He was awakened by the sound of a bell and Keith frowned when he tore open his heavy eyelids. He saw a woman clad only red braziers and equally red panties and he squinted at her in confusion. She flashed a cheerful smile at him and Keith could only stare at the way her cleavage jiggled as she walked.

    “Breakfast is ready, Mr. Miller,” She announced in a sweet tone and left a trolley of a freshly prepared breakfast by his bed side.

She turned around, making sure the swaying of her hips was fluid enough to captivate his attention and he found himself gazing at her butt cheeks until she walked out of the room. He sighed in fascination and as he slowly got out of bed, another lady, also dressed in the same fashion, walked in and greeted him.

    “Sorry, who are you?” He asked, fuddled by these sudden appearances, even though he felt a slight bulge between his legs.

 She smiled, “I’m here to set your bath, Mr. Miller.” She replied and added in a slower and more incentive tone, “And if you want me to give you a scented bath, I can also do that.”

    Keith shook his head, “I’m alright.” He said and instantly bit his tongue as he regretted those words. “You stupid idiot!” He cussed under his breath as she nodded and walked into the luxurious bathroom.

  The door opened again and he was about to sigh, but Will Braithwaite walked in.

Keith beckoned on him and asked, “What in mother nature’s crazy mind is going on in here, Will? Why are there women walking half-naked around the house?”

    Will smiled, “Everyone is trying to impress the new boss, Mr. Miller,” He replied and winked at him, “Especially, the ladies. They seem to have a thing for your kind.”

     Keith sighed, “This is absurd.”

 Will chortled and patted him lightly on the shoulders, “It’s your first day as a trillionaire and the boss of a massive enterprise. You tend to feel awkward, but you’ll grow into it.” He shoved his hand into his pocket and brought out a black card with golden embroidery at its edges.

   Keith took the card from him, staring at the bold way his name had been crested on it, then he looked at Will questioningly.

   “Your limitless black card, Mr. Keith.” Will said, “With this, you can buy anything you want, anywhere. Or, you can just put a call through to your newly appointed secretary, Mandy Wales. You’ll meet her at the headquarters when we fly there today.”

       “Fly?” Keith asked, stunned. He had never been in an airplane today.

  “Of course, Mr. Miller. The headquarters of the Zillion-dollar enterprise is not in New York but Memphis.” Will replied, enjoying the look of awe in Keith’s eyes.

     “When did you book the tickets? I mean, you just met me yesterday!”

Will squinted at him in confusion and said, 

     “Tickets? What tickets? We’re flying in your private jet, Mr. Miller.”


  They got to the hangar where a massive Boeing BBJ 777-8 private jet, sat beautifully, waiting for its new owner. Keith’s jaw almost dropped when he saw his name on the jet’s vanity tail and it was clearly written: Keith Miller’s Boeing.

   This was really happening!

They climbed the stairs that led into the vast jet and Keith was beyond himself with awe. On the comfortable flight, Will sat next to him with a folder in his hand. There was no one else on the flight, save for the pilot, a few beautiful flight attendants and about eight body guards.

    “The headquarters have already been alerted of your arrival, Mr. Miller,” Will said to him as he showed him a list of names, next to their pictures. “This is the manager, he’s always dressed in a black suit and an awkward red tie…”

   The entire flight, Will introduced him to all the important members of the enterprise that he will be meeting. Of course, Keith was dressed in a lavish three-piece gray suit that fitted him as though it had been made for him. Keith was bored of storing so much information in his head, but Will constantly stressed the importance of him appearing as the boss on his first appearance.

   The jet touched down on a rooftop of the tallest building in Memphis, Tennesse. Keith didn’t quickly adapt to this rich lifestyle he had suddenly adopted, but he kept a straight face as he alighted the expensive jet.

    “Remember, Mr. Miller, you-”

Keith looked at him and rolled his eyes, “You can call me just Keith, Wills.” He said with a confident smile that made Wills nod.

   Wills smiled, “In that case then, Keith. Heads up,” He said and Keith stiffened his neck, luckily they were walking away from the sun.

 This was when Keith realized something and his eyes widened, “Hold up, Wills. Did we just land on a fucking rooftop?” He whispered to Wills.

    Wills grinned, “Of course, Keith. You can do anything you want, it’s your rooftop and your building.”

   “My fucking building…” Keith repeated to himself and wiped the smile on his face when Wills snapped his fingers.

 From the top floor, they took an elevator down to the lobby. Wills made sure Keith appeared like a true trillionaire boss and by the time the elevator doors parted open, Keith looked like the trillion dollars he was worth!

    He saw a crowd of people gathered in the lobby. All eyes were on him. He noticed that everyone was dressed formally, some wore complete suits while others wore blazers. Even the ladies were not excluded from this formality and honestly, Keith loved the reception.

      “Now, we wait for them to come to us,” Wills whispered to him.

Almost immediately, four men that were dressed brilliantly in expensive suits, accompanied by a younger lady, approached them. They bowed their heads slightly and Keith shook hands with each of them, but he didn’t have a smile on his face as Wills introduced them one by one. When the lady stepped forward, their eyes met and held for a few seconds, then she offered her hand to him.

  For a few seconds, he just stood, staring into her ludicrous green eyes as something seemed to captivate his eyes, then he felt a slight nod from Wills and he cleared his throat.

      “This is Mandy Wales, sir,” Wills said with an awkward smile, “She will be your secretary and personal assistant. She will handle all your personal documents and phone calls.”

  The moment he shook her hand, a current seemed to run through his veins. There and then, he knew he would have something to do with this captivating woman.

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