Rejected Billionaire book 2: Abraxas's Revenge

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Rejected Billionaire book 2: Abraxas's Revenge

By: Drew Archeron Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 177 views: 269

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Continuation of Rejected Billionaire, this tale picks up where book one ended. This should be the final part of Rejected Billionaire, long awaited and over due. (I own all rights and permissions to the layers of the cover image)

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  • Ikay Bruno


    Rejected Billionaire: Book 2 Abraxa’s Revenge is a gripping romance filled with drama and emotional depth. The characters are relatable, the story well-paced, and the writing engaging. Perfect for fans of the first book, it’s a satisfying read that leaves you wanting more.

    2024-09-05 00:59:49
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177 chapters
Chapter 1: Imperial Suite
Conor did his best to help the bellman get the ladies luggage into the hotel suite but the pile was truly massive.Parker only had one suitcase and a separate bag for his uniform suits. For his part, Conor had brought about the same.Kerrigan didn’t seem to have much, but her three guards had a mountain of cases between them.“What on earth did you bring?” Connor asked as the pile tipped, spilling across the floor of the sitting room.“Just the essentials,” Reilynn answered as she let Faolan (pronounced as FWAY-lahn) into the room.Connor gawked at both her and then at the room they had entered. “Are we in an imperial suite or something?”Kerrigan didn’t seem to notice the grandeur as she made for one of the rooms to the left, “It is one of the rooms we established for visiting nobility. The King would never stay here, but other dignitaries have in the past. The king would stay at the temple or with one of the dukes.”The way she said it so casually caught Conor off guard as she vanis
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Chapter 2: Velyki
“What is it?” Conor asked as they reached the SUV and climbed into the back.“My grandfather has formally requested my presence at his estate at the end of the month,” Kerrigan said, slumping heavily down into the seat.“I thought you were on good terms with your grandparents, or at least not at odds with them,” Conor asked.“Not really. We are not on bad terms that I know of, other than never seeing them in many years. I don’t know, I guess I still harbor some resentment for them leaving me at the temple. I get it, it was safer that, at least until Zadok came to power. Under your mother’s care, it wasn’t too bad.” Kerrigan huffed and was quiet for a time and Conor simply let her collect her thoughts.“I miss having a family. MY family. They were never unkind to me that I remember but they also were not there for me either. I guess in their own way, their distance was meant to shield me. But that seems to be at an end. I guess…. I guess I am not sure how to feel towards them.” She fi
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Chapter 3: Dinner Out
Kerrigan ordered a few dishes for Conor to try and he was excited to let her show off her city and its wonders.The first course was apparently a Velyki special, though Conor wasn’t quite sure what was special…Small rolls of bread the size of his fist were served with cheese and a very creamy butter.“Its yak cheese. They are hard to raise but there are a few farmers who have managed to raise them. You will not find a better flavor in all of Targu province. The butter is also cured with a sage that is only grown in the southern slopes of Velyki.” Kerrigan explained as she happily served herself and piled samples onto Conor’s plate.When the main course came, Conor took the opportunity to savor the hearty stew with fresh venison before he broached the dragon in the room.“Kerrigan, Dragon Corporation is a fascinating beast. I have been studying the notes Mr. Nuri and miss Quinn had prepared for me and it seems your nest is surrounded by predators. In such a hostile terrain, how is one
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Chapter 4: Plans
Kerrigan looked up from her notes, her brow furrowed. “What do you have in mind? I already told you, I don’t want to hurt the staff. If he falls, it needs to be without collateral damage were ever possible.”Conor smiled, appreciating her concern for her people. It was one of the many things he admired about her—her ability to balance ruthless efficiency with genuine care for those under her leadership.“What if we let Kelan take on a task that’s beyond his abilities?” Conor suggested, his voice measured. “Something that would require real leadership skills and deep knowledge of the company’s operations—skills he clearly lacks.”“Possible, but what exactly are you suggesting?”Leaning forward, Conor began, “We suggest to the board that Dragon Corporation needs a fresh perspective. Given Kelan’s self-proclaimed ‘innovative’ approach, he could be the perfect candidate to lead a major restructuring. Something complex and high-stakes, where his incompetence will be exposed for everyone t
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Chapter 5: setting the trap
The sun had barely risen over the city when Kerrigan Lokir, still energized from the intense planning session with Conor the previous night, strode into Dragon Corporation’s headquarters. The early morning light filtered through the tall windows of the sleek, modern building, casting long shadows across the marble floors. Kerrigan moved with purpose, her thoughts already on the day’s agenda as she headed straight for her office.She had a strategy to implement, and every minute counted.“Good morning, Miss Lokir,” Natalie, her assistant, greeted her as she entered the office. “Your first meeting is in ten minutes. Mr. Vargas from R&D will be here shortly, followed by Miss Meher from Marketing.”“Thank you, Natalie,” Kerrigan replied, flashing her a quick smile. “Please make sure we’re not disturbed. I need these meetings to be efficient and discreet.”Natalie nodded, understanding the gravity of Kerrigan’s request. “Of course. I’ll have coffee and tea ready.”Kerrigan moved to her des
