Chapter 9

Antonio Smith walked directly out of Doctor Camp's office in a bit of a haste. He had begged God and everything for this moment for so long. The two had shared many tears from this disease, and their unhappiness would soon meet its end.

Antonio walked into the hospital room Camilla was in. Gently, he placed his hand on her hand. "Camilla. I have returned with good news." She turned back to him, a tear running down her face. "One of the nurses...She told me that you had the money for the surgery now. Antonio...How...? Did my father help you with this?" Camilla weakly smiled at Antonio and took his hand. He debated how he would explain any of this money to her.

"I can't just tell her I have a magical game like system called the Son In Law System. Even if she believed me, it's better not to know about these types of things..." Antonio raised his other hand to his chin, carefully weighing his answer to give his wife. "He did not help me at all. But I was able to get incredibly lucky. My
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