Chapter 5

Antonio Smith's body stood utterly frozen in place. He was unable to lift a muscle to do anything when the system suddenly showed him a new message. His eyes nearly popped out of his head reading what was on the screen.

"Welcome to the Son in Law System". The message remained on the screen, with a button beneath it that said [Continue].

"Son in Law System? Don't tell me I've really fallen inside of a video game or something now!" Antonio Smith called out. He noticed nobody else who was frozen could hear him, and wasn't sure if his words were even properly escaping his mouth. Antonio Smith looked around the entire room and saw nobody else was remotely looking at the mysterious blue screen except for him.

He attempted to move and found that he could move his arms and his legs again. He reached his hand out to the blue message screen that was now shining in front of him. Antonio Smith upon placing his hand, caused the screen to shine and expand itself. It disappeared in front of him, before reconstructing itself into several blue windows.

Antonio was amazed by what he was seeing in front of him. An entire super computer of a game like system had manifested spontaneously in the middle of his arguement with Taylor West! "But can this really save me and Camilla? I can't see anything that can help me!"

One of the screens had a button that said Tutorial. Antonio went and tapped that button on the screen, causing it to play and speak as if it were a recording.

"Welcome to the Son in Law System", a robotic female voice read off to Antonio Smith. "If you are hearing this, you are one of the lucky few chosen to be a part of the Son In Law System. Every Five Hundred Years. Someone is selected to benefit from a second chance via this system." Antonio Smith couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Once in every five hundred years? That is like winning the lottery a million times by that kind of probability!" Antonio continued to listen to what the system had to say.

"The Son In Law System picks people based on their character, aptitude and their situation in life. If you have received this, then you are truly in peril. There are no mistakes made by the Son In Law System. Look at this first screen." The System then moved a character like screen in front of Antonio, showing off his entire body and empty slots next to parts of his body. Each of the slots said "equipment", and below it was a reading of something called "Stats".

Antonio was puzzled by all of these words and terms, but the system as if sensing his confusion began to speak about them.

"First you have your Stats. These are what make up your body and mind. You have Six Stats, which are Strength, Constitution, Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom and Luck. Each of these Stats influences a very important part of you." The system then went over each stat in detail.

"Strength decides how much you can carry, lift, and exert. It also effects every muscle in your body. Constitution is how much pain, fatigue and damage your body can endure. If it gets high enough, you can even endure bullets or more dangerous weapons one day!" The system declared that last sentence with emphasis. Antonio could not believe what he was hearing. There could come a day where he could take bullets point blank to the face? At that point wealth did not matter if you were nearly super human!

The system continued to explain just what each stat was. "Charisma is how convincing and charming you are to people. Whether they will trust your words or follow what you say. Sometimes, if it's high enough they may even do whatever you tell them too. Intelligence is how smart you are and how fast you learn new things. Wisdom however is how experienced with life you are. Wisdom effects how patient you are, and how easily you understand complicated concepts that are not sciences or logical knowledges. The last thing, Luck can turn everything around in an instant! If you have high luck, things that seem like they would be against you will immediately turn around in your favor!"

The system then immediately showed Antonio Smith his stats, he had a one in everything. "Wow...I was really boring wasn't I?" Antonio Smith commented on how meager his stats look. A one in everything sounded like the equivalent of having all fs in middle school, even an F for lunch!

The system was ornate and looked futuristic. Each of his stats were neatly arranged. "During your journey, you may find special items that you can equip to each slot of your person. These items will give you special boosts to your stats, and may even grant you temporary or special abilities depending on how high the quality is."

Antonio Smith became intrigued upon hearing this. He wondered if wearing a Family Heirloom carried any special benefits, or an ancient piece of jewelery. He would have to see for himself when he stepped out of the Son In Law Systems time freeze. That was when reality struck him upside the head. "Oh no! Camilla!" In the process of the Son In Law System appearing to Antonio Smith, he had realized there was still not a solution to Camilla's situation.

"Shit, Shit. Shit! Am I just going to get kicked out of Taylor West's house only to not have the money at all to pay for Camilla's procedure!" Antonio began to pace back and forth. All of these fancy interventions and powers mean't nothing if he could not save the love of his life. "Aghh!!!!" He shouted.

The system then presented another Window to Antonio, "The Introduction Package for becoming a part of the Son In Law system comes with the following. 100 Trillion Dollars, and Ten 5 point increases for your personal stats."

Antonio nearly shouted to the highest of heavens, One Hundred Trillion Dollars!!??!?!

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