Blackwood's family

"I'll go get the car." Roderick said as he stepped out of the office and went straight to the garage to bring the car around.

Marcellus gulped down the rest of his whiskey before placing the cup on the table and began to walk towards the exit door.

"Make sure you return with good news, Marcellus!" Herbert ordered as Marcellus exited the office.

The rest of the family members also left the office except Herbert, Oswald, and Lucas. Herbert asked Oswald to stay behind because they still had more issues to discuss, while Lucas was still in the office because he had no idea what to do now.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Oswald questioned. "Have you delivered the crates to the Moretti's family?" He asked.

", not yet." Lucas stuttered.

"Well, go. They need the beers for the celebration tomorrow. Ask Digby to give you two fill crates of our finest beers and Whiskey, then you board a cab that would take you straight to their mansion. Deliver the crates, get the payment, and get the hell out of there." Oswald declared.

"All right. But won't I got arrested if I cross paths with the cops?" Lucas questioned.

"Don't worry, the police won't bother you. Just do what you're told and get back here, alright?" Oswald responded and Lucas nodded before stepping out of the office.

With Lucas now gone, Oswald let out a sigh as he shifted his gaze towards Herbert.

"So, what is it you wanted to discuss with me?" Oswald inquired as he lights a new cigarette and took a puff.

"Oswald, you might not be the oldest child but I find you more intelligent and capable than the rest of them that's why I mostly discuss business matters with you. Well, there's been a little problem with our whiskey and cigarettes import lately." Herbert informed in a hushed tone.

"Really? What type of trouble?" Oswald inquired.

"For the past two weeks our shipment is yet to arrive. It's obviously the doings of the Gambino, they are the one hindering it from coming into England." Herbert replied.

"Gambino, eh? Didn't know they still existed. It's been a while I heard that name." Oswald commented with a slight look of surprise as he blew out smoke from his mouth.

"They have been quiet for a while, but now that their old leader is dead and a new leader has been chosing they are beginning to crawl out of the shadows and interfere with our business." Hebert bellowed audibly.

"The Gambino has been our rivals for many years. However, after you and their previous leader signed a treaty there has been peace and each leaders has been respecting each other's territories and decisions. Why then are they interfering with our business now?" Oswald enunciated while rubbing his chin.

"We signed a peaceful agreement with their previous leader and not the new leader. The agreement we signed years ago means nothing to him and he is now doing things his way." Herbert spoke.

"Well, what the hell does he want? Why is he hindering our shipment from coming in?" Oswald muttered while rubbing his chin.

"I don't know, maybe he wants his own shipment to get in first, that way he would be the fist to distribute and we would be left with nothing when ours finally arrives." Herbert assumed.

"Or maybe he's trying to send a message." Oswald spoke up.

"A message? What message?" Herbert blurted out.

"He probably wants to show us he's powerful enough to interfere with our goods importation, that way we would respect him and never go up against him. It's either that or he's trying to take over our territory, and the first step is to take over our pubs. If there's no whiskey and beer to supply there will be no pub." Oswald said.

"Who does he thinks he is? Does he know who I am? I am Herbert Blackwood! A man who fought bravely for his country during the war! A man who singlehandedly make a whole state bow before him. He is making a mistake by messing with me!" Herbert voiced out in anger.

"Don't do anything based off on your anger, father, or we will all regret it. We aren't sure about anything yet, let's just keep investigating before making a final decision. Alright?" Oswald said.

"Fine. I'll lie low for now, but if the shipment doesn't arrive in England in one week I won't just force him to release it, I'll also hijack one of his delivery and make it mine. If it later leads to a civil war then I'm ready."  Herbert spoke through gritted teeth, and his blood boiling in anger.

"All right, then. With that being said I should be on my way. I have to go see how the pub and hotel is doing." Oswald stood up from the couch and exited the office.

Somewhere else.

Lucas could be seen walking through the street with two crates held in both hands. The street was filled with people walking here and there, but anyone that caught sight of Lucas quickly went and hide. People kept moving to the sides of the street with fear written all over their faces as Lucas walked forward.

Lucas noticed what was happening and he felt uncomfortable.

"They are all afraid of me?" Lucas pondered while glancing at the frightful faces of the people around.

The Blackwood family is a notorious gang in England. Everyone fears the members of the family because of how dangerous they were, and now that Lucas was now Edwin he was feared by all.

"In the memories of Edwin there was never a time I saw him hurt someone or treated someone badly,and yet everyone is still afraid of him. It could be because he's apart of the family. No matter how kind you might be, as long as your last name is Blackwood you shall be feared by all." Lucas mused as he walked into the premisses of the mansion where he was asked to deliver the crates.

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