The great Dragon

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The great Dragon

By: Omotoke odejayi Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 96 views: 390

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Serpens Ryu is a sophomore at the University of Draketown, shares a home with his younger sister following the loss of their grandmother. Despite facing financial hardships, Serpens finds solace in his simple life. However, everything changes when his girlfriend leaves him for someone wealthier. Heartbroken and feeling lost, Serpens experiences strange events during a thunderstorm... He unlocked a mysterious system granting him Dragon Like Powers

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96 chapters
Chapter 1
Why is my life so miserable? What could I have possibly done in my past life to deserve this?" A frown crept onto the young man's face.His name? Serpens. Come school reopening, he'd be a second-year student at Draketown University. Since little, he'd been alongside his younger sister and grandma.Sadly, grandma passed a few years back. Left behind were Serpens and his sister, Serena, relying on each other.Both bright students, Serpens snagged a spot at the esteemed Draketown University with top-notch grades, while sister joined this year.Apart from his adorable sister, Serpens had a close female friend. Though they never labeled it, they were tight as could be.So, Serpens felt content despite juggling part-time gigs to support himself and his sister.But yesterday, that girl he was close to bailed for a dude with a fancy ride. She spat, "I'm sick of this broke life. I want something better."Serpens still recalled the guy's smirk as he left with her in his arms."Reality and cash.
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Chapter 2
The University of Draketown resided within Draketown College Town, alongside three universities and three vocational schools. Surrounding the university was a vibrant area boasting an old street, though its structures were modern replicas of ancient buildings.Despite being summer break, the old street buzzed with activity, though today's rain kept the crowds sparse.Eyeing the restaurants, Serpens muttered, "Let's treat myself today." Previously, he pinched pennies, often settling for cheap meals like instant noodles.Although still strapped for cash, Serpens decided to indulge after his fortuitous encounter earlier.Spotting the First-grade Seafood Restaurant, Serpens ventured in. Known as the priciest joint on the street, it offered meals costing hundreds, even thousands of dollars."Welcome." The greeters bowed as Serpens entered. Surprised, he recognized one as Rose, a fellow student and a campus beauty."Rose? Working here?" Serpens pondered. Despite her popularity, he knew lit
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Chapter 3
"You're from the Class of 2020 too? What's your department?" Rose asked, her eyes shining as she spoke to the boy on the school path.Standing at 1.7 meters tall, he wasn't very tall, but he had a special vibe. His determined face had a sense of steadiness that most students lacked."Business Administration. You can call me Serpens," he replied with a smile."Business Administration? Our classes must be nearby. You're not heading home for the break either?" Rose continued, expressing her gratitude for his help earlier. She couldn't imagine what would've happened without him."No need to thank me. It was nothing," Serpens replied modestly. "And no, I'm sticking around for a summer job off-campus.""Oh, really? What a coincidence! Sadly, I got fired by my boss," Rose said with a hint of disappointment."Hehe," Serpens chuckled. "My dorm's right over there. Catch you later."With a wave, Serpens walked away. Rose watched him go, a little surprised at his swift exit. "Bye then...""What's
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Chapter 4
Serpens carefully placed the redcap brown oranda on a piece of glass and approached the young man without hesitation."Eight goldfish. Your six thousand won't cover it. I'm calling the police to handle this mess," Serpens said coldly, eyeing the young man.The young man's arrogance rubbed Serpens the wrong way. If he had apologized right away, things might have been different. But his attitude left Serpens no choice. Little did he know, Serpens was beginning to adopt the imperious nature of a Great Dragon."Kid, you're making a big deal out of nothing. How much could your busted motorcycle be worth? And those little fish? I'll pay you for them. Don't push your luck," the young man sneered as he approached Serpens."Hey, watch it. Let's talk this out," an elderly man nearby interjected, trying to defuse the situation. "Son, these boys aren't being unreasonable. They'll pay you what's fair. Don't be greedy."Serpens glanced at the old man, then back at the young men surrounding him. "I
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Chapter 5
"Boss, you’re kidding me. How much are your goldfish? I will take them all,” the pretty lady exclaimed, shooting a glare at her boyfriend upon hearing Serpens's words.“Babe, your boyfriend might not be able to afford it,” Serpens replied with a smile.“What? Did you just say that I can’t afford it?” The young man peered at him, holding up the car keys in his hand. “Did you say that I can’t afford it?”Serpens glanced at the BMW car keys in his hand, likely a 5 Series worth about five to six hundred thousand dollars.“What kind of goldfish are they? Why are they in a styrofoam box?” A middle-aged man approached with curiosity upon overhearing their conversation.Another old man popped his head over from the side.Serpens grinned at the middle-aged man. “A premium Chilli Red Arowana and five Redcap Brown Orandas.”“What? Redcap Brown Orandas?” The middle-aged man was slightly stunned as he squatted down hurriedly.“They are Redcap Brown Orandas! They are!” The middle-aged man stared du
