a minute, the loading bar finished moving. The screen shined brightly as it began to transform into something else.

It now read, "Welcome New User. To the Son In Law System." in bright beaming letters.

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