Rise of Keith: The Zillion-dollar CEO

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Rise of Keith: The Zillion-dollar CEO

By: M.Carter Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 61

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It was their anniversary and the first thing he heard when he got to her apartment were the sounds of her moans. He had spent his last penny on buying her gifts but she shattered his heart that same day. He lost his family, his girlfriend and his home, Keith had nothing until his father's decade-long secret was revealed. Keith's life took a drastic twist as he discovered that he was the new CEO of the Zillion-dollar dynasty. As time went by, he discovered why his father had hidden this secret from him as he found himself wrapped up in a dangerous game of life, death...and revenge.

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23 chapters
His grip on the rose flower he held was shaky, tears gathered in his eyes and he blinked them back and bit his lower lip. He had been staring at his mother’s grave for the past hour or so, he hadn’t been present at the hospital when she kicked the bucket because he had been at a job interview. He didn’t end up getting the job anyway. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he sniffled, before shoving his hand in his trousers. He brought out his phone and a glimmer of hope shone in his eyes when he saw that it was an email from a company he had recently applied to. “Oh, finally,” He mumbled and turned away from his mother’s grave.As he opened the email, the smile that was slowly spreading across his face dropped instantly. His eyes bulged out of their sockets as he stared at his phone screen in abject shock. He saw the first words; Dear Keith Miller…Then his eyes skipped to the last sentence; …we are deeply sorry, but… “How?!” He heard himself scream and his voice reve
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His body was frozen to the spot for a few seconds, listening to her moans tore apart every inch of what was left of his mental stability. He pushed the door with a shaky hand and it opened, he sighed. She was screaming now, these were sounds he had never heard before, for Annie had never allowed him to have sex with her. Her excuse had always been, “Come on, Keith, what if things go wrong and you release in me? I don’t think you’re ready for that stage of life. I can wait for you.” And he had believed her, even agreed with her. He couldn’t raise a child, by God, he could barely feed himself, but she had lied to him…about being able to wait. A voice started creating excuses for Annie as he walked into the living room. Her clothes were scattered on the sofa and on the other seat, was the man’s clothes. Keith sniffled, every step he took towards the bedroom made his heart ache, but he still saw something in Annie. Maybe the sexual pressure had gotten to her, maybe she hadn’t
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Under the foot mat in front of the door, Keith suddenly remembered that about a week ago, he had hidden some cents there when Annie and her friends had come over. At that time, it was all he had left and he knew Annie would have wanted him to use it to buy snacks or drinks for her friends, so he hid it away and that day had ended in a pretty heated confrontation between him and her. He checked under the mat and to his relief, the cents were still there. He picked them up with watery eyes, jiggled them in his palm, then shoved them into his pocket. Keith was starving and his stomach kept grumbling, but his depressed mind pushed him to get a drink instead, rather than food. He wasn’t an alcoholic or anything of that sort. In fact, he had never ordered a beer before, this was going to be his first. “At least when I’m drunk,” He said to himself as he strolled into a bar at the end of the street, “I won’t be able to feel the pain anymore…even if it’s just for tonight.” He had no p
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He heard voices around him. At first, they sounded distant, but slowly, he was able to make out what they were saying. He held his breath when he realized what was going on. He had been kidnapped! Memories came flooding into his head. Those men in black he had seen before he passed out, they must be the ones that had kidnapped him! But why? An ache ravaged through his head and he couldn’t help but groan in pain. “He’s awake,” A deep voice said, forcing Keith to slowly open his eyes out of fright and curiosity.The first thing he saw was the last thing he had seen before passing out, the same white immaculate suit. He slowly looked up, the man clad in the white suit had a full, white beard and his eyes hawk-like nose led a bridge to his deep-set, cold, green eyes. “Mr. Keith Miller,” The man said with a friendly smile.Keith gasped, the surface under him was soft. He was seated on a comfortable couch at the center of a vast, opulent living room. Not quite the ideal kidnapp
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Keith flinched. “Why would anyone want to be after me?”Will sighed, “Haven’t you been listening to anything I have been saying for the past five minutes?” He queried, “You are a very important man now, Keith and you must be protected at all times.” He rose to his feet and Keith also did. “Look, mister. I don’t want all this, I’m not cut out for it, okay?” He spoke hastily, “You said a lot of shit back there, most that didn’t even register in my mind. Why? Because it’s absurd! My father had nothing to show for all his years until he died and now you’re saying-” “That’s because at the time he found out the sort of power he held, he was already too weak!” Will snapped, annoyed by Keith’s reluctance. “Listen, Mr. Keith, the only reason your father sealed those documents with a DNA lock was because he knew you’d be the one to open it and no one else. You were born for this, Mr. Keith. Born to rule the Zillion-dollar dynasty. You’re the X-factor, without you, it cannot come back
