Dominance Commander Son-in-law
Dominance Commander Son-in-law
Author: Debbie chocolate
Chapter 1: Downgrading!

“Kneel down and apologize to Sunny, now!”

Several servants were surrounding Kevin. Opposite him was a fierce dog, which was Morris's Sunny.

Morris thundered. His voice attracted some of the maids and they sneaked into the large lobby of the Perry family's villa.

Morris saw them but didn't say anything. His mission was to embarrass Kelvin like he used to anyway. With the maids around, it would make everything sweeter for him.

“Do you even know how high and important this dog is?” Morris began with a flex of his muscle. “This dog is more expensive than the whole of your family combined. I will not stand still and watch you disregard it!”

Kevin felt so humiliated, and he struggled hard, and said angrily, "It was your dog that bit me first! I’m just trying to protect myself!”

Morris scoffed. “Does it look like I'm concerned a bit about you? Aren't you the useless house husband of the Perry family?”

He said mockingly.

The maids laughed lowly and exchanged words quietly.

Something built inside Kevin. He felt a mixture of anger and sadness. For how long was he supposed to continue bearing the ill-treatment of the Perry family? As much as he was supposed to have gotten used to it by now, he was still a man.

When was he going to start acting like the man of the house?

“I will not apologize, Morris. The dog was being rude and I taught it a lesson. It wanted to bite me and I stopped it. If anyone should apologize, it should be you, on behalf of your dog.”

Morris went still for a moment and suddenly burst into laughter. He sobered up almost immediately and gave that wicked grin.

“Force him down!”

He ordered in a thick voice.

Three men advanced forward immediately. They caught Kelvin by his hands, pushed him towards the dog, and tried to force him to the floor. They could not do so until one of them eventually kicked Kelvin by his legs.

He was forced to kneel in front of Morris’ dog. Kelvin tried to stand up but the men pressed him firmly on the ground. So, he gave up.

The maids burst into laughter again.

“He's such a useless man, that's why he would apologize to Sir Morris' dog.”

“Well, the dog is worth more than him. So, technically speaking, he needs to worship his master, the dog for being rude.”

The maids exchanged words between themselves with scoffs and mocks.

Seeing Kelvin on the floor and hearing what the maids were saying about him gave Morris a great feeling of joy. He walked to stand in front of him with his arms spread wide.

“You know what, Kevin?”

Kevin looked up at him but didn't say anything.

“I will let you go if you agree to sign the divorce agreement with your wife. It shouldn't be so hard. Just sign the divorce agreement, wretched and I will be off your neck.”


Kevin was baffled. “What do you mean? If Mia wanted a divorce, she would propose it herself...” he said stubbornly.

“Because I know the best for her. Besides, she will agree with me that you aren't the best one for her. So, I'm only interpreting what she wants.”

Kevin scoffed.

“Are you her mouthpiece? Do you have so little work to do that you now talk for her?”

Kevin didn't believe Morris. There was no way Mia would want a divorce now. Besides, Mia would lose her inheritance if she was divorced without a child. This was the family rule.

Morris felt a stab of annoyance at his words. He rushed at Kevin quickly and punched him hard in the face, forcing his head against the table.

The maids gasped as the table gave way and the glasses shattered on the floor.

Kevin felt a stab of pain and a strong headache set in.

“How dare you!” Morris yelled angrily. He rushed to grab Kevin by his collar.

He pulled Kevin up violently.

“Blood!” Some of the maids yelled and Kevin felt the blood streamed down his face.

He looked at the shattered table and realized he was bleeding.

A sharp pain penetrated him suddenly, and his head banged harder.

Some disordered memories suddenly flooded into Kevin's mind. For the past few years, he had been in a state of amnesia. All he knew was that Mia, the eldest daughter of the Perry family, had saved him and married him, making him a son-in-law of the Perry family.

However, no one in the Perry family treated him as a son-in-law; he was even worse than a servant in this family.

Nevertheless, after receiving a severe blow to his head, he unexpectedly found that he seemed to remember something.

He clutched his head and groaned in pain as those memories gradually began to resurface, but they brought him even greater pain than the injury on his head.

“No matter what! You will sign these divorce papers!” Morris clenched his teeth in anger, oblivious to the state that Kevin was currently in.

“I will not allow a lowlife like you to continue being the son-in-law of a prestige family like Perry! I will not allow that! Karim Mendy will marry my sister very soon!” He announced in a low deep voice, meaning to make Kevin jealous.

But Kevin wasn't replying to him. To Morris, Kevin was just playing one of his dumb games on him.

Kevin didn't hear him actually. His mind was going through a frenzy of thoughts. Flashes of images flickered across his eyes. He felt dizzy as strange memories filled his head. He closed his eyes in an attempt to shut it off but it couldn't be stopped. It felt like he was going crazy.

Sensing that Kevin was ignoring him, Morris’ anger turned to rage.

“How dare you!” He sneered, let go of him, and punched him hard on the nose.

Kelvin’s nose burst and Morris smiled at this. He punched him again, in the face and forced Kevin back to the floor.

Morris huffed. “He's so weak. Yet, he rebels against me? I am going to teach you a lesson you will never forget!” he swore, and tried to kick Kevin.

Kevin opened his eyes suddenly and caught Morris' leg in time. He held it for a moment, making it impossible for Morris to move despite how hard he struggled.

Then he pulled it, thereby throwing Morris on the ground.

Everyone around them stared in shock.

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