The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge
The Mysterious Mafia Boss' Revenge
Author: Rytir
001 -

In a spacious bedroom, a man sits on a wheelchair while rubbing the knees on both of his legs. The name is Thomas Hendrix, currently being cared for in a mansion of his fiancée. It’s been three weeks since he lost the ability to walk.

The door opens. A 21 year-old girl named Sylvia enters the room bringing a meal and a glass of water. She is such a swan with a luxurious gown, but her eyes are icy cold.

She puts the dish and the glass on the table in front of Thomas, and then waits in silence. Just when Thomas tries to enjoy the meal…

“How long must we act like slaves to that countryside puppy?”

“It annoys me, Mom! Seeing a respectable girl in the Gregory Family treating a bump like him!”

It’s Sylvia’s aunt and the aunt's teenage daughter. They aren’t holding back in expressing their disgust towards Thomas from outside the room.

It kills off Thomas’ appetite. He puts down the spoon, and holds his hunger. When Sylvia is about to pick up the dish and the spoon, Thomas holds her hand gently.

“It was your grandfather’s idea to match us. But...”

“Thomas, please!” Sylvia pulls her hand away.

She cleans the table, and takes the dish with her. However, before the girl actually leaves the room…

“Was it a pity? Or love?” Thomas asks.

Sylvia is silent for a moment before giving an answer. “If you didn't protect me, I would be the one sitting in that wheelchair right now.”

Before taking her leave, she shows a sweet smile. “Even if you can’t walk anymore, I’ll be by your side as your wife.”

Her words soothe Thomas’ heart. So little does he know, that Sylvia is just a girl spoiled by her family, that she has a heart like clouds in the sky, easily changes and is hard to predict.

Two weeks later, the Gregory Family holds a birthday party for Leon Williamson, Sylvia’s father. There are many influential figures present.

It can be said that Thomas is the only insignificant man there. Even the maid suddenly snatches the plate from him while he is about to eat the cake.

“Um, excuse me!” Thomas calls the maid unsurely.

But the maid ignores him and takes the dish away.

Sylvia’s grandfather, Donovan Gregory, actually sits beside Thomas. He smiles, but his eyes are deadly sharp and cold. “You need to understand. Goods will be appreciated from at least three aspects; historical value, artistic, and usefulness. Sorry if I have to tell you this. You currently don't have any of these three.”

Thomas glances sharply at the old man. “So, you are going to ditch me now?”

“I only wanted you to protect my granddaughter,” Donovan replies. “I have to admit that you were the most ideal choice back then. But, look at you! What can I expect from you now?”

The old man wipes his lips with a handkerchief. Suddenly, an excitement erupts and steals his attention.

It’s Sylvia who is being introduced by her father to the invited guests. More than that, Leon Williamson also summons someone else to come to him.

“Let me also introduce to you this young man, the one who will soon be my son-in-law!”

Thomas looks behind, thinking that it was him to be summoned. But no, Leon invites another man to come forward.

The crowds welcome it with a standing ovation. But it’s like a disastrous tempest for Thomas. Sylvia doesn’t even hide her happy face after that man with the golden hair kisses the back of her hand like a charming prince.

“He is the oldest son of Joshua Morris, the owner of Morris Enterprise,” utters Donovan as he gives applause with a bright smile. “There is nothing better than seeing my Sylvia in the hands of the right man, not to someone who can’t even go to the toilet by himself.”

Donovan then glances at Thomas, and chuckles amusedly at the sight of Thomas’ frustrated face.

In fact, it was this old man who matched Sylvia with Thomas some weeks ago. Sadly, during a dinner in Thomas’ first meeting with Sylvia, they were attacked by mysterious hitmen, which led to a car accident at Boslow Hill.

Thomas took the girl out of the car, and kept protecting her despite he hit his own head to a rock and his back to a big tree, which later took his ability to walk.

Now, it’s clear that Donovan has lost interest in him. “You see! We don't keep diaper when it has already filled with excrement. Otherwise, it will only cause disease.”

Not being able to handle the treatment, Thomas rolls back the wheels of his wheelchair, and abandons the party.

Soon, a 34 year-old nurse named Carina comes to his aid. “That’s how a spoiled girl usually is. It didn’t take that long for her to change her mind,” she frets.

“My love for the girl was just an illusion,” utters Thomas with a gloomy face. “But my pride is real. There’s no way I can stay here any longer.”

Carina smiles, and then gives him a tiny flask containing some blue liquid. “Diego brought this from Icalaterra. They said it can fix broken nervous system! You better pay him back later. He spent 890 Gold Coins for that liquid.”

Thomas holds the flask full of hope, but doesn’t consume the mysterious liquid right away.

“Please, wait here! I’ll pack up your stuff,” says Carina before leaving him.

Not long after the nurse leaves, Sylvia’s aunt comes to Thomas. She is Laura Underwood, one of Donovan Gregory’s nieces.

“So, you are leaving, huh? It’s a good thing that you know your place,” she grins.

Thomas remains silent, doesn’t want to show any hint of his displeasure. But Laura keeps provoking him until she says something she shouldn’t say.

“She is not in your league. Just having two bodyguards doesn’t make you big and worthy enough to be part of this family.”

Thomas immediately glances at her with suspicious gaze. “How did you know there were two bodyguards?”

Right at that moment, Laura’s smug grin disappears, realizing she might have revealed something.

With anger paints her face, she throws Thomas by taking the wheelchair away. It attracts the attention of all invited guests, including Sylvia.

“Aunt Laura?” Sylvia comes, her face looking confused.

“He is such an ungrateful puppy!” Laura points finger at Thomas who lies helplessly on the floor. “We have been kind enough to take care of him and pay for his therapy. Now he feels insulted by your engagement, and openly told me that he will avenge our family for the insult he received.”

Thomas looks baffled. “Wait! I didn’t say that!”



Sylvia’s right hand lands on Thomas’ left cheek. She doesn’t hide how mad she is, slapping Thomas hard in front of the crowd.

“What happened to you was just an accident, not my fault! This is my life, and you have no right to interfere with my happiness.”

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