
chapter 2-

The diamond ring, once a symbol of love and commitment, now lay discarded on the marble floor, glittering coldly under the glaring lights of the grand wedding hall. Matthew Donovan watched it roll away, feeling the weight of his heartbreak settle into a deep, numbing void. He had thought they loved each other—he had believed in it with all his heart—but now, standing here amidst the shattered remains of his dreams, he knew he had been wrong.

His voice, thick with emotion, cut through the tense silence. "I thought we loved each other, Rachel. But I see now that I was just a fool."

He turned away, his heart heavy, and started toward the door, desperate to leave behind the betrayal and the pain. But as he reached the exit, two burly guards stepped in front of him, blocking his path. The sharp click of Rachel's heels echoed in the room as she approached, her face twisted into an expression of cold determination.

"You’re not leaving so easily, Matthew," she spat, her voice filled with venom. "You think you can walk out after wasting three years of my life? I deserve compensation for putting up with you, and you’re going to pay it."

Matthew spun around, disbelief and anger flashing in his eyes. "Compensation? Are you out of your mind, Rachel? What about everything I’ve done for you? The money, the gifts, the sacrifices—doesn’t that count for anything?"

But Rachel only sneered, her lips curling in disdain. "You think that pathetic amount you spent is enough? You’re nothing but a loser, Matthew. You never could give me what I really wanted."

Her words were a knife to his heart, each one cutting deeper than the last. But before he could respond, one of Rachel’s friends, Yvonne, stepped forward, her face etched with concern.

"Rachel, don’t do this," Yvonne pleaded, her voice trembling. "Matthew loves you, he always has. He’s given you everything you’ve ever needed. Where do you expect him to get this kind of money?"

Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she turned her scorn on her friend. "Don’t you dare take his side, Yvonne. I know you’ve always had a soft spot for him, but open your eyes—he’s a nobody, a failure. He couldn’t even give me a decent wedding gift without going into debt!"

Yvonne looked away, her face flushed with embarrassment, but Matthew saw the truth in her eyes. She had always been there, quietly supportive, a stark contrast to Rachel's greed. His heart ached with the realization that he had overlooked someone who might have truly cared for him.

"Maybe I should have chosen you instead, Yvonne," Matthew said bitterly, his voice laced with regret. "I made one mistake by picking Rachel, but I won’t make another. I was wrong once, but not again."

Rachel laughed harshly, the sound grating against his already raw nerves. "Oh please, Matthew, don’t flatter yourself. You couldn’t make either of us happy. But if you don’t pay up, I’ll make sure you rot in hell. You’ll never be able to show your face again."

The malice in her words stung, but it also sparked something deep within Matthew—a resolve he hadn’t known he possessed. He would not be bullied, not by Rachel or anyone else. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the hall, leaving behind the guards, the guests, and the woman who had broken his heart.

Outside, the cool evening air hit him like a balm, soothing his frayed nerves. He walked aimlessly, his thoughts a whirlwind of anger and despair. How could everything have gone so wrong? He had poured his heart and soul into this relationship, only to be left humiliated and broken.

As he reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone, a bitter laugh escaped his lips. The irony of checking his messages after everything that had just transpired seemed almost too much to bear. But as he glanced at the screen, his breath caught in his throat. A new message notification blinked up at him, and the words seemed to blur before his eyes.

"Account credited: $100,000,000.00"

Matthew froze, his heart pounding in his chest as he read the message again, unable to believe what he was seeing. One hundred million dollars? Who would send him such an astronomical sum? His fingers trembled as he tapped on the message, reading and rereading the amount, the bank’s confirmation of the deposit.

His mind raced, searching for an explanation. Could it be a mistake? A glitch? Or was it some kind of cruel joke? But the account number was his, and the bank’s stamp of authenticity was clear. The money was real.

Matthew’s emotions swirled in a chaotic mix of shock, disbelief, and confusion. This kind of money was life-changing—more than he had ever dreamed of having. But why? Why now, of all times, when he had just lost everything he thought he wanted?

A sudden thought struck him, and he quickly dialed his bank's customer service line, needing to confirm the deposit. After what felt like an eternity on hold, a polite voice finally came on the line.

"Mr. Donovan, I can confirm that a transfer of one hundred million dollars has been made to your account. The funds were deposited earlier today, and they are available for your use immediately. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Matthew’s mind reeled. "No, no, that’s… that’s all. Thank you."

He hung up the phone, his hand shaking as he lowered it to his side. The money was real. Someone had deposited a fortune into his account, but who? And why?

As he stood there, processing the enormity of what had just happened, a sense of clarity began to form amidst the chaos. This wasn’t just luck or coincidence—it was an opportunity. He had just been handed a chance to change his life, to rise above the pain and the betrayal he had suffered. And he wasn’t going to waste it.

Matthew’s thoughts returned to the wedding, to Rachel’s mocking words and her demand for compensation. She had wanted a million dollars? Well, now he had a hundred times that amount. But he knew he wouldn’t give her a cent. This money was his chance to start over, to build a life free from the toxic chains of the past.

A steely resolve settled in his chest. He would take this gift, this unexpected windfall, and use it to carve out the future he deserved. Rachel and her cruel, greedy demands were now nothing more than a bitter memory—a lesson learned the hard way.

With a deep breath, Matthew squared his shoulders and began to walk. He didn’t know where he was going yet, but he knew that whatever lay ahead, he would face it with the strength he had found within himself.

For the first time in a long while, he felt a spark of hope ignite in his chest. The world was wide open before him, and he was ready to claim his place in it. This was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, and Matthew was determined to make it one worth living.

As he disappeared into the night, the message on his phone screen was a reminder of the turning point that had just taken place—a symbol of the power and potential that now lay in his hands.

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