The great Dragon
The great Dragon
Author: Omotoke odejayi
Chapter 1

Why is my life so miserable? What could I have possibly done in my past life to deserve this?" A frown crept onto the young man's face.

His name? Serpens. Come school reopening, he'd be a second-year student at Draketown University. Since little, he'd been alongside his younger sister and grandma.

Sadly, grandma passed a few years back. Left behind were Serpens and his sister, Serena, relying on each other.

Both bright students, Serpens snagged a spot at the esteemed Draketown University with top-notch grades, while sister joined this year.

Apart from his adorable sister, Serpens had a close female friend. Though they never labeled it, they were tight as could be.

So, Serpens felt content despite juggling part-time gigs to support himself and his sister.

But yesterday, that girl he was close to bailed for a dude with a fancy ride. She spat, "I'm sick of this broke life. I want something better."

Serpens still recalled the guy's smirk as he left with her in his arms.

"Reality and cash. Pfft." Serpens sneered, staring at the lake ahead, unfazed by the rain.

Bzzt! His phone buzzed, and a faint smile crossed his face seeing his sister's message.

"Hey all, I'm Nick Loranzo and I present to you... Dragon Tail,  a game like no other. Try it for three minutes, and you'll be hooked!"

Raindrops splattered on his screen. Unlocking it, a loud ad blasted.

"Crappy phone..." Serpens grumbled. The cheap phone, a reward for topping up his prepaid card, always had pop-up ads.

He closed it. But another promptly popped up.

"Start as a dragon. Explore the universe later!"

"Seriously?" Serpens clenched his phone.

Boom! Thunder cracked as his hands tingled.

"What's happening?" Serpens felt prickles all over.

Splash! A silvery bolt hit his hand, sending him plunging into the lake.

"Start as a dragon. Explore the universe later!"

The ad blared on his old phone. Stiff, Serpens noticed it glowing.

A Great Dragon appeared onscreen, then leaped out, straight into his head.

"Start as a dragon," a voice echoed in his mind, followed by a flash.

Name: Serpens

Race: Human (can morph into a dragon)

Level: 1

Dragonic Force: 1/1000

Superpower: Command marine creatures (below his level)

Absorb life forms (for Dragonic Force)

Cultivation: Great Dragonic Morph

"What's all this in my head?" Serpens gasped.

To his surprise, he could breathe underwater.

"I can talk and breathe underwater..." Wide-eyed, Serpens felt more at ease here than on land.

"Transform into a dragon? Turn into a dragon?" Serpens gawked at his mental image.

"Start as a dragon. You can become one," the voice chimed.

"I can be a dragon? Really?" Serpens was floored.


His body seemed to change drastically. He moved and saw a long creature, with four claws and fish scales.

"I'm a dragon," Serpens marveled, baby-sized for now.

As a fish passed, a message popped up.

Little Sharpbelly: Level 0

Extractable Dragonic Force: 0.001

Without hesitation, Serpens swiftly devoured it.

"Dragonic Force increased by 0.001."

Curious, Serpens asked, "Can I turn back into a human?"

"Yes," the voice replied.

"What's Dragonic Force for?"

"To level up and enhance powers. Also, to upgrade marine creatures."

"Cool! What's Great Dragonic Morph?" Serpens queried.

"The ultimate use of Dragonic Force," the voice explained.

"Great Dragonic Morph!"

And in his mind, a host of Great Dragons swirled, forming the words "Great Dragonic Morph."

"So this is what they call Great Dragonic Morph? It's so strong!" Serpens felt the presence of various Great Dragons, their auras seemingly towering over the world. His eyes widened in amazement.

"So this is how Dragonic Power is used." After a while, Serpens let out a slow breath, excitement flickering in his eyes.

Great Dragonic Morph is the pinnacle of cultivation arts for Great Dragons. It encompassed methods for harnessing and channeling Dragonic Power, granting powers like Inferno, Frosty, Wind, and more.

Dragonic Power stood is the highest-tier energy, convertible into lower-tier forms like Metal, Wood, Water, and Fire. It also had the power to fortify one's body.

Another potent aspect of Dragonic Power was its ability to upgrade marine creatures. 

Each Great Dragon had its own Dragon Palace, where ordinary marine life could evolve into formidable beings.

"Haha! Who'd have thought I'd stumble upon something so amazing?" Serpens's face lit up with excitement. Transforming into a Great Dragon had miraculously cured his illness.

"Now that I'm a Great Dragon, I'll be able to command the skies and summon rain with a flick of my hand once I grow stronger. I'll become the mightiest being in the world and build the grandest Dragon Palace." Serpens wriggled with ambition.

"As my Great Dragon form grows stronger, so will my human self. Time to start absorbing some Dragonic Power." Serpens pondered his next move. There were two ways to absorb it: devouring other living beings or tapping into the descriptions in Great Dragonic Morph.

"Let's start by devouring nearby creatures." Serpens's eyes gleamed. The lake by the pavilion teemed with fish, none too large to intimidate him.

Spotting a Borg Carp, Serpens wasted no time. 

Borg Carp: Level 0. Extractable Dragonic Force: 0.05. "Devour." With a swift move, he gulped it down, earning 0.05 Dragonic Force.

"Let's keep going." Excitement brimming, Serpens voraciously consumed the surrounding fish—Borg Carp, carp, lobsters, mudfish—all Level 0. His devouring prowess was unmatched, even against fish twice his size.

Soon, the lake swarmed with hundreds of fish, all meeting the same fate under Serpens's golden form.

A faint dragon roar echoed, soft yet commanding, softer than the rain but filled with awe.

"Despite devouring all these fish, I've only gained twenty Dragonic Force! That's not much." After half an hour, Serpens swam to the lake's edge, the golden hue of his body gleaming.

Alone at the lakeshore, Serpens shrugged off his clothes without hesitation, his dragon eyes gleaming with nobility as his body emitted a radiant golden light.

Quickly donning his clothes, Serpens dashed back to his dorm, his newly enhanced strength apparent in his every move.

"I feel so much stronger now." Serpens clenched his fists, his gaze admiring his reflection in the mirror.

"At level 1, twenty Dragonic Force doesn't seem like much. I need to reach level 2 quickly." Serpens resolved to improve.

Buzz Buzz. His phone rang suddenly. "What? It still works after falling in the lake?" Serpens marveled, answering his sister's messages.

With a smile, he replied, assuring her of their financial stability. "I've got you covered, sis."

"Now that I can transform into a Great Dragon, how can I earn money? Should I go fishing in the ocean?" Serpens pondered, his determination unwavering.

Remembering a certain girl, he muttered to himself, "I must become wealthy. Strength and money will get me what I want."

Despite earning around a hundred dollars a day from odd jobs, Serpens had amassed over eight thousand dollars by summer's end, enough for tuition but not living expenses.

His sister, wise beyond her years, also contributed to their finances by tutoring during summer break.

"I won't let my sister struggle. I'll make sure she's treated like royalty." Serpens vowed to provide for her, sparing her the hardships he'd faced.

Hungry, Serpens grabbed his umbrella and headed out. 

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