Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord
Useless son in-law reincarnated as a crimelord
Author: Alfred ifeanyi

"At least we get to eat something decent tonight." Lucas mused, his heart racing in joy as he locked the convenience store he worked in as a sales rep.

Even though Lucas works both day and night shifts, he still earned peanuts that was barely enough to put food on his table. His low earning made him and his wife, Katherine, to eat junk foods day in and day out.

However, today was different. Lucas had decided to spoil his wife tonight and get he something nice for once.

Throughout their three years of marriage, Lucas has been unable to but her gifts and treat her the way she deserves due to the lack of funds, and because of that he has been saving up for weeks just to get her a decent meal from one of the most expensive restaurant in the city.

He walked through the dimly lit street gleefully, and after a few more minutes, he arrived in his apartment.

Lucas stepped into the building and flipped the light switch hoping to see Katherine sitting on the sofa just like she used to. But she was nowhere to be found.

"Where could she be?" Lucas pondered internally as he glanced around the place.


Lucas's expression darkened after hearing strange sounds coming from upstairs. He froze there on the spot with a puzzled expression as the sounds got louder the second, and the voice of the person resembled that of his wife Katherine.

Lucas stood there for a few minutes, several scenarios of what could be happening up there flooded his mind and caused his heart to race. Lucas chose to dismiss the thoughts as he began to make his way upstairs without making a single noise.

He climbed up the stairs until he finally arrived in front of their bedroom where he could now hear the moaning sounds of Katherine clearly. Lucas took a deep breath in and out before pushing the door open and waking in.

Stepping into the room, the plate of food Lucas held in his hand fell down on the floor after catching sight of what was going on, and the whole content inside the plate scattered around the floor.

Before him was his wife, Katherine, naked on their matrimonial bed, and a man above her going in and out with pleasure written all over his face.

Even though Lucas dropped the plate of food and it caused a shattering sound, the duo didn't hear as they were both consumed by pleasure.

Lucas stood there, his two fists clenched in both anger and sadness as he watched his wife sleeping with another man on their matrimonial bed. It felt like his whole world was crashing down.

Lucas's world shattered instantly. He felt a mix of anger, sadness, and shock. He couldn't believe that after all what they've been through together, after all the promises of a better future, she would still go behind his back and cheat on him.

Lucas kept watching the duo making love to each other, and when he had had enough he voiced out.

"Katherine!" Lucas shouted, causing Katherine to pause what she was doing and turned around to face him.

Catching sight of Lucas, a shocked expression appeared on Katherine's face and she quickly got off the bed and wrapped a white towel around her naked body.

"Why are you back early, Lucas?" Katherine inquired nonchalantly as she walked towards Lucas.

Lucas was taken aback after hearing the words of Katherine.

"You're kidding me, right?" Lucas voiced out. "I came back and saw you in bed with this bastard and the first thing you say is why am I back early?" Lucas added.

"Watch it, Lucas! That man you're calling a bastard is ten times the man you'll ever be!" Katherine spat with a sneer.

"Can you even hear yourself right now, Katherine?! I demand an explanation. What the hell is going on in here? Who the hell is this man? What are you doing in bed with him!" Lucas threw out a barrage of questions at once, and his face was now bright red in anger.

"That man is Noah Sturridge, one of the most successful business man in the whole of the country. You should treat him with respect." Katherine introduced with no sign of remorse in her eyes.

"So, this is how it is now? You're now selling yourself to a rich bastard for money? Is that what you're now? A whore?" Lucas voiced out.

"I am not a whore, i am just doing what I should have done years ago. I am tired of living with a trash like you who can't even provide a three square meal. I only married you in the first place because my father said so to repay you for your kindness!" Katherine retorted without holding back.

Lucas was truly shocked after hearing the words of Katherine. He wasn't stupid, he knew that Katherine never loved him when they got married. But he has been trying his best all these years to make her love him back, and Lucas thought he was making progress...

Until now..

"So, our marriage meant nothing to you?" Liam muttered with a smile of self-pity.

