**Chapter 11**

The city’s skyline loomed in the distance as Matthew, Yvonne, and Lexi drove through the night, their breaths visible in the chill of early morning. The tension inside the car was palpable, each of them lost in their own thoughts about what awaited them. Victor Marlowe’s name was a dark cloud hanging over their mission, and the stakes had never been higher.

As they approached Marlowe’s office building—a sleek, modern structure towering over the surrounding buildings—Matthew’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. He could feel the weight of the night’s events pressing on him, but his resolve remained unwavering. This confrontation could reveal the mastermind behind the attack and bring him one step closer to reclaiming his life and business.

They parked and exited the car, their footsteps echoing in the empty street as they made their way to the building’s entrance. The grandeur of the lobby was a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind, its polished floors and
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