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“This can’t be earth,” He mumbled and looked at Wills who had a proud smile plastered on his face. From where he stood, he saw the glittering street that led to a paradise of white, lighted duplexes lined up on both sides of the street. There were streetlights on both sides of the road that gave life to the street, it was a majestic place and he hadn’t even been inside yet! Wills gestured to the Rolls Royce as the forerunning cars started driving into the estate. His blood was boiling with ecstasy now and he was only too eager to find out what was in store for him inside. They drove into the estate and when the last car went through, the gates automatically sealed shut again. Keith found himself gaping at everything he saw. This was far beyond what he had ever imagined. So much wealth in one place and the old man claimed that it all belonged to him? They stopped in front of a castle-like building, painted white with its pillars a radiant golden color that shone under the ligh
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He was awakened by the sound of a bell and Keith frowned when he tore open his heavy eyelids. He saw a woman clad only red braziers and equally red panties and he squinted at her in confusion. She flashed a cheerful smile at him and Keith could only stare at the way her cleavage jiggled as she walked. “Breakfast is ready, Mr. Miller,” She announced in a sweet tone and left a trolley of a freshly prepared breakfast by his bed side.She turned around, making sure the swaying of her hips was fluid enough to captivate his attention and he found himself gazing at her butt cheeks until she walked out of the room. He sighed in fascination and as he slowly got out of bed, another lady, also dressed in the same fashion, walked in and greeted him. “Sorry, who are you?” He asked, fuddled by these sudden appearances, even though he felt a slight bulge between his legs. She smiled, “I’m here to set your bath, Mr. Miller.” She replied and added in a slower and more incentive tone, “And
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Wills carried on with the rest of the introductions, but Keith constantly kept glancing at the lady named Mandy Wales. Her sleek blonde hair rested on her protruding butt and the way her firm breasts bounced slightly as she walked made him look at her constantly. She had a spring in her step as she walked graciously. Mandy Wales was the only woman in years, save for Annie, who had held Keith’s attention for so long. “Keith,” Wills called as they headed back to the elevator. “We have to head back to New York now so you will get ready for tonight.” Keith frowned, “Tonight? What’s happening tonight?”“A rather opulent gathering in a senator’s house. It’s more of a meeting between the most powerful business men in the city, but it’s the senator’s birthday party.” He replied as the elevator began ascending. “You will be there, Keith, because a message has just arrived at my desk.” “What message, Wills?” He asked, adjusting his tie that had begun to cause him some discomfort.
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In a room full of so much wealth and opulence, Keith would have felt very odd if not for Wills deep voice, reminding him of who he was. He stepped in confidently and immediately, all eyes in the room turned to face the door. Keith recognized a few faces and one particular one which Wills had constantly stressed, the senator’s. He was a man in his fifties that still possessed the body of an athlete. He looked great in his tailored suit and had a plastic smile plastered on his face as he approached Keith. “Can you read that smile?” Wills whispered to him. “Yeah,” Keith replied, holding his chin high. “Rather spurious if you ask me.”The Senator offered his hand and Keith took it after a few seconds. “I am honored to have you in my humble abode, Mr. Keith Miller,” He said in a rich baritone, “The Zillion-dollar dynasty has kept its CEO incognito for a few years now. You can see the excitement to see you here.” Keith didn’t smile, he just nodded and said, “Sure. It’s a pleasu
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Annie’s jaw hung open and she could only stare at Keith in bewilderment.She scoffed, “Come on, Keith, stop it. You think you can really pull off a stunt in a place like this?” She tried to take a step closer to him, but Wills stepped in between them, “Can you back off?” She snapped at him. Greg’s eyes widened and he grabbed Annie’s hand and whispered to her fiercely, “Have you gone mad? That’s my boss you are talking to!” He glared at her, “Don’t do anything stupid,” He looked at Wills, “I’m sorry, sir.” Wills was calm, he arched an eyebrow at Greg and said, “You haven’t acknowledged your new boss, Mr. Greg,”Greg licked his lower lip that quivered, then he let go of Annie and slowly stepped forward as Wills gave way. He nodded to Keith, avoiding his eyes and said hesitantly, “Pleased to meet you…Mr…Mr. Keith.” He offered his hand for a handshake and Keith stared down at him for a while, then smiled. His smile made a weary, hesitant smile stretch across Greg’s lips and his
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