Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord

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Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord

By: Alfred ifeanyi Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 244

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After Lucas got cheated on and killed by his wife and her lover, he found himself reborn as the youngest son of a notorious gang leader called Herbert Blackwood. He was given a second chance to live, and all he planned to do with the opportunity was to get revenge on those who ended his life.

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Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord Novels Online Free PDF Download

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    THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST MARVELOUS URBAN BOOKS I'VE READ, it's not the same rubbish we see in son in law novels

    2024-09-02 20:21:00
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23 chapters
"At least we get to eat something decent tonight." Lucas mused, his heart racing in joy as he locked the convenience store he worked in as a sales rep.Even though Lucas works both day and night shifts, he still earned peanuts that was barely enough to put food on his table. His low earning made him and his wife, Katherine, to eat junk foods day in and day out.However, today was different. Lucas had decided to spoil his wife tonight and get he something nice for once.Throughout their three years of marriage, Lucas has been unable to but her gifts and treat her the way she deserves due to the lack of funds, and because of that he has been saving up for weeks just to get her a decent meal from one of the most expensive restaurant in the city.He walked through the dimly lit street gleefully, and after a few more minutes, he arrived in his apartment. Lucas stepped into the building and flipped the light switch hoping to see Katherine sitting on the sofa just like she used to. But she
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Family meeting
Who would have thought I would ever look this handsome." Lucas admired himself in the mirror before exiting the room and made his way to the usual spot where he would meet the whole family of gangsters. Lucas walked down the dimly lit hallway, and with every step he took he glanced around the place in amazement. The hallway was extremely quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of his footsteps as he made his way forward. Bridget, his step mom, told him his father requested for his present in the usual location. Even though Lucas has never been to the place, he knew exactly how to get there without asking for directions. He walked down the deserted hallway for several minutes until he finally caught sight of a wooden door a few meters away.uvas made his way towards the door and took a deep breath in and out before pushing it open. Pushing the door open, the sounds of people chattering filled the place. Inside the vast room was filled with people who were busy
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Blackwood's family
"I'll go get the car." Roderick said as he stepped out of the office and went straight to the garage to bring the car around.Marcellus gulped down the rest of his whiskey before placing the cup on the table and began to walk towards the exit door."Make sure you return with good news, Marcellus!" Herbert ordered as Marcellus exited the office.The rest of the family members also left the office except Herbert, Oswald, and Lucas. Herbert asked Oswald to stay behind because they still had more issues to discuss, while Lucas was still in the office because he had no idea what to do now."Don't you have somewhere to be?" Oswald questioned. "Have you delivered the crates to the Moretti's family?" He asked.", not yet." Lucas stuttered."Well, go. They need the beers for the celebration tomorrow. Ask Digby to give you two fill crates of our finest beers and Whiskey, then you board a cab that would take you straight to their mansion. Deliver the crates, get the payment, and get the h
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Edwin approached the opulent gates of the Moretti mansion, his footsteps echoing against the grand stone pathway. The mansion itself was an architectural marvel, with towering columns, intricate wrought-iron railings, and manicured gardens that spoke of old money and long-standing wealth. As he neared the entrance, the imposing doors swung open, and a young maid greeted him with a practiced, though somewhat weary, smile."Good evening. You must be Mr. Edwin from the Blackwood family," she said, her tone respectful but tinged with a hint of apprehension.Edwin gave a courteous nod. "Yes, that's right. I've come to deliver some crates."The maid's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly composed herself. "Please follow me. Miss Matilda will be here to assist you."As they walked through the grand hallway, Edwin took in the luxurious surroundings. The floors were polished marble, reflecting the soft glow of crystal chandeliers that hung from the high ceilings. The walls were adorned with
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As Edwin turned around , he came face-to-face with his father, Herbert Blackwood. Herbert stood with an imposing presence, his well-tailored suit and stern demeanor embodying the gravitas of the Blackwood patriarch. The aging man’s dark eyes surveyed Edwin with a mixture of concern and disapproval. “Edwin,” Herbert said, his voice deep and commanding. “Why are you so late?” Edwin felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He had hoped to avoid a confrontation with his father, but it seemed that fate had other plans. He took a moment to steady himself before responding. “I’m sorry, Father. I was delayed. The youngest daughter of the Moretti family decided to give me a tour of their mansion.” Herbert raised an eyebrow, a flicker of interest momentarily crossing his face. “A tour? I wasn’t aware that you were there to make social calls. I assume it was a worthwhile visit?” Edwin nodded, trying to keep his voice steady. “Yes, it was. The Moretti mansion is quite impressive. But I understa
