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By: J.c writes OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 50 views: 51

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Matthew stood there, trying to keep his emotions in check. "I did everything I could for you, Rachel. I sacrificed so much—" She cut him off with a bitter laugh. "Sacrificed? Please, you barely managed to keep up with my lifestyle. I had men lined up, rich, powerful men, who would’ve given me the world. And I turned them down for you. What a joke." Matthew’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. "I loved you, Rachel. I thought we were building a life together." Rachel smirked as she zipped up her designer bag. "Love doesn’t pay the bills, Matthew. Love doesn’t buy the things I want. And frankly, you just couldn’t keep up. So, I’m moving on—to someone who can." As she headed toward the door, she paused to deliver one final blow. "You’ll never be more than what you are right now—a pathetic, broke man with nothing to offer. Enjoy your sad little life, Matthew. I know I will." Matthew Donovan has always been underestimated. Betrayed by those closest to him and left with nothing, he discovers that his family’s exile is over, and he is the heir to a vast business empire. As Matthew steps into a life of luxury and influence, he faces new challenges, including a vengeful ex-girlfriend, her scheming brother, and a world of deceitful elites. But when a bomb explodes at a high-profile party meant to announce his return, Matthew realizes that his journey to reclaim his family's legacy is fraught with danger. With secrets unfolding and enemies lurking in the shadows, Matthew must navigate treacherous waters to protect what is his and uncover the truth behind the attack.

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50 chapters
CHAPTER 1- The grand hall was adorned with elegant floral arrangements and shimmering decorations, a testament to the extravagance that surrounded the wedding. Friends and family filled the pews, whispering amongst themselves as the bride, Rachel, stood poised at the altar, her gaze locked on the man who was about to become her husband. Matthew Donovan, the groom, stood opposite her, his heart pounding not with excitement, but with an overwhelming sense of dread.As the priest prepared to speak, Rachel turned to Matthew, her expression icy. "Matthew," she began, her voice sharp, "before we proceed, there's something I need from you."Matthew's brows furrowed in confusion. "What is it, Rachel?""I want you to give my brother one million dollars as a wedding gift," Rachel said, her tone flat as if she were asking for something as simple as a bouquet of flowers.The air in the room seemed to still as the words hung between them. Matthew's heart sank. He had spent the last three years of
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chapter 2- The diamond ring, once a symbol of love and commitment, now lay discarded on the marble floor, glittering coldly under the glaring lights of the grand wedding hall. Matthew Donovan watched it roll away, feeling the weight of his heartbreak settle into a deep, numbing void. He had thought they loved each other—he had believed in it with all his heart—but now, standing here amidst the shattered remains of his dreams, he knew he had been wrong.His voice, thick with emotion, cut through the tense silence. "I thought we loved each other, Rachel. But I see now that I was just a fool."He turned away, his heart heavy, and started toward the door, desperate to leave behind the betrayal and the pain. But as he reached the exit, two burly guards stepped in front of him, blocking his path. The sharp click of Rachel's heels echoed in the room as she approached, her face twisted into an expression of cold determination."You’re not leaving so easily, Matthew," she spat, her voice fill
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chapter 3- Matthew stood in the middle of the deserted street, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. The message on his phone still glowed ominously in the darkness, reminding him of the surreal turn his life had taken. But as the cold night air settled around him, his thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of a car engine approaching.A sleek black sedan pulled up beside him, its headlights cutting through the night. The door swung open, and out stepped a woman who carried herself with an air of elegance and authority. Her presence was commanding, and Matthew couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity as she walked toward him."Matthew," she called out, her voice warm yet firm. "It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?"Matthew’s brow furrowed in confusion. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion and a hint of curiosity.The woman smiled softly, her eyes filled with a mixture of affection and something deeper—regret, perhaps. "I’m your mother, Ma
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chapter 4- The dimly lit office was filled with tension as Yvonne stood nervously in front of her boss’s desk. Her heart pounded in her chest as she listened to his harsh words, each one cutting deeper than the last."You’re worthless, Yvonne," her boss snarled, his voice dripping with contempt. "Another month without a single sale. What do you even do here? You’re good for nothing."Yvonne’s face flushed with embarrassment as she tried to muster a response. "Sir, I’ve been trying my best, but the market has been tough lately. If you could just give me one more chance—""One more chance?" her boss interrupted with a cruel laugh. "You don’t deserve another chance. The only reason you’re still here is because of your pretty face and that body of yours. Maybe if you spent the night with me, I could reconsider."Yvonne’s eyes widened in shock as her boss leered at her, his gaze lingering on her body in a way that made her skin crawl. "What are you talking about?" she stammered, taking a
