"Sit down, Adrian," Mr. Ashton gestured to a chair in front of the desk. His voice was calm but carried an undeniable authority. I took a seat, trying to maintain my composure.

He leaned back in his chair, studying me for a moment before speaking. "I trust you understand the importance of discretion and professionalism in this role," he began, his tone measured. "The Ashton family values its privacy highly. Your duties will go beyond simply driving. We're going to be sharing some personal stuff with you, so please remember what's okay to discuss publicly and what's not. Respect our privacy!"

He paused, then continued, "Here are some rules you must strictly adhere to while working for us, they are just seven, and they are very important, if you break any of the rule you will be severely punished." he said giving a folder where there rule is listed. 

Rule one, Confidentiality is Paramount: You must never disclose any personal or private information about the Ashton family to anyone, under any circumstances. What you see and hear while working here stays within these walls.

Rule two, Professional Distance: While you may interact with members of the family, personal relationships beyond a professional boundary are strictly prohibited. This includes any kind of friendly relationship with family members or the staff.

Rule three, Adherence to Schedule: You are expected to be available and on call 24/7. The family's schedule is paramount, and you must be ready to accommodate any changes or demands, regardless of the time.

Rule four, Respect for Privacy: You are not to enter any private areas of the house, such as bedrooms, unless specifically instructed. Respecting the family's privacy is essential.

Rule five, Zero Tolerance for Substance Use: The use of alcohol or any other substances during work hours is strictly forbidden. You must always be sober and ready to perform your duties. 

Rule six, No Outside Employment: You are not allowed to engage in any other employment or activities that could interfere with your responsibilities here. Your focus should be solely on serving the Ashton family.

Rule seven, Proper Conduct: You are expected to maintain a high standard of personal conduct, both on and off duty. Any behavior that could potentially reflect poorly on the family is unacceptable.

"These rules are non-negotiable, Adrian," Mr. Ashton said, his gaze intense. "Failure to comply with any of these, you know the consequence by now. Do you understand?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. I realized this job was going to be more demanding than I had anticipated. "Yes, sir, I understand," I replied trying to sound confident. 

"Good," Mr. Ashton said, his tone softening slightly. "Remember, this is a serious role with significant responsibilities. But if you perform well, there could be opportunities for advancement. We reward loyalty and hard work."

He stood up, signaling the end of our meeting. "You can return to your room and rest for the evening. James will provide you with any additional details you need. Welcome to the Ashton family, Adrian."

"Thank you, Mr. Ashton," I said, before exiting the study. Immediately I got to my room, I landed on my bed before sleeping off. 

The next morning, I woke up early, ready to start my first full day on the job. As I dressed in the uniform provided, I couldn't help but feel a bit excited and nervous. 

The Ashtons' mansion was already filled with peop doing different activity, and I knew today would be a test, to see how capable I am. 

My first task was to familiarize myself with the vehicles and the family's schedule. James, provided me with a detailed list of appointments and instructions. I took note of everything, determined not to make any mistakes, of not because of the Ashton, but because of myself and my family. 

As I prepared the car for the day, I begin to remiscene on the rules Mr. Ashton had laid out for me yesterday. Each one seemed to emphasize the importance of maintaining a professional behaviour, and also not having close relationship with his family. It was clear they valued their privacy and expected complete loyalty from their staff.

Just as I finished checking the car, I saw Emily approaching. She was dressed in an office wear. Good morning, Adrian," she said, her tone neutral. "I'll need you to drive me to the office today. We leave in not less than ten minutes from now."

"Of course, Miss Ashton," I replied, opening the car door for her. She stepped in without another word. 

The drive was mostly silent, expect for the occasional directions Emily gave. She spent most of the time on her phone, reviewing documents and making calls. I focused on the road, acutely aware of the importance of my first task.

As we reached her office, Emily finally spoke again. "Remember, Adrian, punctuality is crucial. I expect you to be here precisely at 5 PM to pick me up."

"Understood, Miss Ashton," I replied, nodding. She gave me a curt nod before exiting the vehicle and disappearing into the building.

As I drove back to the mansion, I couldn't help but feel accomplished, because my first task had gone smoothly, and I was determined to keep it that way.

Back at the mansion, I found Elena in the garden, her sketchbook in hand. She looked up as I approached, offering a friendly smile. "How was your first day driving Emily?" she asked, her tone light.

"Not too bad," I replied, smiling back.

Elena laughed softly. "That's good though. Just don't take her too seriously, because she can mean at time. She's always been the serious one."

I nodded, appreciating her friendly behaviour. "Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind."

