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By: abundance ke Updated just nowMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 67 views: 257

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In the heart of a thriving modern city, billionaire Victor Blackwood lives a life of secrecy and power. But beneath his sophisticated exterior lies an ancient truth: Victor is actually Aiden Thorne, a vampire prince who has ruled from the shadows for over a thousand years. His carefully constructed world begins to unravel when a secretive organization, The Order of the Dawn, starts to investigate him, threatening to expose his true identity. As Victor works to stay ahead of The Order, he becomes entangled with Clara, a brilliant and determined journalist whose investigation into The Order puts her in grave danger. Drawn to Clara but wary of the risks, Victor must balance his growing feelings for her. As the story unfolds, Clara discovers Victor’s true identity, leading to a strained relationship between them. When Clara is captured by The Order, Victor is forced to make a perilous choice: reveal his secrets to save her or risk losing everything he has fought to protect. Betrayal strikes when Marcus is revealed as the leader’s son, testing Victor’s resolve and forcing him into a climactic battle. As the artifact’s power is unleashed, time itself begins to fracture, sending Victor, Clara, and their allies into alternate realities where they must confront their darkest fears and most dangerous enemies. In the end, Victor and Clara return to a changed world, where supernatural beings are no longer hidden. Victor’s decision to reveal himself has reshaped society, but new challenges await as he and Clara navigate a reality where trust is fragile and power is ever-shifting. "The Hidden Crown" is a thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, where ancient secrets collide with modern dangers, and a vampire prince must confront his past to protect the future.

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67 chapters
Chapter 1: The Eternal Watcher
The night air was thick with the scent of rain, the city below teeming with life as its inhabitants went about their business, oblivious to the ancient eyes that watched over them. From the penthouse suite of Blackwood Tower, Victor Blackwood gazed out over the sprawling metropolis, his sharp features illuminated by the soft glow of city lights. The rain streaked down the glass, blurring the world outside, much like the memories that haunted him.Victor—or Aiden Thorne, as he had once been known—was not a man in the traditional sense. He was a vampire, an immortal being who had walked the earth for over a thousand years. In that time, he had seen empires rise and fall, had dined with kings and whispered into the ears of tyrants. Yet, as the centuries passed, he had learned to adapt, to remain hidden in plain sight. He had become Victor Blackwood, a reclusive billionaire with a reputation for ruthless business acumen and an enigmatic past.Tonight, however, something was different. A s
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Chapter 2: Shadows of the Past
Clara Hastings sat in the dimly lit corner of her favorite café, her laptop glowing softly as she typed furiously. The article she was working on was meant to expose corruption within the city’s political elite, a story that had been months in the making. But tonight, her focus wavered, her thoughts drifting to the enigmatic Victor Blackwood.Victor had been a mystery she hadn’t intended to unravel. He was the city’s most elusive billionaire, known for his immense wealth and influence but guarded in a way that intrigued her. In her line of work, Clara had encountered plenty of powerful men, but none had captivated her like Victor. There was something about him—something dark, dangerous, and deeply hidden.Her investigation into The Order of the Dawn had been a separate project, one rooted in whispers of secret societies and urban legends. She had stumbled upon the name while researching an entirely different story, and her curiosity had led her down a rabbit hole of ancient conspiraci
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Chapter 3: Revelations
The car raced through the darkened streets, the city lights flashing by in a blur. Clara sat in the passenger seat, her hands trembling as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Victor’s grip on the steering wheel was tight, his eyes focused ahead, every muscle in his body tense.“Victor, what just happened back there?” Clara’s voice was shaky, a mix of fear and confusion lacing her words.“They found us,” Victor replied, his voice steady but edged with urgency. “The Order has been hunting me for centuries, and now they’ve made their move.”“Hunting you? Why? What are you?” Clara asked, her mind still reeling from the sight of Victor’s supernatural speed, his glowing eyes, and the way he had fought off the attackers with an inhuman strength.Victor didn’t answer immediately, his jaw clenched as he maneuvered the car through the narrow streets. Finally, he spoke, his tone softer, almost regretful. “I didn’t want you to find out like this. But you deserve the truth, even if
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Chapter 4: Whispers in the Dark
The road stretched endlessly into the night, winding through dense forests and steep hills, as the city’s lights faded behind them. The silence in the car was thick, filled with unspoken fears and unanswered questions. Clara’s thoughts raced, tangling with memories of the night’s events and the shocking revelation about Victor. Beside her, Victor drove with a steady focus, his eyes trained on the road ahead, yet Clara could sense the turmoil simmering beneath his calm exterior.Hours passed in silence, the hum of the car’s engine the only sound breaking the stillness. Finally, Victor spoke, his voice low but clear. “We’re almost there. The safe house is just beyond these woods.”Clara nodded, her eyes scanning the darkened landscape. “What exactly is this place? And why can’t The Order reach us there?”“It’s an old manor, one of the few places left that’s protected by ancient magic,” Victor explained. “Wards have been placed around it, shielding it from those who seek to harm us. The
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Chapter 5: The Gathering Storm
