Seeing Mr Ashton made my heart race faster than usual. The tension in the air was thick. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to move or speak. This wasn’t how I wanted the night to end.

"Adrian," Mr. Ashton said, his voice calm but filled with  disappointment. "What’s going on here?"

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. My mind was racing, trying to think of what to say. Before I could answer, Emily stepped forward, glaring at me.

"I’ll tell you what’s going on," Emily snapped. "Adrian here decided to take my sister out for a little joyride while he’s supposed to be working. Isn’t that right, Adrian? He threw his professionalism away without thinking twice." Emily said.

I flinched at her accusation. Ashley’s hand tightened around my arm, but I gently pulled away, not wanting to drag her into this. This was my problem, and I had to face it.

"Mr. Ashton, I...."

"I told him to take me out," Ashley interrupted, her voice firm. "This was my idea, not his. So if you’re going to be angry at someone, be angry at me."

"You told him to take you out does that mean he has to stay there with you? Why can't you ask him to come back home after he has dropped you at your destination, so he can inform us about your whereabouts?" Emily questioned angrily.

"That's because I asked him to stay, and he has to abide by my bidding." Ashley replied to her sister, obviously frustrated by her behaviour.

"That doesn’t change the fact that he’s our employee, Ashley," Emily retorted, narrowing her eyes at us. "He should have known better."

Mr. Ashton raised a hand, silencing both of them. His gaze shifted to me, "Adrian," he said, "is what Emily says true? Did you take Ashley out without telling anyone?"

I took a deep breath, knowing there was no easy way out of this. "Yes, sir," I admitted, meeting his gaze. "But I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I was just..."

Just what?" Emily cut in, her tone cold. "Trying to cosy up to my sister to keep your job? Or maybe you’re trying to get closer to the family?"

"Emily, that’s enough," Mr. Ashton snapped, his patience running out. "I’ll handle this."

I felt a tightness in my chest at her words. I wasn’t trying to manipulate anyone, but standing there with both of them glaring at me, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d messed up.

"I didn’t mean any harm," I said quietly, feeling Emily’s harsh gaze. "I was just following orders." I muttered almost to myself.

Mr. Ashton sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "This is getting out of hand," he muttered. He looked at me again, his eyes a bit softer. "Adrian, I appreciate your honesty. But I need to make something clear this can’t happen again, and I hope you remember the rule I gave to you the other day and the consequences that come with it. You’re here to work, not to get involved with any of my family members."

"I understand, sir," I replied, my voice barely a whisper. "It won’t happen again."

"Good," he said with a firm nod. "Now, everyone go to bed. We’ll talk about this in the morning."

Ashley tried to argue, but her father’s stern look silenced her. She gave me an apologetic glance before heading upstairs, with Emily following behind. I stood there, feeling like I’d just survived a storm, but barely.

"Adrian," Mr. Ashton called just as I was about to leave. I turned to face him, bracing myself for more. "I know things haven’t been easy for you here, and I appreciate your hard work. But remember, boundaries are important. Don’t get too caught up in our family’s issues. Focus on your job, and everything else will be fine."

"Yes, sir," I said.

As I made my way to my room, I couldn't help but feel bad for myself knowing this isn't going to end well for me.

The next morning, I woke up early in order to get ready for the day's event, so as not to make the same mistake as yesterday. The warning Mr Ashton gave me yesterday kept on playing in my mind. I knew I had to be more careful, to keep my distance from the family, especially Ashley. But as I stepped out of my room and headed to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I found Ashley already there, leaning casually against the counter.

"Morning, Adrian," she greeted with a bright smile, her eyes lighting up as she saw me.

"Good morning," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral, though the memory of Mr. Ashton’s words echoed in my head. "Did you sleep well?" I asked her, even though I don't really care. 

"Not really," she admitted, taking a sip from her mug. "I kept thinking about last night. I’m sorry if I got you into trouble.c

" It’s alright," I said quickly, not wanting her to feel guilty. "I’m just here to do my job." 

Ashley set her mug down, her expression turning more serious. "You know, you’re always so formal. I was hoping we could just talk like normal people, not employees and bosses." 

I hesitated, unsure how to respond. She was being friendly, but I couldn’t forget the line Mr. Ashton had drawn. "I appreciate that, Ashley, but I have to keep things professional. It’s important to me." 

She sighed, a small frown forming on her lips. "I get it, I do. But it doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right? So can we be friends?" she asked. 


We both turned to see Emily standing at the top of the stairs, glaring daggers at us. Her expression was ice-cold. 

"Adrian, get ready. You’re taking me to the office," she ordered sharply, not even bothering to acknowledge her sister. Her tone left no room for argument, and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Emily, what’s your problem?" Ashley snapped, stepping forward. "We were just talking."

"Talking?" Emily scoffed, narrowing her eyes at her sister. "I’ve warned you before, Ashley. Don’t drag him into your mess. He’s here to work, not to entertain you."