As we chatted, I noticed Ashley approaching. She seemed to be heading to the garden, she sway her hip seductively, giving me a hard time down there. I know I shouldn't be having conversations with their daughter because it was listed in the rule already, but I can't escape Ashley she has seen me already "Adrian," she called out, "I'll need you to drive me to a charity event this afternoon. Be ready by 3 PM."

"Of course, Miss Ashton," I replied, noting the time. She gave me a quick smile before turning to Elena, who was watching us curiously.

As I headed back to my room after the brief chat with Elena, I didn't want to be caught talking to her. As the clock approached 3 PM, I made my way to the garage to prepare the car for Ashley's charity event. I checked everything carefully, making sure the vehicle was in perfect condition. This was my second task of the day, and I couldn't afford any mistakes. Not just for the Ashtons, but for myself and my family.

Right on time, Ashley appeared, She wore a stunning dress that hugged her figure, her hair and makeup flawless. She moved with a confidence that was both alluring and intimidating. As she approached the car, she gave me a slutty look her eyes lingering on me a bit longer than I was comfortable with.

"Ready to go, Adrian?" she asked, her voice playful.

"Yes, Miss Ashton," I replied, opening the door for her. She slid into the back seat, her perfume filling the car. I took a deep breath, trying to focus as I got into the driver's seat.

As we pulled out of the driveway, Ashley leaned forward slightly, resting her arm on the back of my seat. "You know, Adrian," she began, her tone casual, "I have to say, you're quite the looker. Those muscles and that strong jawline... very impressive."

I felt a flush of heat creep up my neck. "Thank you, Miss Ashton," I said, keeping my eyes on the road. It was a struggle to maintain my composure, her compliment was against the rule given to me.

She didn't seem to notice my discomfort, or perhaps she chose to ignore it. "And those blue eyes of yours," she continued, her voice dropping to a more intimate tone, "they're so... captivating. It must be hard for the ladies to resist you."

I swallowed hard, gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter. "I just do my job, Miss Ashton," I said, trying to sound as professional as possible. "I'm here to serve your family."

Ashley chuckled softly, So serious, Adrian. But I like that. It shows dedication." She reached forward and lightly touched my arm, her fingers tracing a line down to my wrist. The contact sent a jolt through me, and I had to focus intently on the road to keep from reacting.

"You're very... disciplined," she murmured, her voice almost a purr. "But don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

I knew she was testing me, perhaps out of boredom or simply to see how far she could push the boundaries. The rules about maintaining professional distance flashed through my mind, and I knew I had to handle this situation carefully. "Thank you, Miss Ashton, but I'm just doing my job," I repeated, my voice steady.

Ashley withdrew her hand, leaning back in her seat. She let out a soft sigh, as if disappointed by my lack of response. "You know, Adrian, sometimes it's okay to relax a little. Life doesn't always have to be so serious."

I didn't respond, instead focus on the ride to our destination. My heart was beating fast, Her presence was having effect on I couldn't let her see that, though. I couldn't afford to slip up on my first day, I know it won't be easy resisting her considering the fact that I'm a playboy and a sleep with anything under skirt.

We arrived at the charity event, and I quickly got out to open the door for her. As she stepped out, she gave me look which I couldn't decode, "Thank you, Adrian," she said.

"I'll call you when I'm ready to leave. Don't be late."

"Of course, Miss Ashton," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "

After dropping Ashley, I went back home to rest because I felt really tired. I close my eyes planning to rest a bit, I didn't know when I drifted into a deep sleep. 

I joted up when I heard a cracking sound, The room was darker, and as I glanced at the clock my heart beat loudly within my chest, It was already past 5 PM. I began to panic as I grabbed my phone and saw several missed calls and messages from Emily.

"Adrian, it's 5:10 PM. Where are you?", "I thought you were competence enough I never know my father hire a lazy brat." she sent several messages that I didn't even have enough time to read. 

My heart beat loudly as I quickly grabbed my jacket and rushed out of the room, cursing under my breath. I had never been late for anything, and this was not the impression I wanted to make, especially not on my first day. 

As I hurried to the car, I can't shake off the feeling that this make will cost me everything. The Ashtons valued punctuality and professionalism, and I had already failed on both areas. 

Starting the car, I sped towards Emily's office, I began to think of excuse to lay down for Emily that would make her forgive me or not report me to her father, but I couldn't think of any tangible excuse. After some hours, I got to the office. I saw Emily standing outside fuming with anger, I immediately get out of the car ready to apologise to her,for my lateness. 

"I'm so sor...."she didn't let me finish my words before slapping me on the face angrily. 

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