The morning light filtered through the heavy curtains of the manor, casting long shadows across the room where Clara had spent a restless night. She awoke with a start, her mind still haunted by the events of the previous day. The revelations about Victor, the threat of The Order, and the dangerous quest for the Heart of Noctis weighed heavily on her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of her nightmares.A soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. “Clara, it’s Victor. Are you awake?”Clara quickly threw on a robe and opened the door. Victor stood there, looking more human than she had ever seen him. His usual cold, calculating demeanor was replaced with a concerned expression, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress.“I’m awake,” she replied, her voice still groggy. “What’s going on?”Victor stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. “We need to talk. I’ve received word from an old ally, someone who might be able to help us in our s
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Chapter 6 : The Gathering Storm 2
They left the manor under the cover of darkness, slipping through the forest and into the waiting car. The journey to the Carpathian Mountains was long and treacherous, the roads winding through dense forests and steep cliffs, with the occasional village dotting the landscape. As they traveled, Clara couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched, the shadows in the trees seeming to move with a life of their own.Victor drove with a focused intensity, his eyes constantly scanning the road ahead and the surrounding landscape. He spoke little, his thoughts clearly occupied by the gravity of their mission. Clara, too, remained silent, her mind racing with questions she wasn’t sure she was ready to ask.As night fell, the car climbed higher into the mountains, the air growing colder and thinner. Finally, they reached a small, isolated village nestled in a valley, surrounded by towering peaks. The village was quiet, its streets empty and its buildings old and worn, as if time itse
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Chapter 7: Shadows in the Night
The howling wind carried a foreboding chill as it swept through the Carpathian Mountains, rattling the ancient trees that surrounded Lucien’s cabin. Inside, Clara sat by the fire, staring into the flickering flames as her mind raced with thoughts of the mission ahead. The warmth of the room did little to dispel the cold fear creeping into her heart.Victor and Lucien stood by the table, discussing their next move in hushed tones. Though she couldn’t hear every word, Clara caught snippets of their conversation—the wards protecting the ancient temple, the dangers that lay in wait, and the looming threat of The Children of Shadow. Every mention of those dark vampires sent a shiver down her spine.“We’ll need to move at first light,” Lucien said, his voice steady but laced with urgency. “The longer we stay here, the greater the risk of being discovered. They’ll be tracking us, even now.”Victor nodded, his expression resolute. “Agreed. We’ll take the hidden path through the mountains, avo
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Chapter 8: Shadows in the Night (Continued)
Lucien nodded gravely. “Yes. That’s why we must act swiftly. The longer we delay, the more dangerous this becomes.”Victor’s expression softened as he looked at Clara. “I know this is overwhelming, but I need you to trust us. We’ll protect you, no matter what happens.”Clara met his gaze, feeling a strange mix of fear and determination. “I trust you, Victor. But I’m not just here to be protected. I want to help. I need to help.”Victor’s eyes softened, a hint of admiration in his gaze. “You’ve already done more than you know, Clara. Your strength is what’s keeping us going.”Lucien cleared his throat, breaking the moment. “We should get some rest. We’ll need all our strength for the journey ahead.”Clara nodded, though she doubted she would get much sleep. The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air, and the fear of what they would face in the temple loomed large in her mind.As they settled in for the night, Victor took up a position by the window, his eyes scanning the darknes
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Chapter 9: Shadows in the Night (Continued)
Lucien’s gaze was distant, his expression thoughtful. “The temple is hidden by powerful enchantments. We’ll have to look for a specific sign—a stone archway that appears only when the wards are weakened.”Victor glanced at the sky, his face shadowed by the fading light. “We should move on. We don’t want to be caught out here after dark.”They resumed their journey, the forest growing darker as the sun dipped below the horizon. The air became colder, and the shadows seemed to deepen with every step. Clara’s nerves were on edge, the weight of their mission pressing heavily upon her.Just as the last light of day disappeared, Lucien held up a hand, signaling them to stop. “We’re near,” he whispered. “Stay close and be silent.”They continued cautiously, the forest now an eerie labyrinth of darkness. The only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl. Clara’s eyes strained to see through the gloom, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and fear.Afte
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Chapter 10: The Dark Pursuit
The night air was icy as Clara, Lucien, and Victor emerged from the hidden entrance of the temple, the Heart of Noctis securely in Clara's hands. The wind howled through the mountains, carrying with it the distant, ominous growls of the guardians still searching for them. The trio moved quickly, their breath visible in the frigid air as they began their descent down the treacherous mountain path.Lucien, his face illuminated by the dim light of the moon, led the way with Victor close behind, their expressions tense. Clara brought up the rear, clutching the Heart tightly, its weight a constant reminder of the monumental task ahead.“We need to find a safe place to regroup,” Lucien said, his voice low and urgent. “The Children of Shadow will be tracking us, and we can’t afford to be caught off guard.”Victor glanced around, his sharp eyes scanning the darkness. “There’s an old hunting lodge not far from here. It’s not on any maps, but it should be secure.”The three of them pushed forwa
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