**Chapter 49**

The city was ablaze with neon lights, casting vibrant hues over the streets below. Matthew walked into his office, the sleek modernity of Donovan Enterprises a testament to his strategic prowess. The tension from the past weeks had started to ease, but the battle with Victor Marlowe was far from over. The recent success had given him a sense of control, but he knew better than to rest on his laurels.

His assistant, Jessica, greeted him with a brief but urgent report. “Matthew, we’ve just received word that Marlowe has accelerated his efforts. He’s attempting a hostile takeover of one of our key suppliers. We need to respond swiftly.”

Matthew’s expression hardened as he absorbed the news. “How far along is he in the process?”

“Preliminary stages,” Jessica replied. “But we have to act fast to prevent him from gaining control.”

Matthew nodded, his mind already racing through the possible responses. “Arrange an emergency meeting with our legal and financial teams. We need t
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