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CHAPTER 5- The tension in the room was palpable as everyone watched Henderson’s secretary bring up the contract for the villa. The air was thick with anticipation, and a smug smile played on Rachel’s lips as she watched her new boyfriend, Michael, hesitate."The villa is not less than fifty million dollars," Henderson announced, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Are you sure you want to go through with this, Matthew? It’s a hefty price for someone like you."Michael shifted uncomfortably, his confidence wavering as the reality of the situation began to sink in. Fifty million dollars was an astronomical amount, far beyond anything he had imagined. But as he glanced over at Matthew, he convinced himself that this was all a bluff. Surely, Matthew would back out at the last moment, saving him from having to make such a large purchase.Yvonne, standing beside Matthew, looked up at him with concern etched across her face. "Matthew, please," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whispe
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CHAPTER 6- The office was buzzing with tension as Henderson, still trying to comprehend the events that had just transpired, looked at his boss with a mix of desperation and confusion.“What did I do wrong?” Henderson asked, his voice shaking slightly. “I thought the card that paid for the house belonged to Mr. Donovan, but he’s just some low-life who couldn’t even scrape together enough money for his ex-girlfriend’s compensation. How could he have bought that villa? It doesn’t make any sense!”His boss, clearly frustrated and still reeling from the realization, shot Henderson a sharp glare. “You’re not listening, Henderson! The problem wasn’t with the payment—it was with who made it. You’ve been barking up the wrong tree this whole time. The payment didn’t come from Rachel’s boyfriend, Michael—it came from Matthew Donovan.”Henderson’s face paled as the truth began to dawn on him. “But… but that’s impossible! It was Rachel’s boyfriend, not Donovan! There’s no way he could afford som
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As Matthew stepped out of the office, Yvonne quickly followed him, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. “Matthew,” she called out, catching up to him, “how could you afford such an expensive house? Where did you get the money?”Matthew paused, taking a deep breath before turning to face her. He knew he couldn’t reveal the truth just yet, not when so much was at stake. “It wasn’t me,” he lied smoothly, his voice steady. “It was my boss. He bought the house and used my card to make the purchase. He sent me to buy it on his behalf.”Yvonne’s eyes widened in surprise, relief washing over her face. “Oh, thank goodness. I was so worried about you. Thank you for saving me from the boss. You didn’t have to do that.”Matthew gave her a reassuring smile. “You don’t need to thank me. I couldn’t just stand by and let him treat you that way.”Yvonne nodded, her expression softening as she looked at him with genuine gratitude. “Matthew, maybe it’s better if you pay off the compensation to Ra
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chapter 8- The tension in the air was palpable as Matthew Donovan stood at the entrance of his newly acquired villa, watching the confrontation between the guards and the intruders—Rachel, his ex-girlfriend, and Kevin, her brother. The guards, who had been a silent but imposing presence until now, suddenly moved with purpose, catching Kevin by the arm and firmly blocking Rachel’s path.“Let go of me!” Kevin barked, struggling against the iron grip of the guard. Rachel, her face a mix of shock and fury, tried to yank her arm free from another guard's hold.“This house doesn’t belong to you,” the lead guard said, his voice calm but carrying an unmistakable authority. “It belongs to Mr. Donovan. You have no right to be here, and if you don’t leave immediately, you won’t have legs to walk out on.”Rachel’s eyes widened in disbelief, and Kevin’s expression darkened with a mix of fear and anger. “You think you can scare us?” Kevin spat. “I’ll call up the security head of this locality! He’
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CHAPTER 9- The next morning, Matthew woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing incessantly on his bedside table. Groggily, he reached for it, squinting at the screen as he saw the name of his assistant, Lexi, flashing across it. He answered the call, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.“Good morning, Mr. Donovan,” Lexi’s voice came through, professional yet warm. “I hope I didn’t wake you too early, but I wanted to inform you that everything is set for tonight’s party. It will be the official announcement that your family’s exile is over, and the beginning of your journey to build your business empire.”Matthew’s heart quickened at the news. He had been preparing for this moment, but now that it was finally here, the reality of it all was sinking in. The Donovan name, once revered and respected, was about to be restored to its former glory. And he, Matthew Donovan, would be the one to lead it into the future.“Thank you, Lexi,” he replied, his voice steady. “I’ll be there tonight.”As t
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**Chapter 10** The aftermath of the explosion had left the grand ballroom in ruins. The once opulent space, adorned with chandeliers and intricate décor, was now unrecognizable, covered in debris and the remnants of shattered glass. The pungent smell of smoke lingered in the air, mixing with the acrid scent of fear that clung to the guests. Emergency responders had arrived swiftly, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the devastation. The lively chatter and music that once filled the room were replaced by the sounds of sirens, the cries of the injured, and the hushed whispers of those trying to make sense of the chaos. Matthew Donovan and Yvonne had managed to escape the immediate danger, but the night was far from over. They had sought refuge in a nearby alley, away from the scene of destruction. The narrow passageway was dimly lit, the shadows stretching ominously across the brick walls. The night air was crisp, and the adrenaline was still coursing through Matthew’s ve
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