Chapter 2

“Stop Rhea, that's not true, it was an honest mistake!” Adam tried to keep her calm.

Suddenly the entire family woke up, rushing to the scene. “What's going on Rhea?” Monica asked with concern.

Immediately Rhea saw her family and she faked a cry making the whole scenario look real. “Mother” she cried and hugged Monica.

“What's wrong Rhea, did someone hurt you?” Monica pet her on the head.

“It's Adam's mother…” she pointed at Adam.

The whole family gazed at Adam, meanwhile his heart skipped and he swallowed hard. “I swear to God it was a mistake”

“You a*s hole! What did you do to my sister?!” Robin, the youngest son, grabbed Adam by the shirt.

“Tell me sweetie what did Adam do to you? And why's your dress ruined?”

“Mother-Adam tried to rape me, I just came in to drink some water and he suddenly grabbed me and started…” she cried harder. “He started harassing me, mother, I tried to escape and he ended up forcing himself on me and ruining my dress” she cooked up a story to cover up the fact that she went out late at night.

“What! How dare you piece of trash!” Monica, excused Rhea and walked up to Adam delivering three hot slaps meanwhile Robin still held his shirt. “How dare you try to sleep with my daughter?”

“That's not true, I didn't try to rape Rhea, you know I would never do that”

“This is an abomination, you tried to rape your own sister in-law, I'll break your bones!” Robin delivered punches on his face.

Adam held his bleeding nose, his clothes were already stained with blood. His cruel Aunty in-law chimed in. “Oh my goodness!” She held her mouth with her hands. “How could you try something this horrible Adam? Monica I suggest you call the police right away, he should be arrested!” she suggested.

Meanwhile Rhea smiled, she had finally gotten her revenge on Adam. Ever since Adam exposed her of taking hard drugs she had had a strong grudge against him. And today he had entered her trap.

“You're not getting away with this Adam, I'll make sure you pay for this and get arrested first thing tomorrow, I'm going to inform Luther about this” she said.

Rhea was glad as she heard her mother planning on telling her father. Her relationship with her father was severed after Adam exposed her to the whole family for taking cocaine and now finally when Luther found out what Adam did to her, his thoughts about her might change and Adam will be the bad one.

Adam fell to his knees and pleaded. “Please ma'am I would never try to do such a thing, I didn't tried to rape Rhea I only hugged her thinking she was my wife, it was with a sleepy eyes I swear to God”

“You disgusting man!” Robin kicked him with his leg, sending Adam lying on the ground.

“You'll answer to the whole family tomorrow, come on Rhea let's go inside” Monica said taking her daughter inside. The rest of the family followed.

Adam remained on the floor, his biggest fear was what Rachael was going to say about this, and also his father in law Luther. He was the only one who seemed to accept Adam a very little bit.

But now everything was about to change, Luther went for a business trip and he'll be returning first thing in the morning for his daughter's birthday party.

“I'm doomed, I'll be in so much trouble tomorrow, God please help me out on this one”

The night ran quickly and it was morning, Adam tried so much not to fall asleep but ended up falling asleep on the couch.

“Adam! Wake up you slum!” The voice of his wife jolted him back to reality.

“R-rachael… you're back. Happy birthday sweet…” he rushed his words to welcome his wife, but unfortunately he received a slap that sent him back on the couch.

“How dare you? What did you do to Rhea?” Rachael said viciously.

“Calm down Rachael, at least let me explain” Adam said getting up on his feet.

“There's nothing to explain!” Rhea walked to the scene and so did the rest of the family.

“You have to deal with him Rachael, divorce this bastard this instance he tried to rape your sister, his own sister in law” Monica added.

“How much more worthless can you be Adam? Today's my birthday for crying out loud and this is how you repay me? By forcing yourself on my sister in my absence?”

“Racheal. Please don't say that, you know I can never do such a thing. You know me too well Rachael.” Adam felt heart broken that even his dear wife thinks such of him.

How could she?

“I agree that I'm a worthless and useless husband, I agree that I'm broke and can't buy you anything expensive. But I'm not a rapist and I can never look at another woman, not to mention your own sister” Adam's voice was trembling as he spoke, his world was colliding.

Rachael looked at his eyes and saw sincerity, she suddenly felt horrible for judging and slapping him after knowing Adam was not such a person. She felt weak all of a sudden. But she still didn't want to show her weakness around him. She still hated him for being broke and worthless and nothing is going to change that.

She turned her gaze at her sister Rhea. Rhea was startled she recognized that look from her sister, it was a look of “I know you're lying Rhea”

“Do…don't believe what he's saying Rachael” Rhea tried to defend herself as her elder sister walked up to her. “Come with me!” Racheal said, dragging her down to her room.

“What're you doing Racheal, don't tell me you believe this scandal?” Her mother tried to stop her.

Rachael dragged Rhea in her room and shut the door. She then gave Rhea two hot slaps.

“Why did you do that? Why did you make up such a lie?” Racheal gestured with her finger.

“Rachel…you slapped me” Rhea asked in shock.

“And I'll do that again if you don't tell me the truth!” Racheal said abruptly. Even if she doesn't have any feelings for Adam, she still felt like Rhea went too far. A rape accusations could send him to jail.

“So you're actually siding him over me?” Rhea faked a tear.

“Don't bring that up. Adam could never do such a thing, I know you're only trying to get back at him for exposing you to dad. You went too far Rhea.”

Rhea clenched her fist, she couldn't believe her sister was taking the side of that good-for-nothing man. What could he even offer?

“I know you were at the club last night, explain this” Racheal said as she went to her drawer and brought out Rhea’s dress that was ruined last night. “Explain what happened to your dress and why you were wearing such a thing in the mansion if you weren't coming from a party. I got a call Rhea you just broke up with that boyfriend of yours Kendrick and you too had a fight”

Rhea was silent, she was caught red handed and she didn't know how to hide the truth any longer, she tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact. But then she spoke up.

“So what Rachael? What if I did, why'd you care so much? Adam needs to get out of this house and I'm only helping you do what you're unable to do. You need to divorce him, I know even you don't like him and are ashamed of him, you're no longer sick and disabled Racheal, you can accept one of your many suitors who are actually millionaires. People like Drake.

“Get rid of that trash, he can't give you true happiness Racheal. You need someone who will match our family's status and make us proud, Adam isn't that man. Wake up Rachael” Rhea held her arms and shook her .

Racheal looked at her sister's eyes and then at the floor, her sister was making a lot of sense. Adam was not adding anything to her life anyways, he's just a barrier to her happiness.

“Even if I want to divorce Adam. You know I can't because of Dad” Rachael said, clenching her fist tight.

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