Don's fate turns into revenge

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Don's fate turns into revenge

By: Samuel writes OngoingBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 46

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MC was finally retiring from his god of war position but before that he wants to know who has saved him 8 years ago when the enemies attacked to his family and killed everyone and she was the one who saved him from enemy. He has return the city not to avenge his family murder but also return back the favour to her savior

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“Wow, after a long time I am finally back to this wicked town, I am back to avenge the death of my family and I will make whoever is ever involved in their death bow down to my feet and beg for mercy.”Looks like the former god of war is back to work as he wants to find whoever is involved in the death of his family and he also wants to find out who the heroine was who pulled him out of the burning fire when the incident happened.Don has sworn his everlasting loyalty to whoever the heroine was and he won't rest until he finds her and thanks her and returns the favor by giving her whoever she wishes to have.“Well…..I am so tired of waiting for this guy .”Don was stressed out from waiting for his best friend who was meant to join him at the airport to load his luggage into the car.Ben finally arrived at the airport and was helping Don to pack his things into the car. “I am really sorry for arriving late. Something came up so I had to attend to it.”Ben apologizes to Don.Well…..I ha
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Ohhh… gosh!, is this man out of his mind how would he come from nowhere and say he wants to marry my daughter. Mrs phoenix who is the mother of roselyn spoke up against the confusion that Don had caused.Don was trying to convince everyone that he had his reasons why he wanted to get married to Roselyn and pay her to save his life. He walked up to her and went down on his knees and took her hands.“I promise to stay by your side and not let you go.”I am ready to get married to you with your complications. Mark woke up from his unconscious state and was watching the melodrama which was going on.Mrs phoenix went to Don and held his shirt and was saying “how will you want to marry my daughter, we don't even know who you are and what is the favor you are talking about that she did for you.”Don told everyone about the incidents that happened to him and his family eight years ago and how Roselyn saved him and how he wanted to use marriage to pay her back and vowed to Stand by her.Don
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“What ….a great party, this party is worth millions.” Don whispered to himself as he was caught by the beautiful atmosphere of the party, he held his wife as they made their way to the main entrance.Don and Roselyn were both walking together when they were stopped by some random men who were attracted to the beauty of Roselyn and were willing to beat up Don to have her.Woah..what a sweet thing! How much do you want for her? Does she look at what is put up for sale? Don replies to the man as he warns him to stay off his wife and his boundaries and leaves the area with Roselyn and makes his way into the house.Kate and Ben were the aunt and uncle to roselyn. They are really rich and comfortable, they were one of the contributors for making the party very successful, they spent a lot of money to impress their one and only mother on her birthday.They had a big surprise but their mom was going to be announced on stage after all the guests were around and seated. Don and Roselyn arrived
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“Weldone sister, you have finally agreed with me on separating the daughter in law of our family and this poor thing.”Kate said with a smile on her face.“How would we allow a dangerous intruder to spend a lifetime with a lady as beautiful as Roselyn.” Mark said he was ready to make Roselyn a princess and one of the most beautiful beings in the city.Don was looking so drenched and lost as he folded his hands, and couldn't make eye contact with the rest of the family because they have all seen him as a poor criminal who is only after their money.Mr Jeff who was the father of Roselyn and the Ceo of their company finally spoke up against the sudden and rational decision of his wife and his family members.“I would not allow my daughter to get married to someone she doesn't want to get married to.”“When she was a disabled girl….. it was this same Mark that tore the cheque I gave him as compensation to get married to my daughter.”But Don was the only one who was ready and fit enough
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“What are you trying to prove in front of the guests that you are Roselyn's husband but you are not her husband.”Don said in an angry state of mind.“When her face was so bad, I was the only one who stood by her side and when she got better you are claiming rights over her, she is not your stuffed animal which you can come and claim at any times.”Don respondedMark was so adamant about the situation and was trying to make his points valid and he was ready to do everything to get Roselyn at any cost and promises to make her rich if she marries him.Same as Don, he is also prepared to fight for her because she had done alot for him. She saved him from a burning which was pulled on by someone which he had vowed to find the person who did it and made them beg for their lives.But first he had to handle the first phase of his plan by saving his marriage with Roselyn and he is ready to destroy every obstacle in his way even if some of the obstacles are his very own in law.Roselyn is please
