“This can’t be earth,” He mumbled and looked at Wills who had a proud smile plastered on his face.

 From where he stood, he saw the glittering street that led to a paradise of white, lighted duplexes lined up on both sides of the street. There were streetlights on both sides of the road that gave life to the street, it was a majestic place and he hadn’t even been inside yet!

   Wills gestured to the Rolls Royce as the forerunning cars started driving into the estate. His blood was boiling with ecstasy now and he was only too eager to find out what was in store for him inside. They drove into the estate and when the last car went through, the gates automatically sealed shut again.

    Keith found himself gaping at everything he saw. This was far beyond what he had ever imagined. So much wealth in one place and the old man claimed that it all belonged to him?

 They stopped in front of a castle-like building, painted white with its pillars a radiant golden color that shone under the lights of the building.

     They got out of the car and Wills stood next to him, then gestured to the guards to open the doors.

   “This is your new home, Mr. Keith,” He said to Keith as he was ushered him, “But we must move quickly now. You will have enough time to admire your new home when we are done with what we have to do.”

  That snapped Keith out of the trance the beautiful mansion held him in, “What is that?”

“These documents are located in a vault under the library.” Wills replied as they walked into a large hallway. He dismissed all the guards and then looked around to make sure it was just the both of them, then he went on. “There’s a secret passage that leads directly to that vault.”

     Keith noticed the way his eyes kept darting around and he asked, “What’s the matter? You don’t trust your own men?”

 Wills grimaced as he pushed a button in the wall and stepped back, “What was that word you used? Trust? I think I’m allergic to it,” He said grimly as the wall gave way to a dark, hollow passageway. “Look, Keith. That word doesn’t exist anymore. Your first lesson? Trust no one!”

   Keith was a little startled by the heat in his tone, but he nodded and followed after the wiser man. The secret door jammed after he walked through and suddenly, an orange light appeared above him. With each step Wills took, a light that guided their way appeared above them. All this fascinated Keith…it was all his!

    The passageway led straight into a massive library. The walls that surrounded them towered like giants and were lined with endless shelves stacked with books. Wills crossed the massive room and pressed a red button on the other side of the wall. He gestured to Keith to stand at the center of the room. Keith followed his instructions and Wills joined him.

    Suddenly, the floor moved.

Keith, startled, quickly casted a glance at him.

   “Be calm, Mr. Keith,” Wills said soothingly, “It’s only our ride.”

Keith shook his head in amazement as the circumference that they stood in detached itself from the rest of the floor and started descending into the ground like an elevator. After a minute, they came to a stop in front of a metal door that required Keith’s face recognition. A broad smile was plastered on his face as the door parted ways for them.

     “This is the bubble room,” Wills said, “And I can assure you that not up to five people have ever walked into this room.”

    “Because it’s where the document is kept,”

Wills nodded. At the center of the small room was a big, red button on a square, glass platform. Wills stepped back and said, “You can push the button.”

   Keith was only too glad to. He felt a power surge in his right hand as he slowly pressed down on the button, then an alarm went off. He looked at Wills who urged him to be calm. The button split into two, giving way for a square silvery button that was as small as a piece of chocolate.

     “Place your thumb on it,” Wills urged.

He placed his thumb on the button and the loud alarm ceased instantly. The button went from silver to red and then green. He heard a buzz and a cabinet, which had blended perfectly into the white walls of the bubble room suddenly opened.

      “You’re in!” Wills said and laughed heartily, “I knew you were the missing piece to this dynasty, Keith. Your father couldn’t have possibly lied to me and now, you have seen it for yourself.”

  Keith’s eyes were just wide with fascination and disbelief. “I can’t believe it.”

    “You have just unlocked the key to hundreds of companies all over the continent. It is wired to all of them and by tomorrow morning, every manager of each branch owned under the Zillion-dollar dynasty will be alerted of its new owner.” Wills smiled cheerfully, “Keith Miller.”

           “This is freaking awesome!” 

“In no time, Keith, the world will be under your feet,” Wills said, “And I will be there to guide you every single step of the way.”


    Wills spent the night in the mansion. He was led to the massive master bedroom at the top floor of the fifteen-bedroom mansion and after he showered in the luxurious bathroom, he walked out with a robe to find his dinner on a trolley.

    “How the hell did I end up here?” Keith wondered with a smile.

He had been so overwhelmed by everything that had rapidly happened over the past two hours or so that the events of the day had completely slipped his mind. As he dined alone in his vast bedroom, thoughts of Annie came flooding into his head. 

   He could hear her moans and her lover’s animalistic grunts again. His eyes blazed with fury when he remembered the way she had smashed their anniversary cake in his face. His heart was cold now, hardened with hatred when he heard Annie’s mother’s mocking voice in his head again.

     “Just watch,” Keith said to himself as a wicked grin played on his lips. “I’ll get all of you back and ruins your lives. Just watch

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