**Chapter 44**

The Donovan mansion had never looked so resplendent, or so impenetrable. The towering gates, once merely a symbol of opulence, now served as a fortress, guarding against any threat that might dare approach. Matthew Donovan had transformed his once-battered life into an empire of power, precision, and retribution, but tonight, the atmosphere in the mansion was electrified with anticipation and a looming sense of finality.

Inside the mansion’s grand ballroom, the air was thick with tension as Matthew prepared for what he considered the ultimate reckoning. A grand gala was in full swing, celebrating not just his return but his complete ascendancy over those who had wronged him. The room was filled with influential figures, their murmurs and laughter a stark contrast to the seriousness of Matthew’s intent.

In a secluded corner of the ballroom, Matthew stood with Yvonne and Lexi, surveying the crowd. His gaze was sharp, calculating. The time for subtlety had passed. Tonight
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