Family meeting

Who would have thought I would ever look this handsome." Lucas admired himself in the mirror before exiting the room and made his way to the usual spot where he would meet the whole family of gangsters.

Lucas walked down the dimly lit hallway, and with every step he took he glanced around the place in amazement. The hallway was extremely quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of his footsteps as he made his way forward.

Bridget, his step mom, told him his father requested for his present in the usual location. Even though Lucas has never been to the place, he knew exactly how to get there without asking for directions.

He walked down the deserted hallway for several minutes until he finally caught sight of a wooden door a few meters away.uvas made his way towards the door and took a deep breath in and out before pushing it open.

Pushing the door open, the sounds of people chattering filled the place. Inside the vast room was filled with people who were busy setting up bookings for the upcoming horse race.

A big round table could be seen at the center of the vast room, and the table was filled with dollar notes that were arranged in bundles, and tickets for the races. Several people in black suit could also be seen sitting around the table as they counted the money while some arranged the bets.

Every single person in the room had a cigarette that emitted smoke which made Lucas cover his nose and cough. He wasn't used to an environment like this one.

While Lucas was busy glancing around the place, he heard someone call his name in a cool British accent.


Hearing his name, Lucas caught sight of a young man meters away. He had a mullet haircur, clad in a white shirt and black suit, and a cigarette in his mouth. After Lucas caught sight of the guy's face, he knew who it was instantly.

It was Roderick Blackwood, the fifth son of Herbert Blackwood.

The family consisted of six children. Four boys and two girls. Edwin,which was now Lucas was the last born.

"Get in here, Edwin!" Roderick voiced out as he walked into an office that was located a few meters away from where Lucas stood. Lucas nodded before making his way into the office and shut the door.

As Lucas stepped into the office, he glanced round the place.

The whole family was present there except the eldest daughter. They were all seated on a sofa, glasses of whiskeys in their hands and cigarette in their mouths.

"Why did you arrive so late, boy?" A middle aged man who sat in a more different chair questioned. His voice deep and menacing as he glared at Lucas's face. "I asked Bridget to come call you about thirty minutes about but you were still asleep. You were well aware of this meeting and you still chose to wake up late." Herbert Blackwood, the father of the family added in the same deep tone.

Lucas just stood there in silence, unsure of what to say.

"I told you we should start the meeting without him. Why do we need him here anyway?" The eldest son known as Marcellus Blackwood spat.

"You know I have a role for him that's why I needed him here." Hebert replied. "Since you've finally blessed us with your presence, Edwin, the meeting shall commence." He added.

"As we are all aware a race match will take place soon and as usual people are already getting on our horse because it's the reigning champion. Dumbbell hasn't lost a single race match ever since we bought the horse, and so far it has earned us millions of dollars and also earned a lot of money for Mr. Ernest who is the sole owner of the whole race tracks and championship."

"But now, we have a little problem." Herbert bellowed audibly.

"Dumbbell is sick!" Marcellus continued, and the whole family exclaimed in shock. "The drugs we fed it in the last race seemed to be affecting it after the race." Marcellus added.

"I warned you guys not to keep feeding it these drugs but you won't listen!" The youngest daughter of the family known as Julia Blackwood rose up from her seat and voiced out.

"Sit down, Julia, women aren't allowed to speak." Marcellus spat in anger.

"Says who?" Julia interjected.

"Women opinion means nothing in the family's business, Julia. All you have to do is sit quietly and listen." Marcellus retorted.

"But Julia is right. Dumbbell is already a champion even without the drugs, I see no reason why you would feed it drugs in the last race just to make it win." A man who sat by the corner of the sofa spoke up in a calm tone. His facial expression was as calm as his voice, and he seemed to be the most handsome son in the whole family.

His name was Oswald Blackwood. The second son of the family.

"Is that what you think, Oswald. You think Dumbbell will be what he is today without steroids? Well, let me burst your bubble, we have been giving him steroids ever since we bought it to win every single race. He has been taking first position for three consecutive months because of the steroids. And in the last match, Mr. Ernest brought contenders from around the globe to race with Dumbbell. Unlike the rest of the horses that has been participating in the races so far I had no idea how fast the new horses from other countries were, that's why I had to give it more drugs to guarantee our win. And you know how much money we made from that single race, and you also know how many people came rushing to place their bets on Dumbbell after that race? Even people from around the country are flying in to bet on Dumbbell!" Marcellus voiced out in an audible tone.

After he was done with his words, Oswald replied softly.

"Well, look where that got us. The bloody horse is sick and the race is near, what are we going to do?" Oswald spoke.

"We already have a lot of people who placed their bets on our horse, Dumbbell, what are we going to do?" Roderick chimed in.

The room fell silent as the whole family sat there with looks of contemplation.

The silence was broken as a masculine voice was heard.

"I think I have an idea." Lucas said, causing everyone to shift their gazes towards him.

