Keith flinched.

   “Why would anyone want to be after me?”

Will sighed, “Haven’t you been listening to anything I have been saying for the past five minutes?” He queried, “You are a very important man now, Keith and you must be protected at all times.” 

  He rose to his feet and Keith also did.

 “Look, mister. I don’t want all this, I’m not cut out for it, okay?” He spoke hastily, “You said a lot of shit back there, most that didn’t even register in my mind. Why? Because it’s absurd! My father had nothing to show for all his years until he died and now you’re saying-”

    “That’s because at the time he found out the sort of power he held, he was already too weak!” Will snapped, annoyed by Keith’s reluctance. “Listen, Mr. Keith, the only reason your father sealed those documents with a DNA lock was because he knew you’d be the one to open it and no one else. You were born for this, Mr. Keith. Born to rule the Zillion-dollar dynasty. You’re the X-factor, without you, it cannot come back to life…”

   He paused and his eyes carried such heat and intensity that Keith had never seen in anyone’s eyes, “And when you bring it to life, Mr. Keith. It cannot function without you. You are the heartbeat of a massive dynasty.”

   Keith sighed, why was this so hard to believe? He had been stuck in penury his entire life, this was all too sudden. “I’ll go home now and think about everything you have just said.”

    Will smiled, “What home, Mr. Keith?”

Keith frowned in deep thoughts.

   “Look, the moment you walk out of there, there are dozens of people who are out to get you. They want your finger print so that they can have access to those documents. And I have no idea what they will do to you after they have used you.”

   These words made Keith’s eyes grow with realization and a tinge of fright.

“So, what’s it going to be?” Will asked, “Are you going to put your life in danger and watch someone else claim what is yours? Or are you going to accept who you are and face the trials that come with power.”

   Keith sighed, “You’re not giving me much of a choice at the moment.” He replied and took a deep breath, “Let’s head to that island then.”

  Will grinned, “First, you need a makeover.”

 Keith frowned, “What am I? Some princess in a fairy tale?”

    Will shook his head, “Oh no, Mr. Keith. You are the newest trillionaire in town.”


   He had never put on a suit in his life, let alone one so expensive. This was a three-piece suit that had been laid out for him on the massive bed in the room he had taken a shower in. Now, he walked out of Wills’ mansion and met the old man outside. He stood beside a Rolls Royce and behind the black, gleaming ride was a convoy of six Maybachs and seven bullet-proof Bentley Bentaygas. 

   Keith couldn’t help but gape at the luxury, he stared at Wills in shock and the latter smiled.

 “Do you always move around with this convoy?” He asked as a guard held open the car door for him and he was ushered in.

   Wills joined him in the backseat and took off the hat that covered his flowing, flawless white hair. “I don’t move around with them, Mr. Keith. They are here because of you.” He replied. “All these men are at your beck and call, even the maids at your mansion. As you start to gain recognition amongst your rivals, the entire country will be under control, just watch.”

   Keith adjusted himself on the comfortable seat and the big engine of the car roared into life. As they drove out of the massive compound, four more cars, which Keith was quick to identify as an Aston Martin Lagonda, another Rolls Royce and two Mercedes Benz drove in front of the car he sat in.

  He looked at Wills, “Those cars are part of the convoy too?”

Wills nodded and rested his head on the seat, “Now, if you won’t mind, Mr. Keith. I have to get some sleep. The drive to this isolated island is on the outskirts of the city and about forty-five minutes away.” He said and closed his eyes.

   The man seemed to fall asleep almost immediately. Keith took a deep breath, the car reeked of wealth too! Could this really be true? Why hadn’t his father said anything or even just hinted at it? He had allowed him to suffer all these years when he had such wealth waiting for him? The feeling was overwhelming. His heart was racing with excitement and uncertainty. His life was about to change forever.

    He looked outside the tainted windows and remembered that it was still night time. He tapped on the window that separated the backseat from the driver’s seat and it slowly wind down.

     “Are we almost there?” He asked, his voice was low and somewhat shy.

“Yes boss!” The driver replied sharply.

  Keith’s eyes flickered and a smile tugged at the edge of his lips. The word ‘boss’ absolutely thrilled him. The hesitation in his voice was almost undetectable as he decided to give his authority another try.

    “So, how long have we been driving for?” He asked, his voice firmer.

“About thirty-five minutes, boss,” Came the reply that excited him, “You might have to buckle your seatbelt now, boss. We’re going up the hill.” 

   His eyes widened, the hill? “What hi-”

   A hand dragged his shoulder back and before Keith could even react, a seatbelt was strapped across his chest as the car suddenly picked up speed. For about two minutes, the car didn’t slow down and Keith felt like he was in a bullet that had just been fired from a gun. 

   The car finally slowed down and he released a sigh, then stared at Wills with wide eyes.

 “What the fuck?”

“We have arrived,” Wills said and at the same time, the doors on both sides were held open. “Shall we?”

   Keith stepped out of the car and the first thing he noticed was that they were in the middle of a forest-like path, but the ground they drove on was tarred. Wills walked around the car after giving a few instructions to the men.

   Keith’s eyes gazed at the massive gates in front of him and he exclaimed, “Woah…this is fucking huge!”

    “The last time I came here, I was with your mother.” Wills said, leading him to the gates.

“My mother?”

   He nodded, “Yes. Her face, your father’s face and yours are the only ones that can open these gates.” He pointed at a security camera at the top of the gates, then showed him a face recognition terminal. “Kindly place your face here and blink twice.”

    Keith did as he was told and the next moment, he heard a loud bolt being unlocked and the gates opened by itself. 

   When he looked through the gates, his jaw dropped.

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