Secret Of The Billionaire's Driver
Secret Of The Billionaire's Driver
Author: Deedee


"Adrian, when are you going to stop this character of changing girls every day?" My mother Aria yelled angrily at me, she had caught another one, this time it is a blond blue eyes, half naked girl running at of my room with tears in my eyes.

"Mother it isn't my fault, they all want me, and I'm giving them what they want." I replied sarcastically, glaring at the half naked girl still standing at the entrance, she looks scared and embarrassed. 

"What are you still waiting for, I said you can go, to wherever you are coming from." I yelled at her watching her flinch and scurry in fear. I'm Adrian Vaughn, after all, and this was how my life had always been fast, easy, and without consequences, I thought inwardly. 

"Adrain you are twenty eight now, you should be thinking of marriage now, not changing ladies like clothes." My mother half yelled. I know she's frustrated at me behaviour by now, but I can't help it. 

"Don't forget you are starting your new Job tomorrow, and remember to behave well." My mother said before walking away leaving me with my taught. 

I watched her leave, as I sank down on the chair next to me. My new job, huh? A driver for some wealthy family. I feel somehow about doing this. I know working as a driver for a wealthy family won't end well for me, considering how spoiled those rich kids usually are. 

I don't want to do this work, I used to sitting at home all days and fucking around, with my parent feeding me, and giving me things. I know I'm very lazy, and I don't even have a plan for my life but I don't usually care about it. 

But, I know I don't have a choice now, I have to work. I have to work as a driver for the ASTON family. I need to start building a life for myself, I need to prove myself worthy. 

I stood up ready to pay my friend a visit in other to bid them goodbye, considering the fact that I won't see them, because I would be living in the Ashton mansion from tomorrow. 

I called Thomas and Harvey, informing them to meet me at our usual club, I ended the call getting ready to meet them. Within thirty minutes, we were all in the club, drinking to stupor.

I informed them about my new job, and how my parents are reacting about my playboy lifestyle. "Adrian you did a great job, by finally finding a job, because you really need it." Thomas said, patting my back.

"What do you mean great job, you mean working as a driver is a great job, your father should have find a better job for you not a driver." Harvey replied, looking at both Thomas and I.

"Harvey, he would start from somewhere, he would start by building his life slowly." Thomas replies.

"Oh, cheers to Adrian being a driver!!" Harvey said, while we all raise our glass up, chuckling softly.

As we clinked our glasses together, I couldn't help but laugh along with them. Thomas and Harvey had been my friends for years, always there for the good times and the bad. Tonight, though, felt different. It was like a farewell party for a life I was leaving behind, even if I didn't quite know what lay ahead.

"Seriously, Adrian," Thomas continued, "working as a driver might not be glamorous, but it's a start. You can't just keep living off your parents forever."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, taking another sip of my drink. "It's just... I don't know. It's hard to imagine myself doing something like that."

Harvey leaned in, "Who knows, man? Maybe you'll meet some rich, hot chick who'll fall for the hot driver. 

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I doubt that. 

A few hours later, we bid our self goodbye. Immediately I got home, I met my father who sat in the living room, it look like he was waiting for me. "Welcome back son, I have been waiting for you" my father said before walking back into his room. 


Today is Monday and I would be starting my work today, I pack my clothes box, and some of the essentials thing, I pack an old photograph of my family. It was from happier times before I started disappointing them. As I looked at the picture, a guilty a bit, before shaking it off. Was this job a way to make up for all the mistakes I'd made?

I shook off the thought and zipped up my suitcase. I had to do this, not just for my parents, but for myself. I needed to prove that I could take responsibility and find some direction in my life. 

I ordered taxi that would take me to my destination, I hugged my mum and dad bidding them goodbye before entering into the car. As the taxi pulled away from my parents' house, I couldn't help but feel different about this. 

It was strange, leaving behind the comfort of my usual life for something so unfamiliar I stared out, lost in thought.

This was the beginning of something new, something I wasn't entirely sure I was ready for. But then again, had I ever really been ready for anything? My life had always been a series of impulsive decisions, one after the other, with little regard for the consequences. Maybe this job would finally force me to grow up, to take things more seriously.

The taxi ride felt like it took forever, but eventually, we arrived at the Ashton mansion. It was even look more better than the way I seen it on picture. It have a garden and a big swimming pool at the front yard, which means one of his children loves swimming. 

I paid the driver and stepped out, suitcase in hand, feeling a little out of place in my casual clothes, because even the maid, and the gateman were looking classy and sophisticated. 

