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Leon Williamson also approaches Thomas with heavy steps. He looks so pissed off, snatching a glass of drink from a maid as he walks, and then coldly pours it on Thomas' head.

“If you feel our kindness has hurt your pride, then leave this house without the wheelchair we bought you! Let’s see how you are going to avenge us for this humiliation!”

Thomas, who can’t even move his legs, can only stare while Leon pours the drink on his head. His eyes are burning with rage.

Initially, he just wanted to leave and forget everything between him and Sylvia. But now, the provocations have completely ignited the fire of resentment in him.

His fists clenched tightly. He likes to smack the man so hard. But too sad, he can’t even get up to send his knuckle on Leon’s smug face.

Still looking down at Thomas, Sylvia scrunches her face so hard due to immeasurable hatred she harbors toward him.

“Greed has made you naive, thinking you can squeeze my grandpa’s money by using me! If you still have pride as a man, is this not enough to make you leave this house?!”

With both legs still numb, Thomas crawls out while enduring his rage, accompanied by the laughter of the Gregory family and the Morris family.

Tears are welling up in his eyes. Not crying over his helplessness. It’s a mounting rage he couldn’t endure.

Carina the nurse rushes to help him. However…

“Carina!” Sylvia scolds angrily.

Carina looks reluctant to abandon Thomas. Laura rushes to her and grabs the nurse's left ear. She drags Carina for a moment before throwing her towards the hallway leading to the kitchen.

“Go back to your room!” Laura exclaims. “Don't forget, we are the ones who pay you here.”

It hurts Thomas’ feelings, to see his friend to be treated like trash. Yet there’s nothing he can do with his current situation.

But then, his attention is drawn to the tiny flask in his clenched right hand. He is still unsure with the risks or any side effects, but…


He downs the mysterious liquid in one gulp. And soon, he feels some electrocute spread all over his body.

He is in pain, especially in his spine. His body convulses. And there is something he has never felt in the last month. His leg muscles begin to contract, and his little brother starts to erected.

Sylvia is surprised to see one of Thomas's legs slowly moving, until Thomas kneels on that leg. All her relatives are also closing their mouths with disbelief.

They were so sure that Thomas would spend his entire life on a wheelchair. Even all the doctors in Drada have given up on him. But here they see Thomas’ legs moving.

“How is that possible?”

The damaged nervous tissues on Thomas’ spinal cord have now fully recovered. But he still has difficulty using his legs, because those legs haven’t been used for a while.

After much difficulty, he manages to stand on his two feet. He still looks like having trouble. He loses balance and…



Laughter breaks out soon after Thomas falls. All the invited guests look so amused with his predicament. But then, their laughter slowly subsides as they notice a mysterious blue light appear.

It’s the unique amulet in Thomas’ necklace, simmering as Thomas holds it with his thumb and index finger. But those people look so clueless since they can only see Thomas’ back from behind.

“What was that?”

“A flashlight?”

Only for a moment, and now Thomas is holding a stick about 20 cm long. No one knows where the stick comes from. Thomas shakes his hand slightly and the stick extends.

With the help of the metal stick, he is able to stand on his two feet, and then hobbles towards the front door.

Just as he is about to take the small stairs on the veranda, the tip of the stick slightly slips on the marble floor. He falls, and another laugh erupts inside the house.

“And he said he is going to avenge the Gregory Family?”

“How ridiculous!”

The invited guests are still discussing Thomas' ridiculousness. But not with Donovan Gregory, who distances himself carefully without drawing anyone’s attention. His face is painted with great anxiety.

Why he is so anxious you may ask. Let me make it brief for you.

Before meeting Donovan, Thomas was just a countryside man who moved to the metropolitan city of Drada six months ago.

But who would have thought, this seemingly naive young man would be able to conquer Sommerchill, the most dilapidated area in Drada, the sole reason Donovan had interest in making him part of his family.

Lately, with Thomas losing his ability to walk, the old man lost his interest. He started seeing him as useless burden.

And now, knowing that Thomas has regained his ability to walk, Donovan knows he has created an enemy with a dangerous man after the insult his family launched at Thomas.

He rushes to the balcony on the second floor, and calls one of his henchmen. He looks so uneasy while talking on the phone.

[You want us to kill him here?]

“No, you stupid! There are still so many people in my house! Bring your dogs, and prevent him from getting into the road. Lead him to the woods and finish him off!”

[Yes, Sir!]

Without him knowing, Laura’s husband, Joaquin Underwood, is secretly eavesdropping on his conversation.

Soon after Donovan finishes with the phone, he leaves the balcony. And there he is aghast with Joaquin’s presence.

“Joaquin?” The old man glares. “How long have you been here?”

“I just came,” replies Joaquin. “I couldn’t enjoy the party and I’d like to ask your permission to take my wife out for dinner. I was worried that it would offend you if I leave in the middle of your beloved son-in-law's birthday.”

Donovan doesn’t look so happy. “You were the one who introduced the Morris Family to Sylvia. Are you going to abandon them here?” He closes it rhetorically, with anger reddening his face.

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