**Chapter 45**

The dawn of a new era for Matthew Donovan was about to begin. The aftermath of the gala had left the city buzzing with the fallout of Rachel and Jack’s disgrace. Their fall from grace had sent shockwaves through the elite circles, and Matthew’s victory had established him not just as a survivor but as a formidable force in the business world.

The Donovan mansion, now a symbol of both triumph and transformation, stood tall against the morning sky. Inside, Matthew was in his study, preparing for the next chapter of his life. The room was filled with the soft hum of activity as his trusted team finalized the details of their strategic initiatives.

Yvonne walked in, her expression a blend of anticipation and determination. “Matthew, the board meeting is set for this afternoon. We need to finalize the agenda.”

Matthew looked up from his papers, a satisfied smile on his face. “Excellent. Make sure we emphasize our new direction and the opportunities we’re going to create. We
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