The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge

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The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge

By: Rytir Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 56 views: 268

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Thomas, who was just a small man from the countryside, managed to win Sylvia Gregory's love after saving her from the pursuit of dangerous hitmen. But he got it at a high price. He lost the ability to walk due to an accident they experienced during the pursuit. Later, Sylvia took care of Thomas, asking her family to pay for all the treatment and therapy to help Thomas walk again. However, after two weeks of therapy with Thomas not showing any improvement, the entire Gregory family began showing contempt. They even kicked Thomas out of their house, not even allowing him to use the wheelchair they bought for him. While holding back anger and despair, Thomas crawled out of the house, amidst the laughter of the rich people looking down on his predicament. One thing they didn’t know, the village young man they were laughing at was none other than the man who had conquered the most dangerous district in Drada under his spell.

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56 chapters
001 -
In a spacious bedroom, a man sits on a wheelchair while rubbing the knees on both of his legs. The name is Thomas Hendrix, currently being cared for in a mansion of his fiancée. It’s been three weeks since he lost the ability to walk.The door opens. A 21 year-old girl named Sylvia enters the room bringing a meal and a glass of water. She is such a swan with a luxurious gown, but her eyes are icy cold.She puts the dish and the glass on the table in front of Thomas, and then waits in silence. Just when Thomas tries to enjoy the meal…“How long must we act like slaves to that countryside puppy?”“It annoys me, Mom! Seeing a respectable girl in the Gregory Family treating a bump like him!”It’s Sylvia’s aunt and the aunt's teenage daughter. They aren’t holding back in expressing their disgust towards Thomas from outside the room.It kills off Thomas’ appetite. He puts down the spoon, and holds his hunger. When Sylvia is about to pick up the dish and the spoon, Thomas holds her hand gentl
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002 -
Leon Williamson also approaches Thomas with heavy steps. He looks so pissed off, snatching a glass of drink from a maid as he walks, and then coldly pours it on Thomas' head.“If you feel our kindness has hurt your pride, then leave this house without the wheelchair we bought you! Let’s see how you are going to avenge us for this humiliation!”Thomas, who can’t even move his legs, can only stare while Leon pours the drink on his head. His eyes are burning with rage.Initially, he just wanted to leave and forget everything between him and Sylvia. But now, the provocations have completely ignited the fire of resentment in him.His fists clenched tightly. He likes to smack the man so hard. But too sad, he can’t even get up to send his knuckle on Leon’s smug face.Still looking down at Thomas, Sylvia scrunches her face so hard due to immeasurable hatred she harbors toward him.“Greed has made you naive, thinking you can squeeze my grandpa’s money by using me! If you still have pride as a m
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003 -
In the room near the kitchen, Carina is busy preparing for her departure. But then, a commotion at the backyard distracts her. It is so noisy with dogs’ barking.She goes to the window, and sees Thomas limping into the woods, with several guards following him by taking their dogs.“Oh, God! Thomas!”She rushes getting out of the room, but accidentally bumps into Laura.“I need you to know that starting tomorrow, you no longer work for us,” Laura informs with a glare.“I’ve packed my stuff,” says Carina. “But please excuse me! There’s something I need to do.”Laura grabs Carina’s hand before she leaves. “It’s a good thing you’ve prepared for your departure. Now leave this house right away.”“But…”“Now!” Laura scolds. “Or I’ll call the guards to kick you out of this house!”Carina clenches her hands tightly, with an urge to punch the annoying lady’s face. But she holds it in and drags her belongings so she can immediately do something to help Thomas.Soon after she gets out of the house
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004 -
The gun slips from his right hand. His grip on the edge of the cliff with his left hand also slips, and he falls with the dog still gnawing his hand with its wet teeth.In panic, Thomas issues a specific command.“Inventory! Box No. 2!”It’s weird for him to issue such a command in that situation. But suddenly, a blue light appears in the air with some sparks of lightning, and a gun drops from it.He grabs the gun, and points it so close at the dog’s belly. And then…Bang, bang!!!Two bullets are logged in the dog’s chest. They both fall into the river. Sadly, just like Thomas has worried before, his legs aren’t strong enough to help him to swim.The strong current drives him downstream. Just by depending on his arms, he tries his best to get some air to breath.After all the struggles, and once he manages to get his head to the surface, he sees the edge of a waterfall. It looks quite wild.“Oh, God! Why do you hate me so much?”Looking so resigned, he surrenders to his fate. In the en
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005 -