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Sudden attack
Marcellus and Roderick Blackwood sat in the back of their sleek black car, the leather seats and polished interior a stark contrast to the grim task ahead. The city lights flickered through the windows as they made their way through the bustling streets, heading towards the racetrack where Mr. Ernest, the owner and promoter of the upcoming match, awaited their visit.The car’s engine hummed smoothly, but Marcellus’s mood was far from calm. He was still seething over Lucas’s unexpected intervention earlier. He had never expected his younger brother to speak up in such a significant way, let alone propose a solution that seemed to have gained the approval of Herbert. Now, Marcellus was determined to rectify what he perceived as a slight against his own status and authority.“Why did Father have to send me with Roderick?” Marcellus muttered, his voice laced with frustration. “He could’ve sent Oswald instead.”Roderick, ever the stoic companion, simply shrugged. “Julia was busy, and Fathe
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Gambino boys
The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder as Marcellus and Roderick huddled behind the pillar, their hearts pounding in their chests. The car, once a symbol of their family's wealth and power, was now a perforated wreck, the glass shattered and metal twisted by the relentless barrage of bullets.Marcellus glanced over at Roderick, whose face was set in a grim mask of determination. "We need to move," he shouted over the din, trying to keep his voice steady. "Get to the side entrance of the building. We can find cover there and figure out what’s happening."Roderick nodded, his eyes scanning the area for the best route. “On my mark, we move,” he said, his voice barely audible over the continued gunfire.Marcellus took a deep breath, gripping the pillar tightly as he prepared for their next move. “Ready,” he said.The two men sprinted from their cover, darting across the open space as bullets whizzed past them. They reached the side entrance of the building, their footsteps ec
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Far from over
The Blackwood estate loomed ahead, its imposing silhouette illuminated by the security lights that cast long shadows across the driveway. Marcellus and Roderick, both still reeling from the night’s chaos, made their way up the steps and through the grand entrance. The familiar grandeur of the estate did little to ease their nerves; the threat of the Gambinos was a weight that pressed heavily on their shoulders. Inside, the house was abuzz with activity. Security personnel moved with purpose, their expressions a mix of vigilance and concern. Marcellus and Roderick were greeted by their father, Herbert Blackwood, who was already waiting for them in his office. Herbert, a man known for his commanding presence and strategic mind, looked up as his sons entered, his face a mask of calm. Marcellus stepped forward, his face etched with the stress of the evening. “Father, we need to talk. There’s been an attack.” Herbert raised an eyebrow but didn’t seem overly concerned. “An attack? Sit
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The plan
The next morning.... The Blackwood estate, a symbol of grandeur and authority, awoke to a new day, but the echoes of last night’s violence lingered. In the breakfast room, sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the opulent surroundings. The long table, covered in fine china and gleaming silverware, seemed almost serene in contrast to the turmoil that had unfolded. Edwin Blackwood sat at one end, his expression inscrutable as he methodically ate his breakfast. He was preoccupied, his mind still grappling with the shock of the previous night and the weight of the decisions to come. Herbert Blackwood, the patriarch of the family, entered the room with a measured pace. His demeanor was calm, but the sharpness in his eyes betrayed his awareness of the gravity of the situation. He took his seat at the head of the table and surveyed his family with a composed but stern look. The room fell silent as everyone settled into their places, the usual morning chatter
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New me
As the sun set, Herbert called for a meeting at his office and only invited Marcellus, Oswald, and Edwin. The three men walked to the office and shut the door."Father." Marcellus muttered, his gaze fixated on Herbert Blackwood who sat behind his desk with a cigarette in his hand."I already sent a message across to Noah Sturridge. I asked him to meet us at the Stanford abandoned parking lot for a meeting about the business he proposed." Herbert informed, smoke oozing out of his mouth."That's good. We will head there and abduct him. He won't suspect a thing." Marcellus spoke up."No, you are wrong, Marcellus. Noah works for the Gambino. I don't know what role he has in the Gambino gang, but as long as he works for them they will always have his back. And now that we are inviting him for a meeting the Gambino might want to escort him. And we all know if the Gambino gang is present there and we try to capture Noah there would be trouble." Oswald remarked, his voice audible."So, what a
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