Chapter 2: Velyki

“What is it?” Conor asked as they reached the SUV and climbed into the back.

“My grandfather has formally requested my presence at his estate at the end of the month,” Kerrigan said, slumping heavily down into the seat.

“I thought you were on good terms with your grandparents, or at least not at odds with them,” Conor asked.

“Not really. We are not on bad terms that I know of, other than never seeing them in many years. I don’t know, I guess I still harbor some resentment for them leaving me at the temple. I get it, it was safer that, at least until Zadok came to power. Under your mother’s care, it wasn’t too bad.” Kerrigan huffed and was quiet for a time and Conor simply let her collect her thoughts.

“I miss having a family. MY family. They were never unkind to me that I remember but they also were not there for me either. I guess in their  own way, their distance was meant to shield me. But that seems to be at an end. I guess…. I guess I am not sure how to feel towards them.” She finally said.

“Well, in my limited experience, it would be best to reconcile any lingering issues if possible sooner than later. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, and we both know that far to well.” Conor said softly.

Kerrigan placed a hand on his as the SUV neared the restaurant. “Thank you, Conor. I hate that we are in the same boat, both our parents gone. But I am glad to have someone that understands.”

She took a deep breath, “Well, it was inevitable. A month is at least enough time to get things moving here. The Duke’s estate is a few hours south, but if he wants us there, I am sure he will sent the helicopter.”

“You say that so casually,” Conor commented, reaching for the door as the SUV pulled to a stop.

Kerrigan took his offered hand as they stepped out, “You get used to it. A few years as CEO and it will become second nature.”

“I am not sure I want to get used to it.” Conor said, his own thoughts drifting to the orphanage and the state meany of those kids live in. “I for sure don’t ever want to lose touch with what common people deal with every day.”

Kerrigan gave his hand a squeeze, softly smiling up at him, “We will remember. I could never forget little Hannah even if I tried. Now come, you must try the best Velyki has to offer.”

She pulled him inside, where a young lady in a black uniform waited behind a podium.

“Do you have a reservation?”

“I forgot to call ahead but there should be a standing one under Hassel,” Kerrigan said, trying to take a peak at the list.

“Hassel?” Conor whispered.

“Natalie. My assistant. I really should invite her out with us  next time.”

“If there is still time, you still can,” Conor offered.

Kerrigan shook her head. “Next time.”

The hostess cleared her throat, “I am sorry but that box is already occupied. The third floor is open though. Would that be ok?”

“Occupied? By who?” Kerrigan asked, shocked.

“I cannot give out that information. Is the third floor ok?” the hostess asked, doing her best to maintain a professional tone.

“Its fine.” Conor said. Kerrigan looked like she wanted to protest but she finally relented when she saw Conor’s determined expression.

“You sure?”

Conor just chuckled, “I don’t want to deal with a hungry dragon if we need to find somewhere else. Best to feed you as soon as possible.”

Kerrigan glowered at him, which only made him smile more as he placed a hand on her lower back and guided her to follow the hostess up the stairs.

Conor glimpsed a sparsely filled second floor dining room as they made their way to third floor. There were only a few tables and currently no other patrons up here. Large windows looked out over the city as early dusk settled on the surrounding mountains.

“Its beautiful” Conor said. He had never been to Velyki, and as he watched the sun vanish behind the tall mountain peaks, the city seemed to come alive with evening lights.

“It’s cold.” Reilynn replied dryly as she claimed a seat with her back to the window, giving her a clear line of sight to the door.

“Not a fan of this winter wonderland?” Conor asked, pulling out a seat for Kerrigan before taking the one next to her for himself while the rest sat at the next table over.

Reilynn leaned over the table and pointed a finger at him, “Come back to me when you have spent a full winter here being snowed in, nothing but grey clouds for months on end, and when it isn’t snowing, its shitting ice balls all over the gods damned place.”

Conor wasn’t sure if he should laugh at her sincere vehemence or start booking his return trip well before winter ever reached this place.

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