**Chapter 46**

The Donovan mansion was a hive of activity as Matthew prepared for the next phase of his grand plan. The sense of victory and renewal hung in the air, but he knew that true power lay in maintaining control and advancing further. The recent successes had solidified his position, but Matthew understood that real triumph came with sustained progress and strategic maneuvering.

Matthew sat in his study, reviewing the latest financial reports and strategy documents. His office, now a blend of luxury and cutting-edge technology, reflected the new era he was ushering in. His team had been working tirelessly to consolidate the gains from the recent upheavals and expand Donovan Enterprises’ influence.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Yvonne walked in, her demeanor as composed as ever. “Matthew, I have an update on the ongoing negotiations with the tech giants. The potential partnership looks promising.”

Matthew looked up, intrigued. “What’s the latest?”

Yvonne handed
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