"Our marriage was a disgrace! Getting to live with a poor trash like you was really disgusting. You can't satisfy me in any way, when was the last time you bought me a gift or took me out on a date? You're just a poor sales rep who sits in a shit hole and earns peanuts. Noah, on the other hand, makes millions weekly, that's one thing you can never achieve in years to come, Lucas. You're a disgrace to man!" Katherine cursed in an audible tone, and each words she spoke pierced Lucas's heart like a dagger.

"Katherine is right, trash." Noah's deep voice sounded from behind, causing Lucas to shift his gaze towards him. "A girl like Katherine doesn't deserve to date a disgrace like you. Go look for someone in the same class as like you because you're not wanted never were." Noah added while glaring at Lucas in disgust.

Lucas's blood boiled in anger after hearing the words of Noah, and his two firsts clenched tightly.

"As a farewell gift I can offer you a decent job where you could earn a thousand dollar monthly. All you have to do is clean my shoes clean. Take it as an act of generosity." Noah spoke further as he took out a single dollar note from his pocket and tossed it in front of Lucas. "Here you go, you can resume work right now. Get down and wipe my shoes."

Liam, whose blood has been boiling for a while now and trying to stay composed, finally lost it all.

"Shut up!" Liam shouted as he swung out his clenched fist towards Noah's face.

Lucas's fist connected neatly to Noah's face and sent him staggering backwards. Katherine's eyes widened in terror after watching the scene that just played out right in front of her.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on him, Lucas?" Katherine voiced out in anger. "You better get on your knees and apologize to him right now!"

"Over my dead body!" Lucas retorted.

Noah picked himself up from the floor and wiped the blood trickling down from his nose before shifting his gaze towards Lucas.

"You're dead meat!" Noah shouted as he dashed forward and shoved Lucas to the floor. After making sure he was on the floor he began to punch him non-stop on his face.

The continuous sounds of punches reverberated throughout the room as Noah kept hitting Lucas on the face and Lucas's face was now filled with blood.

"I wanted to let you walk out freely while I let my boys take care of you on your way home. But now, I will have to do it myself!" Noah retorted as he kept punching Lucas on the face, and Lucas just laid down there unable to move.

Noah didn't have any intention of making Lucas live to see the next day. He had plans to end Lucas to avoid him going around spreading gossips about how a respectable business man like him was caught on bed with another man's wife.

That would definitely ruin his reputation.

So, he planned on calling his guys to end Lucas on his way home. But after Lucas attacked him, he knew he had to kill himself.

Noah kept punching Lucas on the face, while Katherine just stood there with a smirk on her face as she enjoyed the view.

After several more punches, Noah finally stood up and pulled out a gun from his belt. Hos cocked the gun and pointed it towards Lucas who still laid down there and his gaze fixed on Katherine.

Lucas's eyes was barely opened due to Noah's punches, but even though his visions were quite blurry, he could see a huge grin on his wife's face as Noah pointed the gun towards him.

"It's about time you die, Lucas. At least I will be free from your poverty and marry Noah instead." She spat nonchalantly.

Lucas's heart sunk after hearing those last words, his blood boiled in both anger and sadness...and all he could think of right now was how to make them pay for it all.

But in the end, he couldn't do anything other than lay down there and accept his fate. Lucas shut his eyes as Noah finally pulled the trigger.


Lucas's consciousness fades away after the trigger was pulled, and all he saw was darkness. He had no idea what happens after death, but like people used to say 'After death is judgement.'

Remembering that sentence, Lucas prepared himself to face judgement. He was a chronic Christian when he was alive, and he was a very honest and kind mind, doing all he can to please he was pretty confident in himself to make heaven now that he was dead.

While Lucas was drifting away, he felt his whole body being pulled through a vortex. He tried all he could to scream at the top of his lungs, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't produce a single sound.

While being pulled through the vortex, memories of his life began to flash before his eyes. How he first met Katherine and how he quickly fell in love with her. He saw some memories where he thought they were truly happy, but now he knew that it was all just an act and none of that was real.

Memories upon memories kept flashing until it got to the moment he got killed by Noah and his wife. After that, strange memories came flashing.

