Standing at the entrance of the waiting room, my heart almost stopped. There she was Sandra, my ex-girlfriend, giving me that same smirk I knew too well. My day was already a mess, and now it was about to get worse. But what really shocked me was seeing her here, of all places.

What the hell was she doing here?

"Adrian," Sandra said, dragging out my name like it was some kind of joke. Her eyes scanned me up and down, taking in my uniform, my posture, and then, she burst out laughing out loud like a maniac. "Wow. Never thought I’d see the day when Adrian Vaughn would be reduced to a chauffeur."

My jaw clenched, she didn't know the whole story, neither did she know anything about me. When we were dating, she didn't even care to know anything about me. Now I'm not going to let her ruin everything I have work for, not even this time. " what are you doing here Sandra?" I asked keeping my voice calm, even though deep down I was filled with rage.

She grinned, clearly e
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