Gambino boys

The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder as Marcellus and Roderick huddled behind the pillar, their hearts pounding in their chests. The car, once a symbol of their family's wealth and power, was now a perforated wreck, the glass shattered and metal twisted by the relentless barrage of bullets.

Marcellus glanced over at Roderick, whose face was set in a grim mask of determination. "We need to move," he shouted over the din, trying to keep his voice steady. "Get to the side entrance of the building. We can find cover there and figure out what’s happening."

Roderick nodded, his eyes scanning the area for the best route. “On my mark, we move,” he said, his voice barely audible over the continued gunfire.

Marcellus took a deep breath, gripping the pillar tightly as he prepared for their next move. “Ready,” he said.

The two men sprinted from their cover, darting across the open space as bullets whizzed past them. They reached the side entrance of the building, their footsteps echoing loudly as they crashed through the door and into the dimly lit corridor beyond.

Once inside, Roderick slammed the door shut behind them and quickly barricaded it with a nearby table. Marcellus, breathing heavily, leaned against the wall and tried to calm his racing heart.

“What the hell was that?” Roderick demanded, his face pale but resolute. “Who were those men?”

Marcellus looked over at Roderick, his eyes wide with shock. “I don’t know, but we need to be prepared for anything.”

The sound of gunfire had diminished to sporadic bursts, indicating that the attackers were either moving or repositioning. Marcellus and Roderick moved cautiously through the corridor, their senses alert for any sign of further danger.

They reached a small storage room and ducked inside, taking refuge among the stacked boxes and equipment. Roderick pulled out his gun, checking the magazine with a practiced hand. “We should stay here and see if we can get a better idea of what’s going on. Maybe we can find out who those men were.”

Marcellus nodded, his mind racing. “Agreed. We need to stay low and wait for the situation to calm down.”

Minutes ticked by, the tension in the air almost palpable. Roderick kept watch through a small window, while Marcellus took the opportunity to calm his breathing and collect his thoughts.

Suddenly, Marcellus’s phone buzzed with a message. He glanced at the screen and saw a notification from their family’s security team. It was a warning about an increased threat level from the Gambino gang, known for their ruthless tactics and longstanding rivalry with the Blackwoods.

Marcellus’s face went pale as he read the message. “Roderick,” he said, his voice trembling slightly, “the Gambinos. They’ve been silent for years, but it looks like they’ve decided to make their move now.”

Roderick’s eyes widened in disbelief. “The Gambinos? They’re the last people we’d expect to show up now. They’ve been out of the picture for a long time.”

Marcellus nodded, his mind racing. “It makes sense. They’ve been waiting for the right moment to strike, and it seems they chose tonight.”

Before Roderick could respond, the door to the storage room creaked open slightly. Both men tensed, their eyes darting toward the entrance. A figure emerged from the darkness, but it was not one of the attackers. It was one of their family’s security personnel, a burly man named Carter, who had evidently come to investigate the commotion.

“Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Roderick,” Carter said, his voice low and urgent. “Are you both alright? We’ve got the area secured, but we need to get you out of here immediately.”

Marcellus nodded, relief washing over him. “Yes, we’re fine. But we need to know who attacked us and why.”

Carter’s face was grim as he looked at them. “We’ve already contacted the police, and they’re on their way. From what we’ve gathered, it looks like the Gambinos are trying to make a play for territory and undermine your family’s position.”

Roderick frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. “How do we know for sure it was them?”

Carter pulled out a small, flattened bullet from his pocket and held it up. “We found these at the scene. They match the type of ammunition used by the Gambino gang. This confirms their involvement.”

Marcellus took the bullet from Carter and examined it closely. The distinct markings were unmistakable—this was definitely the Gambinos’ signature. “Damn it,” Marcellus muttered. “They’ve come out of hiding and decided to target us.”

Roderick clenched his jaw, his anger evident. “We need to get back to the estate and inform Father. He’ll want to know what’s going on and make the necessary arrangements for our safety.”

Carter nodded in agreement. “I’ll escort you back to the car. The area should be clear now, but we need to stay vigilant.”

Marcellus and Roderick followed Carter through the corridors and back to the main entrance of the building. The once-bustling racetrack was now eerily quiet, with the only sounds being the distant sirens of approaching police vehicles.

The black car, though still battered from the attack, was now the only available mode of transport. Marcellus and Roderick climbed inside, their faces somber as they settled into the seats.

As the car began its journey back to the Blackwood estate, Marcellus glanced at Roderick. “We need to be ready for anything. The Gambinos won’t stop here, and we need to make sure our defenses are strong.”

Roderick nodded, his expression resolute. “Agreed. We’ll gather the family and prepare for whatever comes next. We can’t let them catch us off guard.”

The car drove through the city streets, the once lively ambiance now overshadowed by the lingering threat of the Gambinos. The night had been turned upside down, and Marcellus and Roderick knew that their family was now in grave danger.

As they approached the estate, the security lights illuminated the grounds, a beacon of safety amidst the chaos. The car pulled up to the entrance, where several security personnel were already waiting, their expressions tense and alert.

Marcellus and Roderick stepped out of the car and headed inside, where they were met by their father and the rest of the family. The gravity of the situation was evident in their faces, and Marcellus wasted no time in briefing them on the attack.

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