

The office was buzzing with tension as Henderson, still trying to comprehend the events that had just transpired, looked at his boss with a mix of desperation and confusion.

“What did I do wrong?” Henderson asked, his voice shaking slightly. “I thought the card that paid for the house belonged to Mr. Donovan, but he’s just some low-life who couldn’t even scrape together enough money for his ex-girlfriend’s compensation. How could he have bought that villa? It doesn’t make any sense!”

His boss, clearly frustrated and still reeling from the realization, shot Henderson a sharp glare. “You’re not listening, Henderson! The problem wasn’t with the payment—it was with who made it. You’ve been barking up the wrong tree this whole time. The payment didn’t come from Rachel’s boyfriend, Michael—it came from Matthew Donovan.”

Henderson’s face paled as the truth began to dawn on him. “But… but that’s impossible! It was Rachel’s boyfriend, not Donovan! There’s no way he could afford something like that!”

The tension in the room continued to build as the secretary, who had been handling the transaction, stepped forward to clarify the situation. She held the payment confirmation in her hands, her expression somber and serious.

“I’ve checked and double-checked the details,” the secretary began, her voice calm but firm. “The payment for the villa was indeed made by Mr. Matthew Donovan, not by Mr. Michael. The funds were transferred directly from Mr. Donovan’s account.”

A stunned silence fell over the room as everyone turned their attention to Rachel, who stood frozen in disbelief. Her mind raced, trying to comprehend how Matthew—the man she had so thoroughly humiliated—could have possibly bought such an expensive property.

“But how…?” Rachel muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible. “How could he buy something like that when he couldn’t even give me the betrothal gift I wanted?”

Michael, sensing the rising tension and the imminent exposure of his lies, tried to slip away quietly, hoping to avoid further embarrassment. But Rachel’s voice, sharp and accusatory, cut through the silence like a knife.

“Liar!” she screamed, pointing an accusing finger at Michael. “You lied to me! You’re nothing but a cheater! You pretended to be something you’re not, and now everyone knows the truth!”

Michael’s face twisted in anger and desperation as he turned to face Rachel. “Shut up, Rachel!” he snapped, his voice filled with venom. “This is your fault! You were the one who faked everything and boasted about what you didn’t have! I’m done with you!”

Without another word, Michael grabbed Rachel by the wrist and yanked her toward the door. She stumbled, trying to keep up with his pace as he dragged her away, her protests falling on deaf ears. The office was left in stunned silence as the two of them disappeared from sight, leaving behind a room full of shocked faces.

Henderson, now fully aware of the magnitude of his mistake, turned to Matthew, his pride shattered. “Mr. Donovan,” he began, his voice trembling with genuine remorse, “I deeply apologize for the way I treated you. I misjudged you, and I’m ashamed of my behavior. Please, forgive me.”

Matthew regarded Henderson with a calm, measured gaze. The power dynamics in the room had shifted entirely in his favor, but he remained composed. “There’s no need for forgiveness,” Matthew said quietly, his voice carrying a weight that silenced any lingering doubts. “But understand this: you made assumptions based on appearances, and that was your mistake. Your punishment is learning the hard way that not everything is as it seems.”

Henderson nodded, swallowing hard as he realized just how much he had underestimated the man before him. “Yes, sir. I understand. I’ll never make that mistake again.”

At that moment, the head of the company stepped forward, his demeanor one of both respect and relief. “Mr. Donovan,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude, “I can’t thank you enough for your decision to buy the villa. It’s an honor to have you as our client. Please know that we will do everything in our power to ensure your satisfaction.”

Matthew gave a small nod, accepting the gratitude with quiet dignity. “I appreciate that,” he replied. “Let’s make sure this serves as a lesson for everyone involved.”

The head of the company bowed his head in acknowledgment, deeply humbled by the entire ordeal. Henderson, still standing beside him, looked like a man who had just survived a close brush with disaster.

As the tension in the room began to dissipate, Matthew turned and made his way toward the exit, his mind already moving beyond the events of the day. He had proven his point, and now it was time to focus on the future—one that was filled with possibilities he had never imagined.

As he stepped out into the cool evening air, his phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Yvonne, asking if they could meet for dinner. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he replied.

“Dinner sounds great. I’ll see you soon.”

With that, Matthew slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked off into the night, ready to embrace whatever came next. He had been underestimated for too long, but those days were over. The world would soon know just what Matthew Donovan was truly capable of.

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