Thomas cuts the snake with the knife. Sadly, the snake has already bitten the girl’s left leg, right on the inner thigh, about 15 cm above her knee.The girl looks so in pain while holding her left thigh. Thomas rushes to her by crawling, intending to check on her condition. However, he accidentally sees the cute, white panties under the girl’s skirt.The blush is slowly surfacing in his face. His glance moves to the girl’s beautiful face, and they both turn silent as their gazes are locked on each other.But then…Plak!The girl slaps him hard. “What are you doing, you pervert?”Thomas looks stupid, holding his red cheek.“No! I…”He shakes his head, trying to erase all the dirty thoughts in his mind. He goes back to his honest intention to help the girl, to check on her inner thigh.“I need to see your…”But the girl doesn’t even give him any chance.“Noo!”She retaliates, kicking Thomas’s nuts with her right foot.Dsh!“Urgh! Fuuuck!Thomas squirms. He keeps hitting the ground while
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006 -
“What the?” Thomas holds his forehead. “Are you fucking nuts? Do you have any idea how much that thing cost?” he deplores.“Shut up!” the girl snaps. “I know you were trying to put me to sleep with that strange liquid so you could rape me!”The girl’s bad judgment makes Thomas even more desperate. “Aw, come on! If I really wanted to rape you, I don't need to put you to sleep. Don't you realize your current condition? Oh, God! You just wasted 47 grand-worth of Ether!”“Ether?” the girl mumbles.She looks curious for a moment. But her bad thoughts towards Thomas still don’t disappear, especially when he talked about the 47 grand, which is more than enough to buy one expensive city car.She looks at him with a funny look, noting Thomas' humble outfits. “Give me a break! Like you really have that much money in your life!”Thomas grimaces. What he has worried about actually happens. The girl looks down on him because of his appearance.“Hey, look!” Thomas tries to regain his composure befo
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007 -
The sun has just set, with a small part of the sky on the western horizon still bright with a rosy orange thick cloud. Meanwhile, the dense woods around the cemetery are already so dark.She walks hurriedly, no longer caring about the snake venom in her blood. Even so, she still drags her left leg because of the burning pain in her left thigh.“What kind of liquid did he give me?”Over time, the pain has subsided, but not with her irritation. She continues to grumble, until she sees a man in the distance.It’s a tough looking guy with a barren head in his mid 40s. The man is also noticing her presence, and raises one of his hands.“Young lady!” He calls with a hoarse voice.“Alfred! What are you doing there?” asks the girl.Soon, she also notices another man, lying face down on the ground near the tough looking guy she called Alfred. As she gets closer, she realizes that it is actually Thomas.“This guy? What did you do to him?” she asks.She intends to check on Thomas’s condition, bu
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008 -
The next day, Thomas squirms on a cozy bed. He comfortably rubs his head on the soft pillow, and then opens his eyes. He looks so satisfied after having a good sleep.He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes again, wanting to enjoy the cozy bed even more. But soon, he suddenly opens his eyes wide.He sits up and looks around, finding himself in a rather spacious luxurious bed room. By the look of it, by the pink wardrobe, the shape of the dressing table, and the blanket currently covering him, it’s certainly a room for a girl.“Where am I? How did I get here?”He rubs the blanket on his knees. The legs are still heavy, but somehow, he can move them more freely than before.He uncovers the blanket, intending to leave the bed. But he is shocked to find that he is completely naked, and immediately covers his body again.“What the hell?”In a hectic, he tries to rub his private part, worrying about something. Whether it is just a morning wood or something else, he finds his little b
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009 -
Thomas doesn’t give her any answer. He deletes Carina’s number from the out-going call list in the phone before giving the phone back to Erica.“Sorry, I need to go,” says Thomas as he walks away.The girl looks so awry, staring at Thomas’ back while holding the phone.But then, she finds Thomas wobble so weakly, causing her assessment of Thomas to change slightly.She starts to think that maybe Thomas is just a weak person who happened to be a victim of some bad people.Thomas’ appearance does give him an impression of a genuine countryside man. Erica finds his face looks too kind to be a criminal.“Are you okay?” she asks. “Are you sure you can go out by yourself? What about the food I gave you before? Have you eaten yet?”Before Thomas gets the chance to answer, he already stumbles and falls rolling down the stairs.“Hey, be careful!”Erica rushes to help him, and finds Thomas’ legs shaking as he tries to get up by leaning to the stair railing.Her face contorts, looking silly whil
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010 -
“Um, Sir!” Nancy comes to Oliver, trying to handle the situation. “Please, let me talk to him for a moment. I’ll come to you soon.”“No, you don’t have to,” Laura interferes. “We know that man well. There’s no need to talk to him. Just kick him out of this place.”“But…” Nancy looks so unsure with that idea.“Believe me! He is not one of your customers,” Laura continues. “One look is enough to tell that he is just a cheap country bumpkin. We just kicked him out of our house yesterday. And I am sure he is just looking for a place to rest by coming here pretending to be a customer.”Despite what Laura said, Nancy still approaches Thomas and treats him kindly.“Excuse me, sir! Did you know this house belongs to Saunders Property Trust?” she asks.“I know,” replies Thomas shortly.“We are holding an open house for business purposes. Although the house is open to the public, we expect only those who have serious interest in buying this house,” Nancy explains.Thomas glances back at Oliver,
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