Chapter 6

"100 Trillion Dollars!!!" Antonio Smith was not able to believe the words that he was hearing right now. Just to be safe, he slapped himself two times across the face.


Once across the left cheek of his face and once again on the right. He even attempted to do a third one before the system interrupted him immediately. "Please do not hit yourself again. This is not a dream or your imagination. The Son In Law System will legally provide you with a special credit card to use for your transactions."

The System began to load another loading bar, and within a few seconds it was complete and full! From the bar came a magical credit card that sprung out of the digital loading screen and landed perfectly in Antonio's hand. "Only you are able to use this credit card. If someone else attempts to grab or use it. They will not be able to see it, and it will reappear in your hand on command!" Antonio was shocked by the literal magic credit card the Son In Law System was giving him.

But he grew suspicious immediately. In life there was no such thing as eating a free lunch! The Son In Law System had to have wanted something from him. "System, why are you doing all of this for me? Is there anything you want me to do at all?" Antonio shifted his head, puzzled by the systems intentions. It was hard to believe that he was a lucky millionare chosen one by a random game system. Every game had a goal, something you played the game to achieve.

Maybe this game had it's own, or even a "final boss" to defeat!

The System loaded a response with a few blank periods before talking, "The Son In Law System only wants you to do one thing. To become the Wealthiest and Most Powerful Son In Law in the entire world. You will know more later, but for now that is all you need to know Antonio." The system did not elaborate, making Antonio tense.

"Just what did this system have planned for the future? But I can't say no now!" Antonio Smith noticed how the room was still frozen in time. "System, are you going to be able to freeze time for me in the future?" Antonio asked the system, it was such a supernatural looking power that he could not believe.

"You have only received this benefit so that you can obtain the Son In Law System. In the far future, you might be able to ask about such luxuries. But, there are more important things that you must focus on Antonio." The System nudged at Antonio, showing him the newly deposited money on the credit card and the stat booster items he just obtained.

"You are going to change alot based on how you change your stats. Each point increases your powers very strongly on a human scale. When any of your stats hit 200, they are going to be on a superhuman level!" The system emphasized to Antonio. He blinked for a minute before realizing just what this means. Over time, the Son In Law System could turn him into an actual superhuman genius or athlete or everything all at once!

Antonio mentally thought of the stats screen, causing the system to open it right in front of him. He pondered where he should invest the points that he received. "System, do you have any advice for me on where I should use these points?"

The system immediately gave Antonio a few ideas, showing them on a bright blue screen. "You could focus on being well rounded, and spread them across all to make everything even. You won't have anything strong for now, but you won't have any weaknesses either. Everything you have is a tool that you will use in the near future. Sometimes, you will have to fight and defend yourself. But not every situation will need to be a fight. You can always talk your way out or diffuse the situation if you are smarter..."

Antonio thought about just what the system was suggesting for him to do. He looked at this stats to analyze just what he would need the most. He needed to be stronger, so people would not shove him away and that he could easily defend himself. But he also needed to be able to convince people, especially now that he was receiving a ton of money. He could not simply beat the shit out of business partners!

Antonio reached into the screen and took the stat booster potions and began to use them. With each one that he drank, it would provide an option of which stat to select for him to use. Once he was done with all of them, his stats then read out as such.







Once Antonio finished selecting the stat boosts, he felt an immediate pain in his body. "Argh!" Antonio called out, kneeling down. "Every time your stats are increased, you will feel a significant change in your body. Each point you place is capable of putting alot of biological changes quickly throughout your body. Especially every fifty points that you reach in a stat. Be sure that every time you are increasing your stats, that you are in a safe place and able to rest." The system advised to Antonio.

The pain felt sharp and quick, his body immediately felt two inches taller than it was before. His body also felt somewhat more toned and stronger. Antonio quickly realized just how dramatically powerful this system was. If it was capable of changing his bank account and his body so quickly, just what else was it able to do!?

Antonio stood up feeling like a prouder man. He also felt just a little bit smarter, like he could think about everything clearer. He turned to the system screen in front of him. "Is there anything else I will need to know?" Antonio asked.

"No. You are ready for time to resume. You should also hurry back to the hospital. It is still open in time for you to fund Camilla's procedure." The system said in a monotone voice. Antonio nodded his head. "I don't need to waste an ounce of my time on the trash known as Taylor West, I am ready!"

"One more thing." The system interrupted, presenting a new screen in front of Antonio. "This will be your first quest. Every time you get a quest from the system, you can get a few different rewards." The system window presented in front of Antonio showed the following.

Quest:A Man's Love


Description:The Son In Law System have given you an unimaginable amount of money. Now it is time to use that to save the love of your life! Escape from Taylor West's Mansion alive and make your way over there.

Quest Rewards:Five Levels

Antonio looked over the Quest description for a moment. He was puzzled by the last sentence, "System what do you mean by escape Taylor West's mansion alive? There is no danger here." Antonio said in complete confusion.

"You did not see it, but Taylor West was about to pull a gun on you and get whoever he could to attack you. It's best that while you still can, to run as fast as possible!" The system warned Antonio.

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