Author: J.c writes


The grand hall was adorned with elegant floral arrangements and shimmering decorations, a testament to the extravagance that surrounded the wedding. Friends and family filled the pews, whispering amongst themselves as the bride, Rachel, stood poised at the altar, her gaze locked on the man who was about to become her husband. Matthew Donovan, the groom, stood opposite her, his heart pounding not with excitement, but with an overwhelming sense of dread.

As the priest prepared to speak, Rachel turned to Matthew, her expression icy. "Matthew," she began, her voice sharp, "before we proceed, there's something I need from you."

Matthew's brows furrowed in confusion. "What is it, Rachel?"

"I want you to give my brother one million dollars as a wedding gift," Rachel said, her tone flat as if she were asking for something as simple as a bouquet of flowers.

The air in the room seemed to still as the words hung between them. Matthew's heart sank. He had spent the last three years of his life working tirelessly to meet Rachel’s demands, accumulating debts just to provide for her and her family. He had even taken out a substantial loan to buy them a beautiful house, which stood as a symbol of his commitment to their future together. And now, this?

"Rachel," Matthew said, his voice trembling slightly, "I don’t have that kind of money. I've already gone into debt to buy us that house as a wedding gift. Why would I need to give your brother a million dollars? We're here to start our lives together, not to buy their approval."

Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she sneered at him. "If you can’t do this for me, Matthew, then there’s no point in us getting married. I’ll walk out of this wedding right now."

A murmur ran through the crowd, and Matthew felt the weight of countless eyes upon him. Desperation clawed at his chest as he dropped to his knees before her, his pride crumbling with each passing second. "Rachel, please," he begged, "let’s not make this about money. We’re here because we love each other. Let’s just get married and be happy."

But Rachel only looked down at him with contempt. "I regret ever dating you, Matthew. I could have had my pick of wealthy men, men who would have done anything to make me and my family happy. But I chose you, and look where it’s gotten me. What use is it marrying you if you can't even give me what I want?"

Rachel’s mother, who stood nearby, chimed in with a scornful laugh. "Matthew, you’ll be single for the rest of your life if you don’t shape up. My daughter is kind-hearted, more than you deserve. She agreed to marry you despite everything, and this is how you repay her?"

Matthew felt a burning shame in his chest, but it was quickly overtaken by a surge of anger. He rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with the fury of a man pushed to his limits. "Enough!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the hall. "For three years, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone for you and your family. I’ve spent more than a million dollars on your needs and your ridiculous demands. I’ve put myself in debt just to make you happy. And now you stand here, humiliating me in front of everyone?"

Rachel and her mother recoiled at the sudden change in his demeanor, but Matthew wasn’t finished.

"Let me make one thing clear," he continued, his voice cold and resolute, "I will not marry you. You don’t love me; you love what I can do for you. And the money I’ve spent on you? I want every last cent back. You can keep the house—I’ll figure out the debt on my own—but don’t you dare ask me for another penny."

Gasps erupted from the guests, and the tension in the room became palpable. Rachel’s face twisted in disbelief as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Matthew didn’t wait for a response. He turned on his heel and walked out of the hall, his heart heavy but his conscience clear.

Outside, the sun shone brightly, a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside him. As he left behind the life he had almost committed to, Matthew knew that, while his heart was bruised, he had finally regained his self-respect. He was free.

And freedom, he realized, was worth more than a million dollars.

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