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Chapter 6 Board Meeting
The boardroom was an imposing space, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a sweeping view of the city skyline. The long, polished table in the center of the room was surrounded by high-backed leather chairs, each occupied by a member of Dragon Corporation’s board of directors. These were men with decades of experience, powerful connections, and, as Kerrigan well knew, their own agendas.Before, this room has been her seat of power, her throne room from whence she commanded loyalty and respect from the whole business world. Now, these old fools looked down at her as if a child had joined their midst.Young she may be, but she was the one who bore the wisdom of a millennia old dragon who had been with this company and its leaders since its founding.Kerrigan’s gaze swept across the faces of the board members, noting the subtle tension in the air. She knew they had been waiting for an opportunity to undermine her, to push her aside and install someone more pliable in her place. She
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Chapter 7: Shadow of doubt
The soft hum of the city outside was barely audible through the thick glass of Kerrigan Lokir’s office windows. The sleek, modern design of her office, with its clean lines and minimalistic decor, reflected the power and authority she wielded as President of Dragon Corporation.Yet today, there was a tension in the air that had nothing to do with the previous day’s board meeting or corporate strategies.Kerrigan sat behind her large, polished desk, her fingers drumming a soft, steady rhythm on the dark wood. Conor had a similar desk back in Jinstain, and she distracted herself thinking about those months using his office.In truth, her mind was racing, trying to piece together the puzzle that had been forming since her departure from Dragon Corporation months ago. Breanna, her loyal head of security, had been missing for months, and now, other trusted security guards—Stevic and Lear—had been quietly reassigned without a word. It was as if someone was systematically removing her allies
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Chapter 8: Inquiries and Subtle Moves
Kerrigan spent the next few hours immersed in the meticulous task of reviewing documents related to the restructuring. She had instructed Natalie to quietly gather any paperwork related to the reassignment of Stevic and Lear, while also looking for any irregularities in security protocols that might hint at foul play.As she worked, a knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. Natalie entered, a worried look on her face.“Kerrigan, I’ve been going through the records like you asked,” she began, holding up a folder. “There’s something strange here. Stevic and Lear were reassigned to different divisions, but the orders came directly from the board, not Breanna. And there’s no record of Breanna approving the transfers.”Kerrigan’s heart sank. The board’s involvement confirmed her worst fears. “Who signed off on the orders?”Natalie hesitated, her eyes filled with concern. “It was Kelan.”The name sent a surge of anger through Kerrigan. Kelan had been meddling with her security, and
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Chapter 9: Layoffs begin
The atmosphere in Dragon Corporation’s headquarters had changed dramatically over the past few days. What had once been a bustling center of innovation and progress now felt tense and uncertain, as if the very walls of the building were bracing for an inevitable storm.Kerrigan Lokir watched from her office window as employees hurried to and fro, their faces marked by a mixture of confusion and anxiety. The layoffs had begun.Kelan Benidict, now the newly appointed lead of the restructure, had wasted no time in making his presence felt. The arrogant executive seemed determined to prove himself to be as much of an ass as possible, reveling in his power and the fear he instilled just by appearing in a new department.It seemed he had chosen to swing the axe even more indiscriminately across the company’s departments than expected. To Kerrigan, it was clear that Kelan was more interested in making a name for himself than in actually improving the company’s efficiency.While she was more
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Chapter 10: Reckless cuts
Kelan Benidict strode through the halls of Dragon Corporation with an air of triumph. He reveled in the power he wielded, the authority that had been handed to him by the board.The layoffs were well underway, and he had no intention of slowing down. In his mind, this was his moment—his chance to reshape the company in his image, to prove to his father and the board that he was a force to be reckoned with.As he entered the R&D department, the atmosphere was tense. Employees glanced up from their workstations, their expressions a mix of fear and uncertainty. Kelan barely acknowledged them as he made his way to the office of Dr. Miles Irving, one of the company’s leading engineers.“Dr. Irving,” Kelan said as he entered the office, not bothering to knock.Miles looked up, a frown creasing his brow. “Mr. Benidict. What can I do for you?”Kelan didn’t waste time with pleasantries. “I’m here to inform you that we’re cutting 25% of the R&D staff. Effective immediately.”Miles’s eyes widene
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