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Chapter 6
"Alright, I have transferred $700k over. Please check your online banking account,” a middle-aged man stated to Serpens at the goldfish fair, having just completed the fund transfer.“Alright, I have received it,” Serpens replied, smiling. Spotting the crowd in front of him, he raised his voice, “There are three more top-grade Redcap Brown Oranda selling for $350k each. No restock after these are sold. In addition, there’s a top-grade Chilli Red Arowana selling for three million dollars. Feel free to come and take a look.”“Give me one,” a member of the crowd said, tempted after seeing someone else purchase one, considering the price was $80k cheaper than those in the goldfish fair.“Alright,” Serpens nodded, placing the Redcap Brown Oranda into a fishbowl and handing it to the old man. With another $350k transferred into his account, Serpens felt a surge of excitement. He now had $1.05 million in his account!“There are two more Redcap Brown Oranda and a Chilli Red Arowana,” Serpens
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Chapter 7
Serpens' focus was entirely on the imposing Yellow Catfish before him.The Yellow Catfish has a head comparable in size to Serpens's own, advanced menacingly, a small octopus lingering on its teeth as it fixed its gaze on Serpens."Pre-emptive strike," Serpens muttered, eyeing the Yellow Catfish intently. With a swift wriggle, he propelled himself like a golden arrow toward his adversary.The Yellow Catfish's reaction surpassed Serpens's expectations, its combat prowess in the water rivaling that of a human. Its sharp teeth aimed directly for Serpens."I can't face it head-on," Serpens realized, observing the Yellow Catfish's formidable teeth. He extended his dragon claws, bracing himself for a direct confrontation.Tssss.As Serpens heard the Yellow Catfish's roar, it widened its mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth.A glimmer of cunning flashed in Serpens's eyes. Just before collision, he maneuvered his body upward, slashing his dragon claws toward the Yellow Catfish's eyes.Belongi
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Chapter 8
In the vast expanse of the Bohai Sea, most have tasted clams before. Typically, they're the size of a thumb, while larger ones can be as big as a palm. Yet, in this realm, there existed a breed known as the Giant Clam, also dubbed the Man-eating Clam, reaching a staggering 1.8 meters. However, the specimen before Serpens surpassed even these records.Stupefied, Serpens beheld the colossal sea clam. "Luckily, it moves slowly, so I needn't fear it. If I stay behind, it can't threaten me," he reasoned, eyeing the creature determinedly. He calculated that devouring it could propel him to Level Three with the extracted Dragonic Force.After some hesitation, Serpens stealthily approached the clam. Unmoving, it offered no resistance as he neared. Tentatively, he grasped its shell with his claw, but to no avail."Too solid, impenetrable," Serpens muttered, vexed by his failed attempts. Despite repeated strikes, the clam remained unaffected."The shell's too hard. I can't break it," Serpens la
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Chapter 9
The young girl expertly maneuvered her sports car, executing a skillful drift that brought her to a halt beside Serpens's heavy-duty motorcycle. With a taunting glance, she raised her head to address him."Don't they call heavy-duty motorcycle riders 'knights'? Come on, Uncle Knight!"In response to the young girl's challenge, Serpens revved his engine, meeting her gaze with determination."Let's race! If you lose, you'll have to call me mom," she exclaimed, her laughter echoing loudly as she positioned her car alongside the others.A slight smile played on Serpens's lips as he aligned his motorcycle with the sports cars, ready to accept the challenge.Vroom vroom vroom!Engines roared to life as the sports cars and Serpens's motorcycle prepared to launch."Three, two, one. Go!"With a thunderous roar, the vehicles surged forward, each striving for victory. Despite the formidable performance of the sports cars, Serpens's heavy-duty motorcycle quickly gained the lead, reaching speeds o
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Chapter 10
Rose, who comes from a privileged background, emanates an aura of affluence without the typical haughtiness that is often associated with her social class. Even after her family's financial collapse, she remains resolute and dedicated to working part-time during her summer break.Serpens was impressed by Rose's perseverance and found it admirable that she could endure hardship with such grace. "Your dinner was truly delightful. I haven't had a meal this enjoyable in quite some time,"she expressed gratefully, appreciating his kind gesture.Impressed by her resilience, Serpens found n Shuqing's ability to endure hardship admirable. "Thank you for your dinner. This is the most delightful meal I’ve had recently," she expressed, appreciating his gesture.Grinning, Serpens replied, "I guess I will be having seafood for all my meals for a while. If I do, I’ll tell you in advance.""Right, it’s a deal," Rose agreed sweetly.As they parted ways, Rose watched Serpens depart with a warm smile, r
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