Ashley opened her mouth to talk back at her, but I quickly stepped in. "I’ll get the car ready," I said, hoping to defuse the situation before it escalated. The last thing I needed was to be caught in the middle of another argument between the two sisters.

But as I turned to leave, I felt a hand on my arm. Ashley was looking at me, her face was filled with concern which I appreciate. "Adrian, you don’t have to let her talk to you like that," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Just let it go, Ashley," I replied, keeping my voice neutral. "It’s not worth the fight."

Ashley frowned but released her grip, watching as I walked away. I could feel Emily’s eyes burning into my back the entire time.

As I prepared the car, different thoughts ran through my head. This wasn’t just a job anymore it was a minefield, with every step threatening to blow up in my face. Emily’s anger seemed to be growing by the day, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep up with her behaviour. 

Emily finally came outside, her expression as cold as ever. She didn’t say a word as she climbed into the backseat, slamming the door behind her. I got in and started the engine, the silence between us heavy and uncomfortable.

As we drove, I couldn’t help but glance at Emily through the rearview mirror. Her arms were crossed, and she was staring out the window, her jaw clenched. She looked like she was trying to keep herself from exploding.

I decided to take a chance. "Is everything okay, Miss Emily?"

She didn’t respond at first, but after a few moments, she turned her icy gaze on me. "Everything would be fine if you remembered your place, Adrian, because I don't remember me telling you that you could ask me questions or ask about my whereabouts. she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

I bit back my reply, knowing it would only make things worse. Instead, I focused on the road, trying to keep my emotions in check. But Emily wasn’t done.

"You think you can just worm your way into my family’s good graces?" she continued, her voice rising. "Do you think you’re special because Ashley’s taken a liking to you? You’re nothing but an employee, Adrian. Don’t forget that."

Her words cut deep, but I forced myself to stay calm. "I’m just doing my job, Miss Emily," I replied evenly.

"Doing your job," she repeated with a bitter laugh. "Don’t play dumb with me, Adrian. I see what’s going on. You’re trying to get close to Ashley, maybe even my father, so you can secure your position. But let me make one thing clear: you'll never be more than a driver."

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white. This wasn’t just about the job anymore. Emily was making it personal, and I had no idea why. 

"I’m not trying to overstep any boundaries, Miss Emily," I said, my voice steady but firm. "I’m here to work, nothing more."

"Good," she snapped. "Because if you step out of line again, I’ll make sure you regret it."

The rest of the drive was silent, but the tension in the car was unbearable. By the time we arrived at the office, I felt like I could finally breathe again.

I pulled the car into the parking lot and cut the engine, grateful for the silence that followed.

Emily made no move to get out of the car. She just sat there, staring straight ahead, I waited, hoping she'd say something but she didn’t. Instead, she finally opened the door and stepped out, her heels clicking sharply on the pavement.

"Wait for me here, I have to do something. After this you are taking me somewhere." she said, coldly before slamming the door, and walking away. 

As I looked behind me, I noticed that Miss Emily had forgotten her documents in the back seat, where she just left. I contemplated whether to give it to her or wait for her to get it herself, but I decided to go with the former. Even though I know that I should follow her order and wait for her in the car. I stood heading to her office. 

As I entered, the cold air of the office lobby hit me like a slap in the face. The receptionist glanced at me, clearly surprised to see me there. "Mr. Vaughn, can I help you with something?"

"No, I’m fine, thank you," I replied quickly, trying to sound casual. "Just need to deliver something to Miss Emily. I said. 

She nodded, but I could see the suspicion in her eyes. I forced myself to walk calmly, but my heart was racing as I made my way to the elevator. I knew Emily’s office was on the top floor, so I pressed the button and waited as the elevator slowly ascended.

When the doors opened, I stepped out into the hallway, which was oddly quiet. The only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioning. I approached Emily’s office door and paused, my hand hovering over the handle. Should I even be up here? How would Emily react seeing me here? I thought within myself, contemplating whether to enter or not. 

But then I heard Emily's voice, along with someone else’s. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but something about the tone of the conversation made me hesitate. I leaned closer, my ear to the door, straining to hear.

"Handled it," Emily said firmly, but her voice was shaky a bit, which was surprising, because Emily's voice alway held authority. 

Are you sure?" The other voice sounded like a male voice, it was deep and commanding. "We can’t afford any mistakes." 

"There won’t be any," Emily insisted, but I could hear the doubt creeping into her voice. "I’ve got everything under control."

"Good. Because if you don’t..." The man’s voice trailed off, but the threat was clear.

I pressed my back against the wall, my mind racing. What the hell was going on? Who was she talking to? And what exactly was she trying to "handle"?

Before I could piece it together, the door suddenly opened. Emily stepped out, her eyes widening in shock when she saw me standing there. For a split second, I saw Emily's face turn to that of fear. 

"Adrian," she hissed, quickly regaining her composure. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I...I was  just..." I stammered, my mind scrambling not knowing what to say. 

"Get back to the car. Now," she ordered, her voice shaking with anger.

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