Secret Of The Billionaire's Driver

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Secret Of The Billionaire's Driver

By: Deedee Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 97

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Emily Ashton, once a warm and caring soul, has transformed into someone unapproachable and cold. Her powerful business family doesn't understand her change, but only Emily knows the reason she like this. The truth they were never there when she needed them most. Her frustration increased when her father hires a new driver, Adrian Vaughn, after she fired the last one. Emily, who was determined to keep men away from her, because of what she experienced in the past, plans to make Adrian quit. But Adrian in the other hand is hiding a secret that keeps him going, no matter how hard Emily pushes him away, he refuse to give up on his job. Despite her harsh treatment, Adrian's calmness being to breakthrough the wall Emily's have build around her, and her though exterior. Caught between her painful past and the possibility of starting all over again , Emily faces a crucial decision. Can she trust Adrian and let him into her life, or will her fears destroy any chance they have? When she finally get to know the secret Adrian is hiding would it bring them together or tear them apart?

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  • adebisidominion3


    Very interesting, I'm enjoying this.

    2024-08-31 01:49:11
Latest Chapter
12 chapters
ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW."Adrian, when are you going to stop this character of changing girls every day?" My mother Aria yelled angrily at me, she had caught another one, this time it is a blond blue eyes, half naked girl running at of my room with tears in my eyes."Mother it isn't my fault, they all want me, and I'm giving them what they want." I replied sarcastically, glaring at the half naked girl still standing at the entrance, she looks scared and embarrassed. "What are you still waiting for, I said you can go, to wherever you are coming from." I yelled at her watching her flinch and scurry in fear. I'm Adrian Vaughn, after all, and this was how my life had always been fast, easy, and without consequences, I thought inwardly. "Adrain you are twenty eight now, you should be thinking of marriage now, not changing ladies like clothes." My mother half yelled. I know she's frustrated at me behaviour by now, but I can't help it. "Don't forget you are starting your new Job tomorrow, an
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW"Sit down, Adrian," Mr. Ashton gestured to a chair in front of the desk. His voice was calm but carried an undeniable authority. I took a seat, trying to maintain my composure.He leaned back in his chair, studying me for a moment before speaking. "I trust you understand the importance of discretion and professionalism in this role," he began, his tone measured. "The Ashton family values its privacy highly. Your duties will go beyond simply driving. We're going to be sharing some personal stuff with you, so please remember what's okay to discuss publicly and what's not. Respect our privacy!"He paused, then continued, "Here are some rules you must strictly adhere to while working for us, they are just seven, and they are very important, if you break any of the rule you will be severely punished." he said giving a folder where there rule is listed. Rule one, Confidentiality is Paramount: You must never disclose any personal or private information about the Ashton
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EMILY POINT OF VIEW.When my Dad told me he would be employing another driver, because I sack the last driver two days ago I was so mad. Because I don't need a driver, I don't need to have a male driver, and if at all I want a driver, I prefer a female as my driver.I also promise my father that if he employ another driver I would sack the driver, and also make him suffer. My family think I have suddenly become heartless, cold, uncaring and unapproachable, but they don't know what I've been through. They haven't lived my life yet. They were worried to know what happened to their once caring and understanding daughter.Well they don't have to know what happened to me that make me like this, if I told them what happened, would they even believe me? Won't they think it's my fault it happened? It's almost laughable. They weren't there when I needed them most, they are always after their business and social status. When everything fell apart, they were too busy to see what was happening to
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW"I was hitted by Emily." I replied.I hesitated before answering, but their piercing gazes made it clear that avoiding the truth wasn’t an option. I didn’t want to stir up more trouble, especially with Emily glaring daggers at me, but I also didn’t want to lie to the people who were sitting in front of me. The truth had a way of catching up, no matter how hard you tried to bury it.Mr. Ashton’s expression darkened as he glanced between me and his daughter. "Emily," he began, looking shocked and disappointed at the same time, "is this true?"Emily crossed her arm, standing straight as if daring anyone to challenge her. She didn’t bother denying it, her silence was enough of an answer. Instead, she rolled her eyes and looked away, clearly annoyed at being put on the spot. It was like she was daring me to say more, but I kept my mouth shut."Why?" Mrs. Ashton asked, her voice was softer, and filled with motherly concern. "What happened?"Emily's eyes flashed with an