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The CEO announced that he didn't want to see anyone for today, so Don couldn't see the CEO today but he will surely come the next day just like Mark.The receptionist couldn't hold her laughter as she was mocking Don as he was leaving and she was also busy admiring Mark who didn't show any interest in her whatsoever.Mark and his uncle went into their car and were waiting to tease Don before he entered into his Car and left. “Hey …man I can see your car is all banged up, why don't you hop with us in our vehicle.” Mark said, laughing all the way into his car.Don walked to his car and stood by the side thinking of what his next move is going to be and how is going to keep his marriage going with Roselyn, she is his key to his uncompleted mission and success.He went into his car and got a few missed calls from his secretary so he decided to call her back. “I have some information about your parent report,”she said quietly.“Tell me.” Don said looking at the huge company.The Herbal Ris
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“Well ... .Well…Well, looks like I am the one that will be getting married to Roselyn pretty soon.”Mark said with a congerous tone in his tongue.‘I am the only one going through with this competition because this man is a coward, he has no balls to pull all this off.’ Don approached Mark, he faked a punch instead he fixed the collar of Mark like a then whispered to his ears.‘Look at the person that wants to compete with me….he can't even take over his father's company and he wants to crack a multimillionaire deal.’ Don said indirectly mocking Mark.Grandma Nona intentionally made this competition to make Don feel bad and quit it so Mark can win and get married to Roselyn and live a rich and comfortable life.She went on saying The Herbal Rise company works for Four Major Families and they have to take their time convincing them to have a contract with their company and crack the deal.She smirked then went on asking if the men were ready for their quests and the first to bring bac
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chapter 8- Don sat across from the COO of Herbal Rise, his expression calm and composed. The room was tastefully furnished, but Don barely noticed the details. His focus was entirely on the task at hand. The man before him had power, but not nearly as much as Don intended to wield by the end of this meeting."Mr. Donovan," the COO began, adjusting his glasses and glancing at the notes in front of him. "You mentioned you have a vision for a new herbal product line. I'm intrigued, but also curious—what exactly do you have in mind?"Don leaned forward slightly, his voice steady and measured. "Herbal Rise has always been about quality, but the market is shifting. People want more than just products—they want a brand they can trust, something that feels personal. I propose we develop a new line that focuses on premium, ethically sourced ingredients. Products that aren't just effective, but that tell a story."The COO raised an eyebrow, clearly interested but cautious. "And you believe this
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CHAPTER 9 - Don drove home with a sense of triumph coursing through his veins. The deal with Herbal Rise had gone through, solidifying his position and ensuring that his plan to bring down those responsible for his family’s demise was well on its way. He could barely contain his excitement as he thought about how Roselyn would react to the news. She had been his rock through everything, and now he was ready to share this victory with her.As he pulled into the driveway, Don could see the warm lights of their home glowing through the windows. He entered the house and found Roselyn waiting for him in the living room, her expression a mix of hope and nervous anticipation.“You’re back!” she exclaimed, standing up quickly. “How did it go?”Don’s face broke into a wide smile. “It’s done,” he said, his voice filled with pride. “I closed the deal with Herbal Rise.”Roselyn’s eyes lit up with joy, and she rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I knew you could do it!” she said, he
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CHAPTER 10- Don sat on the edge of the bed, staring out of the window as the first rays of morning light crept into the room. The events of the past days had left him restless, his mind spinning with the weight of the secrets he had been carrying. Roselyn stirred beside him, her presence a comfort, yet he knew that he could no longer keep the truth from her. She deserved to know the full extent of what had driven him to secure the deal with Herbal Rise.Roselyn opened her eyes and immediately noticed the tension in Don’s posture. She sat up, placing a gentle hand on his back. “Don, what’s wrong? You’ve been so quiet since last night. I can tell something’s bothering you.”Don turned to her, his expression somber. He took her hand in his, holding it tightly as if drawing strength from her touch. “Roselyn, there’s something I need to tell you,” he began, his voice low and serious. “Something I should have told you a long time ago.”Roselyn’s heart skipped a beat. She could see the gravi
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