Things that he doesn't remember doing when he was alive, places he doesn't know, names and people he hasn't met before flashed before him and made him slightly confused. The memories came rushing, and the more it came, the more it felt like they were actually his memories which of course he felt was strange.

The memories finally ended, and Lucas felt a strange sensation, like his soul was being reshaped. That happened for several moments, and when the vortex finally dissipates, Lucas's eyes snapped open and he jolted up from where he laid.

Lucas panted heavily with his whole body drenched in sweat and a tensed look evident on his face.

"What happened?" Lucas pondered internally with a puzzled expression evident on his face as he glanced around the place he found himself in.

It was a neatly arranged room that had a lot of expensive furnitures and designa here and there.

"Where am I?" Lucas mused in confusion as he kept glancing around the place. He lifted his right hand and rubbed his forehead where Noah shot him, but to his greatest surprise there was no single scratch.

"I died, right? Does it mean this is heaven?" Lucas questioned himself as he kept moving his gaze around the luxurious room.

While Lucas was busy glancing around the room, he caught sight of his reflection on a mirror a few centimeters away from where he sat. Catching sight of his reflection, a puzzled expression appeared on his face as he swiftly made his way towards it to take a close look.

Unlike before when he had rough brown hair and sunken cheeks, Lucas's now looked different. His looks was really breathtaking. Chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, and jet black hair that had a mullet haircut.

"My's different." Lucas pondered in confusion as he glanced at his reflection. As he glanced at it, strange memories flooded in mind.

The memories of a young man named Edwin Blackwood. The memories of Edwin came flooding, showing all about him, and in less than five minutes Lucas now knew who he was right now.

It felt like the memories of Edwin Blackwood was now his own memories, but he still has the memories of his previous life intact.

"So, I was Reborn as Edwin..the youngest son of the leader of a notorious gang?" Lucas blurted out in shock and his heart racing. "I never knew reincarnation was real, I thought it was all a myth."

Lucas was a book lover and he has read so many books where the mc dies and gets reborn into a new body. Lucas thought stuffs like that wasn't real, but with what was happening to him right now he knew it was indeed real.

"Of all the people I could reincarnate as it had to be a gangster." Lucas lamented with a frown.

The memories he had of Edwin shows how dangerous his lifestyle was. They were the most wanted family in the whole of England, and every single thing they did was illegal.

"It's not all bad. I might be the youngest son of Herbert Blackwood, the leader of the Kingfisher gang, but I am still Lucas and I know exactly what I am going to do with this second Chance the Lord has blessed me with." Lucas mused as he went back to the bed and sat down.

For some reason Lucas was granted a second chance to life, and the only thing on his mind right now was to have revenge on those that wronged him and also ended his life.

"You just wait and see, Katherine, you won't know what hit you." Lucas grimaced.

Lucas sat there with his head filled with thoughts until the sound of the door opening caught his attention and he shifted his gaze towards it.

Walking into the room was woman who seem to be in her late forties. She was clad in a black suit and short black skirt, with a black hat worn on her head.

Catching sight of the woman, Lucas recognized her instantly from Edwin's memories. It was Bridget Blackwood, the step mother of Edwin.

Based on what he saw, Bridget married Herbert a few weeks after his mother died, and because of that his whole children hated Bridget. They all hated her except Edwin.

"Good morning, Edwin." Bridget greeted with a bright smile on her face.

"Morning." Lucas replied.

"I hope you slept well." Bridget inquired, and Lucas gave a nod in affirmation. "Your father requests for everyone's attention in the usual spot. Get dressed and head there now." Bridget informed before exiting the room.

Lucas sat there for a few more minutes before getting off the bed and walked into the bathroom. He took a quick shower before stepping out of the bathroom and headed straight to the wardrobe.

Lucas pulled the Wardrobe open and glanced inside. All he saw inside was black suit, long white T-shirts, and several black cap caps.

"Nice." Lucas commented as he took out a pair of black suit, a white t-shirt, and a black cap. He put on the clothes and glanced at himself in the mirror with a look of adoration. He now resembled the men from the old English days.

"Who would have thought I would ever look this handsome." Lucas admired himself in the mirror before exiting the room and made his way to the usual spot where he would meet the whole family of gangsters.

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