All heads in the office turned to face Lucas after hearing the words he spoke.

"Sit down and keep quiet, Edwin." Marcellus ordered. "So, as I was saying, Dumbbell needs-"

Lucas interrupted him once again.

"I'm serious, I have an idea that might solve your problems. Just hear me out." Lucas spoke audibly.

Everyone in the office were shocked. Lucas was the type of guy who never speaks during a family meeting,and all he does was nod his head and carry out minor errands they assign him with. So now that he was saying he had an idea got everyone shocked.

"I said sit down, Edwin!" Marcellus shouted in anger, causing Lucas to flinch.

"No, Marcellus, let the boy speak." Herbert spoke up as he blew out smoke from his mouth.

"Father, we don't have time for jokes. Edwin is only twenty three years old, of what help would he be to us in a critical situation like this? Ignore whatever he said and let's continue the meeting." Marcellus remarked while glaring at Lucas with hate and disgust.

"I said we shall hear him out, Marcellus." Herbert replied with a frown. "Go on, Edwin, speak." He then shifted his gaze back to Lucas and said.

Marcellus glared at Lucas for a few moments before sitting down on the couch and lights his cigarette.

Lucas cleared his throat before speaking.

"As we all know, everything about the races changed ever since our horse, Dumbbell, began to race. Our horse has earned the owner of the race tracks and championship a lot of money, more money than he has ever earned in his entire life."

"Also, the last race where Dumbbell raced with horses around the world and also won, it made people around the world travel to England just to place their bets on him. Right now, we are like the main characters in all of these. People are interested in the races because of our horse. However, now that Dumbbell is sick you're afraid of what will happen?"

"Well, since we and our horse are now the main characters whatever will say shall stand. I say we go pay a visit to Mr. Ernest, the owner of the champion and ask him to postpone the upcoming match until Dumbbell has recovered fully and is ready to participate!" Lucas spoke audibly while everyone sat there as they listened attentively.

"Can you even hear yourself right now, Edwin? You want us to ask Mr. Ernest to postpone a match just because our horse can't participate? Eh?" Marcellus rose up from his seat and voiced out.

"It's not just any horse, Marcellus, it's Dumbbell. The same horse that has never lost a single match for consecutive months. We have thousands betting on him, and if we decide to return their money now it would be a loss for both our family and also Mr. Ernest because I'm sure once they collect their money back they won't want to bet on any other horse."

"Mr. Ernest is a business man who hates losing money. Our horse is like the backbone of his business now, and I'm sure he would agree to whatever demands we ask for. All you have to do is tell him to postpone the match and also send out an announcement to everyone who already booked a game. They won't argue since they know their money is still on Dumbbell and whenever the match takes place they will surely cash out massively." Lucas bellowed.

The office fell silent after Lucas was done with his words, and everyone sat there with looks of contemplation.

"Are you done?" Marcellus broke the silence with a question, and Lucas nodded. "Good, now let's continue with the meeting, shall we?" He added.

"Nice suggestion, Edwin. There's actually a lot of sense in what you have just said now." Herbert's voice was heard.

"Don't tell me you're going to listen to him?" Marcellus chimed in.

"What he said is true. Why should we withdraw Dumbbell from the race and return everyone's money because he's sick when we can always make the match happen some other day? Everyone's money is on Dumbbell, we are the main characters here, Mr. Ernest would definitely understand." Herbert Blackwood replied.

"I never knew you were this smart, Edwin, I'm proud of you." Herbert commented, and Lucas smiled. Roderick who stood beside Lucas ruffled his black hair and Lucas couldn't help but smile.

Marcellus on the other hand just stood there, his blood boiling in anger as Herbert showered his praises on Lucas instead of him.

"So, how do we know what date Dumbbell will recover?" Julia raised a question.

"Well, I ran some test on him and he should be back on his feet in two days time and would need extra days to recover fully. Let's say about one week maximum." A man who has been in silence the whole time spoke up. He was the third son, Stephen Blackwood.

Stephen had a degree in medicine and he's the one handling the medical affairs of the family. He's also the only family member who earns legal income after opening a small hospital in the city.

"One week, that's good. Marcellus, I want you and Oswald to go down to the race tracks and have a discussion with Mr. Ernest. Tell him exactly what we discussed here and make sure he postpones the match for a week." Herbert ordered.

"What? I can't go with this guy." Marcellus interjected. "I rather go alone, father." He added.

"The streets are dangerous. Small gangs are starting to pick fights with us, it would be stupid to travel alone." Herbert sounded.

"I am a Blackwood, I'll be fine. But if you're so worried you can ask Julia or Roderick to come with me and not Oswald." Marcellus remarked.

"I can't. I have work." Julia declined as she stood up from her seat and exited the office.

"Well then, Roderick it is." Marcellus uttered as he shifted his gaze towards Roderick.

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