When my Dad told me he would be employing another driver, because I sack the last driver two days ago I was so mad. Because I don't need a driver, I don't need to have a male driver, and if at all I want a driver, I prefer a female as my driver.

I also promise my father that if he employ another driver I would sack the driver, and also make him suffer. My family think I have suddenly become heartless, cold, uncaring and unapproachable, but they don't know what I've been through. They haven't lived my life yet. They were worried to know what happened to their once caring and understanding daughter.

Well they don't have to know what happened to me that make me like this, if I told them what happened, would they even believe me? Won't they think it's my fault it happened? It's almost laughable. They weren't there when I needed them most, they are always after their business and social status. When everything fell apart, they were too busy to see what was happening to me. Or maybe they just didn't care.

The truth is, I don't owe anyone an explanation. Especially not to people who are more concerned with maintaining appearances than with my well-being. They'd probably think I was exaggerating or, worse, that it was my fault. That's how it always goes, doesn't it? Blame the victim.

I shake off the thought. It's too early for this. Besides, I've got bigger problems to deal with like figuring out how to make this new driver quit. Because he's going to, one way or another. I can't let another man get close, not after what happened. I don't even need any man around my life now, either a driver, cook, or even in my office, I prefer employing a female, for reasons best know to me.

I quickly wipe the tears that threaten to drop from my eyes so quickly, I can't be vulnerable. I think I just need to rest. I check the time on my phone I was it was 5PM already, which means it time to close. I stood up already except the new driver to me here, to my utmost surprise he wasn't here yet.

Why the fuck, did he take long to come? I emphasis on 5PM, when he was about to leave, don't he know I cherish punctuality alot? I pulled my phone from my bag calling him, but he didn't respond, I send him serveral messages still no reply.

I began to fume, knowing this won't end well for him. By 5:10 PM, he wasn't still here yet . How dare he make me wait? I stood outside, my hands clenched into fists, feeling every eye on me. I don't like being kept waiting, and I certainly don't like being disrespected. This was just another reason why I don't trust men they're unreliable, careless, and they never take responsibility for their actions. 

Finally, Adrian showed up, looking disheveled and breathless, like he'd just rolled out of bed. The sight of him add to my anger. He rushed out of the car, looking flustered and guilty. Good. He should feel guilty. But guilt isn't enough. I needed to make it clear that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

"I'm so sor... " he started to apologize, but I cut him off with a hard slap to his face. Immediately my hand landed on his face he head swayed to the left, I saw he lone tear drop from his eyes, but he wipe that off immediately. 

By the time he raise his head to look at me, his face and eyes were already blood shot red, which made me happy, because he deserve that. 

"Didn't I made it clear enough that I hate to be left waiting, and I cherish punctuality more than anything?" I yelled angrily. "This job is not a joke! Do you even understand what punctuality means? Or do you just not care?"

I watched him struggle to maintain his steeze and composure, his clenched his jaw tightly as if trying to suppress his emotions. 

"Now get me the fuck out of here." I yelled still angry at him. He nods, avoiding eye contact, and moves to open the car door for me. I slide into the backseat still feeling frustrated at what happen just minutes ago. 

How dare he make me wait and then show up looking like a mess? This is just the beginning. If he thinks this slap was bad, he has no idea what's coming. I'll make sure he understands that he doesn't deserve this job or the right to be around me. I don't need anyone, especially not someone as pathetic as him.

The drive home was silent as a graveyard, none of say anything to each other, is not like there is anything to be said about. The only sound was the faint hum of the car engine. 

After like an hour later we got home. Immediately I got home, I came out of the car without waiting for Adrian to open my side of the door. To my utmost surprise as soon as I open the door, I was greeted by my father, mother, Ashley and Elena. They were all sitted in the living room. 

At that moment I could tell they had been waiting for me. I felt more annoyed that I was already. What now? Did they have another lecture prepared for me?

"Emily, we need to talk," my father said, his voice serious but gentle. He gestured for me to sit down, but I stayed standing, crossing my arms defensively. 

I was about to ignore them and walk into my room, when I heard Ashley gasp and screamed. I stay rooted on they spot, and began to panic. 

Yes, even though I don't really like my parent, I love my siblings so much. "What happen Ashley?" I asked worriedly, but she ignored me standing up and walking to Adrian direction. I have even forgotten that he followed me inside. 

"Oh my God! Adrian, what happen to your face? Why did he look red and bruised?" Ashley asked, looking worried. I don't get why she's worried about him, he doesn't deserve that from her. 

Adrian looked at me, but I glared at him. He kept his head down in shame. "Is nothing ma'am" Adrian replied. 

"Common, Adrian, tell us what happened to you?" My father chipped in urging him to talk. 

He finally race his head up. "I was hitted by Emily." He replied. Right now all my family eyes were on me glaring hard at me, including Elena, my youngest sister. 

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