**Chapter 12**

The morning light was harsh against the polished surfaces of Matthew's office, illuminating the exhaustion etched into his features. The weight of the previous night’s encounter with Victor Marlowe had settled heavily on him, amplifying his sense of urgency. With Marlowe's threat looming, Matthew had no choice but to confront the chaos head-on.

Yvonne and Lexi were already there, their faces mirroring the same determination that fueled Matthew. The three of them were about to delve deeper into Marlowe's plans, and the stakes had never been higher. Lexi had been tirelessly searching through Marlowe’s financial records, while Yvonne focused on gathering information from her network of contacts.

“I’ve got something,” Lexi announced, her voice trembling slightly from both fatigue and adrenaline. She handed Matthew a thick folder filled with printed documents. “These are Marlowe’s recent transactions. I think they could lead us to his next move.”

Matthew flipped through the
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