**Chapter 10**

The aftermath of the explosion had left the grand ballroom in ruins. The once opulent space, adorned with chandeliers and intricate décor, was now unrecognizable, covered in debris and the remnants of shattered glass. The pungent smell of smoke lingered in the air, mixing with the acrid scent of fear that clung to the guests. Emergency responders had arrived swiftly, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the devastation. The lively chatter and music that once filled the room were replaced by the sounds of sirens, the cries of the injured, and the hushed whispers of those trying to make sense of the chaos.

Matthew Donovan and Yvonne had managed to escape the immediate danger, but the night was far from over. They had sought refuge in a nearby alley, away from the scene of destruction. The narrow passageway was dimly lit, the shadows stretching ominously across the brick walls. The night air was crisp, and the adrenaline was still coursing through Matthew’s ve
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