I took a deep breath and approached the front door, trying to muster some confidence. Before I could knock, the door swung open, revealing a tall figure.

"Adrian Vaughn, I presume?" the man said, looking me up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I'm James, the head of household staff. Welcome to the Ashton estate. Let me show you to your quarters," he said, gesturing for me to follow him inside.

As we walked through the grand halls, I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. The mansion was filled with expensive artwork, antique furniture, and the kind of opulence I'd only seen in movies. It was clear the Ashtons family is very wealthy, but I reminded myself not to get too caught up in appearances. My job was simple: drive the family wherever they needed to go, and keep a low profile.

James led me to a small but comfortable room in the servants' quarters. "This will be your room," he said, opening the door. "You'll find a uniform in the closet. Dinner is at seven sharp in the staff dining area. Make sure you're ready to start tomorrow morning, since you are just resuming today, you have today to have a good rest. 

"Thank you," I said, setting my suitcase down and looking around the room. It was modest compared to the rest of the mansion, but it had everything I needed. A bed, a desk, and a small bathroom.

After unpacking, I decided to explore a bit before dinner. The estate was vast, with beautiful gardens and a pool. I found a quiet spot near the edge of the property and sat down, pulling out the photograph of my family. Looking at their smiling faces, I feel regretful. I knew I had disappointed them. I have been dependant on them, my whole life, without even planning for my future. 

As I sat there, lost in thought, a voice broke the silence.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

I looked up to see a young woman standing before me, she have this stern and annoyed expression on her face. She had long, dark hair and sharp blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. She wore a simple and elegant red gown, which hug her curvy perfectly. I kept staring at her body before her voice jerk my back to presence, I shouldn't be sexualizing the Ashton daughter, I won't want to embarrass and disgrace my parents again. 

"I'm Adrian," I replied, standing up. "I'm the new driver. I was just... exploring this mansion, I feel if I'm going to be working here I show know the surrounding well." I said. 

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm Emily Ashton. My father mentioned hiring a new driver, but I wasn't expecting you to be... so young."

I felt a flush, feeling embarrassed by her blunrness. "I guess I am," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "I hope to do a good job."

Emily studied me for a moment. "We'll see about that," she said sassily, before turning to leave. 

As she walked away, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Emily Ashton look clearly like someone who don't take it lightly on strangers, especially ones like me. I watched her disappear into the mansion, wondering what kind of challenges this new job would bring.

Just as I was about to head back to my room, I heard a noise from the garden. Curious, I walked over and saw a young girl, maybe in her late teens, sitting by the pool. She was scribbling furiously in a sketchbook, completely absorbed in her work. She looked up and noticed me, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice gentle and calm. 

"I'm Adrian, the new driver," I replied, feeling like I was repeating myself a lot today. "And you are?"

"Elena," she said, closing her sketchbook and standing up. "You're the one living in the servants' quarters, right?"

I nodded, unsure of what to say next. She seemed friendlier than her sister, even though she's still somehow distant to me. 

"Welcome to the estate," Elena said, giving me a small smile. "It's not as grand as it seems. There are... a lot of rules. Just be careful."

With that cryptic advice, she walked off, leaving me standing there, more confused than ever. What did she mean by "a lot of rules"? 

As I made my way back to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Ashton family than just mere eye. Something about Emily's stern demeanor and Elena's warning made me think that this job would be far from ordinary.

I reached my room and sat on the bed, staring at the photograph of my family again. What had I gotten myself into? I knew this was supposed to be a fresh start, a chance to prove myself, but I already know this just wouldn't be as easy as it look and I would face many challenges. 

As I lay back, trying to put together my thoughts, a knock on the door startled me. I opened it to find James standing there, he long more serious than earlier 

"Mr. Ashton would like to see you in his study," James said, his voice low. "Now."

I swallowed hard, feeling nervous right now. 

Why would Mr. Ashton want to see me so soon? Had I done something wrong already? Different thoughts run through my mind as I follow James to the mansion. 

We stopped in front of a large door, and James knocked lightly before opening it. "Mr. Ashton, Adrian is here," he announced.

I stepped inside, my heart pounding. The room was filled with bookshelves and a large desk, behind which sat Mr. Damon Ashton. He looked up from his papers, his expression unreadable.

"Come in, Adrian," he said, his voice calm but firm. "We need to have a little chat about your duties here... and what I expect from you."

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