Rejected Billionaire book 2: Abraxas's Revenge
Rejected Billionaire book 2: Abraxas's Revenge
Author: Drew Archeron
Chapter 1: Imperial Suite

Conor did his best to help the bellman get the ladies luggage into the hotel suite but the pile was truly massive.

Parker only had one suitcase and a separate bag for his uniform suits. For his part, Conor had brought about the same.

Kerrigan didn’t seem to have much, but her three guards had a mountain of cases between them.

“What on earth did you bring?” Connor asked as the pile tipped, spilling across the floor of the sitting room.

“Just the essentials,” Reilynn answered as she let Faolan (pronounced as FWAY-lahn) into the room.

Connor gawked at both her and then at the room they had entered. “Are we in an imperial suite or something?”

Kerrigan didn’t seem to notice the grandeur as she made for one of the rooms to the left, “It is one of the rooms we established for visiting nobility. The King would never stay here, but other dignitaries have in the past. The king would stay at the temple or with one of the dukes.”

The way she said it so casually caught Conor off guard as she vanished into the room she had claimed.

“You will be over there.” Evelynn said, indicating the larger room to the right. In total, there were four bedrooms and a grand living space equipped with kitchen, lounge, and a dinning room fit to seat ten.

Conor peaked into the master bedroom long enough to see a spacious area with a four poster bed, separate bathroom, and its own table, lounge, and sitting area, bookshelves and even a writing desk.

The shlick of metal on metal had him turning back to see Reilynn unloading three cases onto the dining table, each packed tightly with guns and ammo.

“You had that with us the whole time?” Conor asked in shock.

Parker strode past him and accepted a rifle from Reilynn, checking the chamber before heading to a bookshelf, releasing a hidden latch and stowing the firearm inside a hidden compartment.

“Sir, sometimes you are oblivious. This is just the stuff we needed to restock this room. The Colonel had men inventory the suite before we arrived. You think we plan to keep you safe with hopes and wishes?”

Conor shrugged, “Guess I figured you used your fists more.”

Parker scoffed, “Only if I missed with lead first. Or I suppose the rare time that lethal force really isn’t necessary, but with your luck, we figured it best to be prepared.”

Kerrigan returned from her room and grabbed Connor’s arm.

“Look, no one knows I am back yet. We arrived five days before anyone expected me. Let me show you the town before we really get slammed with work next week. Besides, maybe I can treat you to some of the restaurants you might be working in. It will be good to see them as a customer.”

Conor smiled down at her, enjoying the warmth of her hands on his forearm. “Who could say no to a pretty face like that?”

“Get a room you too,” Parker said from beside Reilynn as he checked several pistols.

Kerrigan stuck out her tongue at the body guard, “We are in a room, you oaf. You nosy busybodies just happen to still be in here.”

Evelynn looked up at that, “We can leave, if you two need some alone time.”

Kerrigan blushed and waved away the comment, “finish getting ready. I am hungry, and we don’t want to catch the dinner rush or we will never get seats.”

“Hey, offering to give you two space. But if food is involved, give me two minutes.” Evelynn said, disappearing into the room next to Kerrigan’s.

“Is there enough space for all of us? If you ladies need an extra room, I think there is space for a spare bed in mine for Parker to use.” Conor offered.

It was Kerrigan’s turn to smirk, “Oh I doubt Evelynn would like it if you kept Parker all to yourself like that. Reilynn might even have a thing or two to say about that.”

Reilynn gave her a deadpan look as she racked the slide on her pistol and holstered it, “Watch it missy. Remember who is guarding your back.”

Kerrigan held up her hands “I surrender. Now, can we get some food?”

The six made their way back into the lobby of the Velyki Tower hotel. As they headed for the doors, a man approached, dressed in the dark blue uniform with red highlights typical of Targu’s noble guards.

Reilynn stepped forward and stopped the man, “Sorry, but that is close enough, sir.” Her tone was business professional, but unrelenting.

“Captain Reilynn I presume?”

“It’s Major now. And you are?” Reilynn asked.

“Ah, my mistake. Congratulations on the promotion then. I am Felix Gedney, Sergeant Major of his lordship Duke of Targu’s house guard under Captain Allfrey on special assignment.” The man said softly, clearly trying to not draw any more attention to himself, and utterly failing, dressed in full uniform as he was.

He held out a folded page to Reilynn and continued, “Due to recent events and escalations, his lordship has sent us to provide backup. That said, Captain Allfrey is confident in your abilities, and thus as instructed me to simply inform you that myself and a small detachment of eight men are nearby.”

“Nearby? Reilynn asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Ah, well you see, while the captain would appreciate you allowing myself or one of our team into your guard detail, my only express orders are to provide you with our comm frequency and to let you know to call if you need backup. I am not to interfere any farther than that unless her ladyship requests it.” He finished, giving a meaningful look at Kerrigan.

Kerrigan sighed, “Well I guess this was expected. Felix, was it?  Please don’t take offence but this group is already big enough as it is. If your men wish to be on standby, that is fine. Reilynn can coordinate any major moves we make so your team can be in the area but I would prefer not to see anyone. And for all that is holy, get some civilian clothes.”

Felix looked down at his uniform and then scanned the group, seeing them all dressed in comfortable yet professional winter wear, instead of uniforms.

“I see. I will let the men know, and here is our frequency. We will do our best to stay out of sight while remaining close enough to lend aid.”

“Dragoon Colonel Eli Johnson already has a team in the area,” Reilynn replied. “Best to simply join them and coordinate efforts. No need to be crossing paths and doubling up.”

“Colonel Johnson? I was under the impression he was in retirement.” Felix said, surprise evident on his face.

“Indeed,” Kerrigan said coldly, “Now, while I appreciate your assistance, I am starving.”

“Yes, right, of course. Don’t let me hold you up, my lady.” Felix said with a small bow before turning and disappearing into the lobby.

Reilynn looked down at the paper and then held it out to Kerrigan.

Kerrigan glanced at it and sighed, “I haven’t even been back for a full day.”

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