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEWSeeing Mr Ashton made my heart race faster than usual. The tension in the air was thick. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to move or speak. This wasn’t how I wanted the night to end."Adrian," Mr. Ashton said, his voice calm but filled with disappointment. "What’s going on here?"I tried to speak, but nothing came out. My mind was racing, trying to think of what to say. Before I could answer, Emily stepped forward, glaring at me."I’ll tell you what’s going on," Emily snapped. "Adrian here decided to take my sister out for a little joyride while he’s supposed to be working. Isn’t that right, Adrian? He threw his professionalism away without thinking twice." Emily said.I flinched at her accusation. Ashley’s hand tightened around my arm, but I gently pulled away, not wanting to drag her into this. This was my problem, and I had to face it."Mr. Ashton, I....""I told him to take me out," Ashley interrupted, her voice firm. "This was my idea, not
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEWI hurried back to the car, my heart pounding. I couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Emily’s face when she saw me outside her office. Her face was filled with fear and with anger. What was she hiding? And who was that man with her? I thought deeply. Something didn’t feel right.I got into the driver’s seat, gripping the steering wheel as I tried to calm down. Emily had made it clear that I wasn't supposed to pry into her business, I don't know what to expect from her now. As I sat there, waiting for Emily to return, my mind was filled with different thoughts. What was she handling? And why did she seem so scared? I’d never seen her like that before. Emily was always in control, always the one with the power in every situation. But at that moment, she looked vulnerable. The thought unsettled me more than I cared to admit.A few minutes later, Emily walked out of the building. She walked briskly to the car, not meeting my eyes as she slid into the backseat. The
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW I kept my cool and pretended nothing had happened. After a few moments, the doctor came back, and he told us Mrs. Ashton was okay that she had fainted from shock. All the children looked relieved. I turned to Emily, but she glared at me angrily.After a few minutes, Emily came to where I was seated, making my heart beat loudly. I didn’t know what to expect from her."Liam, meet me outside now," she said harshly, which annoyed me a bit. She was commanding me like one of her kids, but there was nothing I could do about it.Mr. Ashton and Ashley gave us both an odd look but decided to stay quiet. I’m sure even Emily’s father fears her because of her bipolar and unpredictable nature."Sure, Miss Ashton." I immediately stood up and went outside to wait for her. I didn’t want to get on her nerves or be on her bad side.After about two minutes, Emily came to where I was standing. She looked at me for a long time, staring deeply as if she were trying to see through my so
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW After Emily left, I stood there, my face still stinging from her slap. But I couldn’t show it. I had to stay calm, keep my cool, no matter how hard it was.As I walked back to my car, I remembered my father’s words, the ones that led me to start working as a driver. I could still hear them ringing in my head."Prove yourself, Adrian Vaughn, or you’ll lose everything. Everything you ever dreamed of having."Those words stuck with me to this day. And now, here I was, working as a driver, being treated like I didn’t matter. But no matter what happen I have to endure, because I have to prove myself to my father, that I was ready to take over.I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I couldn’t let Emily get to me, even though she seemed determined to frustrate me so I’d quit. My phone buzzed in my pocket, pulling me out of my thoughts. I took it out, expecting another warning or some bad news. But it was just a regular notification, nothing special. Still, it remi
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW. Standing at the entrance of the waiting room, my heart almost stopped. There she was Sandra, my ex-girlfriend, giving me that same smirk I knew too well. My day was already a mess, and now it was about to get worse. But what really shocked me was seeing her here, of all places.What the hell was she doing here?"Adrian," Sandra said, dragging out my name like it was some kind of joke. Her eyes scanned me up and down, taking in my uniform, my posture, and then, she burst out laughing out loud like a maniac. "Wow. Never thought I’d see the day when Adrian Vaughn would be reduced to a chauffeur."My jaw clenched, she didn't know the whole story, neither did she know anything about me. When we were dating, she didn't even care to know anything about me. Now I'm not going to let her ruin everything I have work for, not even this time. " what are you doing here Sandra?" I asked keeping my voice calm, even though deep down I was filled with rage.She grinned, clearly e
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEW The phone rang three times before he answered. It always rang three times. Never more, never less. My father was predictable like that."Adrian," his voice was calm, but it carried some kind of authority, which scare me till today. Because one wrong move, and you’re done for. But this was no time to fear or hesitate"I assume this is urgent?" I took a deep breath. Talking to him was never easy, but I had no choice this time."It’s Sandra," I started, keeping my tone calm, because he always love that. "She’s here. She’s friends with Emily Ashton." There was a pause. My father never liked surprises, and this was a big one."And she knows about you?" he asked, calmly which sounds strange to me. "She knows everything," I replied, my grip tightening on the phone. "She’s threatening to expose me. If she tells Emily or her family who I really am, it’s over. Everything we’ve worked for... gone."There was a pause. I knew my father well enough to know what came next, an
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